riety with sterile anthers and small petals, near Finlaring, by Loch Tay. H. W. sp. GERANIUM pyrenaicum. Hill of Kinnoul. Fl. Scot. sanguineum. Banks of Loch Rannoch. Fl. Scot. + HYPERICUM barbatum. By the side of a hedge, near the wood of Aberdalgy in Strath-earn. Eng. Fl. Woods near Aberdalgy in Strath-earn. Fl. Scot. Scot. dubium. Woods of Kippen Ross, near Dunblane. Fl. ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Hill of Moncrief, near Perth; dry ground near York Cascade, at the Duke of Athol's, Blair; banks of the Tay near Delvine; hill of Kinnoul, by Perth. Tay-side, six miles below Dunkeld. VICIA lathyroides. ? RUBUS suberectus. Fl. Scot. Anderson's Guide. Hill of Kinnoul, by Perth. Fl. Scot. saxatilis. Moness. Winch, mss. Chamamorus. Ben Lawers, particularly near the lake; Ben More; Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. H. W. sp. arcticus. High regions of Ben-y-glo, Blair. Fl. Scot. POTENTILLA argentea. Near Perth. Den of Bethaick, near Perth; Craig-end, between Perth and the Bridge of Earn. Fl. Scot. alpestris. Ben Lawers, about the lake; Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. opaca. Braes of Balquidder. Fl. Scot. DRYAS octopetala. Craigalleach. Hooker, sp. Killin Mountains, probably the same locality. H. W. sp. Glen Tilt. W. Brands, sp. Rather plentiful upon Craig Calliach. Misc. SIBBALDIA procumbens. Bot. Near the summit of Ben More; Killin Mountains; Ben Lawers. ALCHEMILLA alpina. Road-side in Glen Shee, descending almost to Caldy Bridge; near the bridge at Killin, on the rocks in the bed of the Dochart; and thence ascending the hills to a great height, as on Ben More, Ben Lawers, and the Killin MounH. W. sp. tains. ROSA involuta. Near Meggarnie, in Glen Lyon. Br. Fl. casia. In Strath Tay, between Dunkeld and Aberfeldie; side EPILOBIUM alpinum. Ber Lawers; Killin Mountains; Ben More. On the east side of Mael Greadha, below the rocks. Bot. Misc. CIRCEA alpina. South side of Loch Tay about Finglen; Ben Lawers, &c. H. W. sp. *SEDUM album. Rock by the road-side near Perth; but close by a garden. H. W. sp. villosum. Near the sources of rivulets half-way up Ben Lawers. Bot. Misc. RHODIOLA rosea. Ben Lawers; Killin Mountains. H. W. RIBES petræum. A single specimen on the side of Loch Dochart, almost close to the road from Glen Falloch to Killin. W. sp. H. *SAXIFRAGA umbrosa. Woods at Blair Athol. Winch, add. stellaris. Ben Lawers; Killin Mountains, &c. H. W. nivalis. Ben Lawers, on rocks about the lake and near the summit; Killin Mountains; near the top of Ben More. H. W. aizoides. Road-side in Glen Shee; side of Loch Dochart; Ben More; Ben Lawers, &c. H. W. oppositifolia. Lawers. H. W. sp. Ben More; Killin Mountains; Ben cernua. Near the summit of Ben Lawers, among the loose rocks, where snow often lasts till midsummer. H. W. sp. Craigalleach. Fl. Scot. add. rivularis. Ben Lawers; Loch Rannoch. Fl. Scot. caspitosa. Ben Lawers. (Mr. Arnott, sp.) Winch, hypnoides. Killin Mountains, ascending to the summits. H. W. sp. LINNEA borealis. Fionlarig Woods, near Killin. station is very circumscribed, and the searched many days in vain.) Hill Perth. Fl. Scot. H. W. sp. (The woods might be of Kinnoul, near CORNUS Suecica. Ben More; Ben Lawers. + VALERIANA pyrenaica. Near Dupplin. Fl. Scot. GALIUM saccharatum (G. verrucosum). Carse of Gowrie. Fl. Scot. boreale. In the bed of the Dochart, near the bridge at Killin; in Glen Falloch; and at moderate elevations on the adjacent hills. H. W. Breadalbane Woods. Fl. Scot. H. W. sp. Mael HIERACIUM alpinum. Breadalbane Mountains. Duncrosk, the mountain between Craig Calleach and Mael Halleri. Ben Lawers; Ben More. Dunkeld. Winch, mss. Fl. Scot. Fl. Scot. Rocks at R. Maughan, sp. Fl. Scot. aurantiacum. Fort near Kenmore. Woods to the eastward of Kenmore. prenanthoides. Glen Lyon. Br. Fl. * I cannot say whether Chealleach, Craigalleach, Craig-na-cailleach, Craig Calliach, and Craig Chailloch are all the same identical hill, but it seems not unlikely to be the fact. So, also, as to Malghydy and Mael Ghyrdy; but not Mael Greada HIERACIUM denticulatum. Loch Rannoch; among bushes on the banks of the Earn. Fl. Scot. umbellatum. King's Seat at Dunkeld. Fl. Scot. paludosum. About Loch Tay, and elsewhere. H. W. APARGIA Taraxaci. Craig Calliach, and other mountains near it. LACTUCA virosa. Near Perth. H. W. About Dunkeld. Br. Fl. Ben Lawers. H. W. sp. Glen Lyon. Fl. Scot. ? CONYZA squarrosa. Near Blair, in Athol. Fl. Scot. Craig GNAPHALIUM Supinum. Ben More; Killin Mountains; Ben Lawers. Winch, add. (Pro Almond, seven miles from Perth. Eng. Fl. By the river at Lindock, seven miles from Perth. bably one locality, though differently described.) + DORONICUM Pardalianches. Den of Dupplin, near Perth. R. Maughan, sp. In great plenty at Stobhall, seven miles from Perth. Eng. Bot. Supp. Woods near Culross. Fl. Scot. plantagineum. Strath-earn. Eng. Bot. Supp. LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch Clunie. Winch, mss. CAMPANULA rapunculoides. Woods at Blair Athol. Winch, add. latifolia. At Taymouth Hermitage, and by the falls of Moness. Fl. Scot. Rapunculus. Perthshire. Boué, Inaug. Diss. correct?) (Is this H. W. sp. Bot. Misc. VACCINIUM uliginosum. Near the lake on Ben Lawers. ARBUTUS Uva-Ursi. Campbell, sp. Falls of the Bruar. (Dr. Wight.) W. H. + MENZIESIA cærulea. "The station is on the Athol Sow, at Dalnaspidal, half way between Dalnacardoch and Dalwhinnie. The hill fronts the Highland road, and runs parallel with it, being on the west side of the road, and immediately north of Loch Garry. Assuming the road to be 1400 feet, the plant would be at 2600 or 2800 feet. I should hardly think it reaches 3000 feet. It grows among Empetrum nigrum, which takes the place of Calluna vulgaris; the latter becoming stunted, and almost disappearing before any of the Menziesia is found." W. Brand, sp.' * By such an explicit direction, Mr. Brand has at once ended the mystery in which the locality of this species has been so long shrouded. The plant is said to have been nearly all eradicated lately by a nurseryman, who found the sale of specimens too profitable for many to be left on the hill. Unless it shall be discovered elsewhere in Scotland, I fear we ought to regard the plant as only a doubtful native. ANDROMEDA polifolia. Blair Drummond Moss, plentifully. Fl. Scot. AZALEA procumbens. Ben Lawers. W. Brands, sp. Ben More; south-east shoulder of Ben Voirlich; Ben Glow (Ben-yGloe?); Ben Ferrag, by Loch Erricht. Fl. Scot. PYROLA rotundifolia. Woods at Blair Athol, and heaths about Dunkeld (Lightfoot); Callender (Mr. Arnott). Fl. Scot. media. By the road through Glen Shee. H. W. minor. GENTIANA nivalis. Woods at Blair Athol. Winch, add. About Loch Rannock. Fl. Scot. Methven Woods. Woods at Blair W. Christy, sp. Rocks below the summit of Ben Lawers, to the south-west. Bot. Misc. CYNOGLOSSUM Sylvaticum. Carse of Gowrie. Fl. Scot. MYOSOTIS alpestris. Rocks near the summit, and also near the lake on Ben Lawers. H. W. sp. Schehallion; Mael Greadha, and others of the Breadalbane range. Fl. Scot. BARTSIA alpina. Rocks to the east of Malghyrdy; Ben Lawers. SCROPHULARIA vernalis. Clunie. W. Stables, sp. Road-side near W. Brands, sp. the hill of Moncrief, in the greatest abundance; road-side by the Inn at Clunie. Fl. Scot. MELAMPYRUM sylvaticum. Woods at Blair. Falls of Acharne, near Kenmore. H. W. sp. By the road-side going from Taymouth to the Hermitage. Eng. Fl. Fionlarig, by Loch Tay; Falls of Moness; Den of Rechip; south side of Loch Earn; woods east of Dunkeld. Fl. Scot. VERONICA hirsuta. Hills near Crief. R. Maughan, sp. (There are ? no capsules on this specimen, but in size and foliage it corresponds with another specimen, from the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh.) saxatilis. Rocks in Glen Tilt. W. Brands, sp. by the lake on Ben Lawers. Rocks H. W. sp. Craig Calliach; Mael Duncrosk; Mael Greadha. Bot. Misc. fruticulosa. Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot. alpina. Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot. Craig Calliach. Misc. TRIENTALIS europæa. Glen Targ. Br. Fl. Br. Fl. Near Callander. W. Brands, sp. Bot. In a fir-wood, on the south side of the Dochart, about one mile from Killin; in woods near Finglen, on the south side of Loch Tay. H. W. sp. Duke of Athol's Concealment always begets suspicion, but the character of the nurseryman is said to have been too good to give any fair ground for supposing the station to be artificial. Mr. Don's name is attached to a different locality, by Smith; and if Mr. Don communicated the station of "Isle of Shiant to the author of the English Flora, on his personal responsibility, this must remove all doubts. Ben woods at Blair; woods at Dunkeld, especially Dungarn-hill; Strath-earn; woods at Dunblane; Clunie. Fl. Scot, Lawers; coppice near Auchmore. Anagallis arvensis (cærulea). Delvine. Fl. Scot. Bot. Misc. Fields on the banks of the Tay, near STATICE Armeria. Near the lake on Ben Lawers; about the summits of the Killin Mountains. H. W. PLANTAGO maritima. Field near the Manse at Killin. H. W. sp. POLYGONUM viviparum. Road-side near Finglen, and by Loch bling Bridge, near Dunkeld. Winch, add. OXYRIA reniformis. On the Breadalbane Mountains, and descending, along the courses of the mountain-streams, almost to the levels of Lochs Dochart and Tay. H. W. MERCURIALIS annua. In the parish of Aberfoyle. Fl. Scot. QUERCUS sessiliflora. Edge of Birnam wood, near Dunkeld. Fl. Scot. BETULA nana. Abundant in Corri-y-Callin, north of Glen Lyon, in Breadalbane; Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot. SALIX ambigua. Between Balnagard and Aberfeldie. Br. Fl. reticulata. Ben Lawers, and Killin Mountains, between 3000 and 4000 feet up. H. W. sp. Stuartiana. Near the upper end of the burn at Fionlarig; Ben arenaria. Ben Lawers, abundant. Fl. Scot. Killin Mountains. ·fusca (argentea). Near Clunie. Fl. Scot. sphacelata. Valleys among the Highlands, as at Fionlarig; at the head of Loch Tay; Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot. Andersoniana. Breadalbane Mountains. Forsteriana. Breadalbane Mountains. Br. Fl. rupestris. Rocks on the mountains of Craig-Chailloch and Mael Ghyrdy, as well as near Aberfoyle. Fl. Scot. tenuior. Banks of the Lochy, near Killin. Br. Fl. laxiflora. Killin. Br. Fl. Breadalbane. Eng. Fl. phylicifolia. At Fionlarig, Breadalbane. Eng. Fl. Burn above Fionlarig. Bot. Misc. tetrapla. Gathered in Breadalbane. Eng. Fl. Weigeliana. Breadalbane. Br. Fl. bicolor. Glen Lyon. Br. Fl. phyllyreifolia. Vicinity of Ben Lawers. vacciniifolia. Breadalbane Mountains. Eng. Bot. Supp. Br. Fl. Br. Fl. prunifolia. Breadalbane Mountains; Blair in Athol. Fl. Scot. |