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SALIX herbacea.

H. W. sp.
H. W. sp.

On the mountains, abundant from 1000 or 1200 yards of elevation, upwards to the summits. PINUS sylvestris. North side of Loch Tay, near Killin. *STRATIOTES aloides. Loch of Clunie. Fl. Scot.

there. Br. Fl. Blair Athol. (Boué.) SCHEUCHZERIA palustris. Methven, near Perth.

Probably planted
Winch, add.

Br. Fl.

HABENARIA albida. Near Killin, by the road to Loch Dochart; lower part of Ben Lawers, ascending from Killin. H. W.

[blocks in formation]

Lintrose. Fl. Scot.

[blocks in formation]

MALAXIS paludosa. A little to the east of Ben Vorlich, and a little

above the house of Ardvorlich. Fl. Scot.

GOODYERA repens.

Den of Dupplin; woods of Scone. Fl. Scot. ? CORALLORHIZA innata. Formerly found in the woods of Methven


EPIPACTIS grandiflora. Woods of Methven Castle.

ensifolia. Woods of Methven. Fl. Scot.

Fl. Scot.

CONVALLARIA majalis. Blair Athol. (Mr. Stewart.) W. Brands, sp. Scotland-Wald, and Methven Wood; in a small glen called the Clough, north of Gask; Den of Rechip. Fl. Scot. verticillata. Blair Athol. J. Macnab, sp.

Rechip, four miles north of Dunkeld.

GAGEA luted. Near Dupplin. Fl. Scot.
ALLIUM arenarium. Dupplin. Fl. Scot.
TOFIELDIA palustis. Killin Mountains.

Br. Fl.

H. W. sp.

Den of

Glen Tilt.

W. Brands, mss. Of common occurrence, in swampy places near springs, in the middle region of the Breadalbane Mountains. Bot. Misc.

SPARGANIUM natans. By the road from Killin to Lawers. H. W. sp. LUZULA spicata. Breadalbane Mountains.

? JUNCUS filiformis. Ben Lawers.


Br. Fl.

H. W. sp.

castaneus. Near the summit of Ben Lawers; Fion Glen, behind Craig Calliach. Fl. Scot. North side of the Killin Mountains, near the summit. H. W. sp.

Mael Ghyrdy;

between Ben Cruachpen and Mael Greadha.
capitatus. The highest parts of Ben Lawers.

Bot. Misc.
Fl. Scot.

Ben-y-Gloe. Winch, add. Rocks to the east of the summit of Mael Ghyrdy. Bot. Misc. biglumis. On Ben Lawers and the Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. Mal-ghyrdy and Ben Teskerney, in Breadalbane. Fl. Scot. Not unfrequent in the Breadalbane Mountains. Br. Fl. Most plentiful on the north-west side of Mael Greadha; on the south-east side of Ben Cruachpen; Schroine ach Lochen. Bot. Misc.

triglumis. Breadalbane Mountains, plentifully. H. W. sp. ELEOCHARIS acicularis. Loch of Clunie, and Stormont Loch. Fl.


pauciflora. Flanks of the Breadalbane Mountains.
H. W. sp.
Bottom of the Athol Low. W. Brands, sp.
Malghyrdy. Fl. Scot.

ELYNA caricina. Near the summit of Schroine ach Lochan, a mountain south of Mael Ghyrdy. Bot. Misc. (I gathered it somewhere on the Breadalbane Mountains, and incline to suppose it was on Ben More. H. W.

ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Breadalbane Mountains, in plenty. H. W. sp.


alpinum. "It is to be feared that there is some mistake in regard to its having been found on the Breadalbane Mountains." Br. Fl.

capitatum. "Ben Lawers, by the side of a rivulet near the limits of perpetual snow.' Fl. Scot. (I should fear some mistake about this species also, since there is no perpetual snow on Ben Lawers.)

gracile. Boggy places in the micaceous soil of Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot.

CAREX pauciflora. North of Blair.

axillaris. Killin. Br. Fl.

distance above Loch Tay.

Fl. Scot.

Burn near Auchmore, a small
Bot. Misc.

capillaris. Ben-y-Gloe. Hooker, sp. Ben Teskerney; Craig-
nu-liet, and Mael Ghyrdy, Breadalbane.
Fl. Scot. Craig

Calleach; Ben Lawers.

Bot. Misc.

limosa. At Tullybanchar, half a mile west of Comrie; near Crief; marshes on mountains between Loch Earn and Loch Tay. Fl. Scot.

speirostachya. Hills of Perthshire. Eng. Fl.

Eng. Bot. Supp.

Ochill Hills.

atrata. Killin Mountains.
H. W. sp. Ben Teskerney,
Mael Ghyrdy, Mael-nan-tarmonach, &c. in Breadalbaue.
Fl. Scot. Craig Calliach; Mael Greadha; Ben Lawers.
Bot. Misc.

pulla. Craigalleach. Hooker, sp. Ben Lawers; banks of
the Tilt. Fl. Scot. Swampy sources of alpine rills, at the
north side of Ben Cruachpen; between Ben Cruachpen and
Mael Greadha; Mael Ghyrdy. Bot. Misc.

Mielichoferi. Rocky places on Craig-na-Chailleach. Fl. Scot.
ustulata. Ben Lawers. Fl. Scot.

rigida. Abundant on the Breadalbane Mountains, from about
800 yards upwards to the summits.
H. W. sp.

ALOPECURUS alpinus. Ben Lawers.

Fl. Scot.

PHLEUM alpinum. Ben Lawers; Craigneulict, a hill above Killin. Fl. Scot.

SESLERIA cærulea. Ben Lawers; Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. Craig Calliach; Mael Greadha, &c. Bot. Misc.

PoA alpina. Ben Lawers; Killin Mountains.

aquatica. About Perth. Fl. Scot.

H. W. sp.

MELICA nutans. Burn above Finlarig. Bot. Misc.
FESTUCA Calamaria.

Breadalbane; wooded valley at the foot of Ben

Lawers. Fl. Scot.


THIS is probably the best botanical county in the Highlands: the successful researches of the late Mr. Don, followed up by those of Mr. Drummond, Professor Graham, and others, have made the "Clova Mountains" one of the most frequently named localities occurring in our Floras. The range of mountains thus designated, however, includes a tract of country many miles in extent, so that, for the more local plants, the mere indication of “ Clova Mountains” will be a very imperfect guide to their exact stations. This imperfection, I regret to say, it is not in my own power to remove, in consequence of the names of the different hills, streams and glens being very little known to me. But some general points and bearings may be briefly mentioned as partial directions. We will suppose the botanist to be located at the public-house by the Kirk in Glen Clova. If he proceeds up the glen, towards the farm of Bradooney, contrary to the course of the river, for a few miles, the valley is found to divide into two branches. That on the right hand (which we may term Glen Bradooney) leads up to a shooting cottage; some distance above which is a small lake. Should the traveller turn to the left hand, after passing the cottage, instead of proceeding onwards to the lake, he will cross the high moors which lie between Glen Bradooney and Glen Dole. The left hand branch of Glen Clova is Glen Dole, immediately on entering which, is a short branch to the left again, which I understand to be the Glen Phu or Glen Fee, mentioned by Mr. Brands and others, with their specimens. The main branch of Glen Dole runs some miles up the course of the stream, before we arrive at a series of small waterfalls where the Sonchus alpinus is found, almost under one of the cascades. This station was for several years the only one known to living botanists; and I shall term it the "old Sonchus station.” On the left hand side of Glen Dole, before reaching these falls, is a high and pointed cluster of rocks, on the face of which grows Astragalus alpinus. On the rocks between Glen Phu and Glen Dole, is found the Oxytropis campestris; a considerable mass of debris lying underneath the rocks on which it grows. The stations of these very rare plants are thus particularly mentioned, to assist the botanist in finding them, and in order that they may serve as points from which to indicate the bearings or stations of other plants. The explanation, however, is given from the memory of some years, and may not be very accurate, since persons accustomed to flat countries often mistake the relative position of places in the mountainous tracts. It may not be amiss to remark that Mr. Don appears to speak of "the low parts of the county," and of the "summits of the mountains,” in a very general sense. The table-lands and shoulders of the mountains would seem to be included under the designation of 'summits;' and perhaps even the higher rocks on the flanks or acclivities of the mountains.




Account of the Native Plants in the County of Forfar.
G. Don. (From Headrick's Agritultural Survey of the

THALICTRUM alpinum. Several parts of the Clova Mountains.
H. W. sp.

minus. Shore near Montrose; and in stony places in the high lands, as well as by the sea. Acc.

RANUNCULUS alpestris. Sides of rills on the Clova Mountains. Fl. Scot. TROLLIUS europæus. woods near Forfar. Acc. Glen Clova,


near the Kirk. H. W.

* PAPAVER Somniferum. In newly-trenched ground, by road sides, &c. about Delvine House, near Cupar. Eng. Fl.

? DRABA muralis. About Forfar. Fl. Scot.

incana. Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp.

of Glen Dole. H. W.

Rocks on the left side

THLASPI alpestre. Rocks in Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp. (Discovered by Professor Graham, in 1832.)

LEPIDIUM Smithii. Opposite to a mill on the south side of the river Esk, near Kinnaird. Acc. Between Brechin and Montrose. Eng. Fl.

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. On the estate of Pitruchie, about one mile south of Forfar. Acc.

COCHLEARIA officinalis. Clova Mountains. H. W.

anglica? Clova Mountains on the left side of Glen Dole.

H. W. sp.

grænlandica. Mountains of Clova. Eng. Fl.

* CAMELINA sativa.

Low parts of the county. Acc.

ALYSSUM calycinum. Sandy fields on the coast, between Arbroath and the sands of Barry. Excurs.

ARABIS ciliata. Rocks near Loch Lee, in Glen Esk. Fl. Scot.
HESPERIS matronalis. On banks near Airly Castle. Acc.
BRASSICA campestris. In a field near the south end of Forfar Loch.
R. Maughan, sp.

monensis. Between Dundee and Forfar. Eng. Fl.
Rocks on the coast, between Arbroath and Montrose.

·RESEDA lutea.


VIOLA lutea.

In the low parts of the county.

Acc. In Glen Clova,

about the Kirk. H. W. On pastures at the upper part of Glen Clova, where Glen Dole and the Capel Munth separate; also close to the shieling at the foot of Canlochan Glen, where it joins Caness Glen; Hill of Dunbarrow. North



In fields near the seat of Charles Gray, Esq. of Carse. Ace. deltoides. North bank of the loch of Forfar; as also on dry ground near the north-west corner of the lake; and on banks by the sea, to the east of Arbroath. Acc.

SILENE acaulis. Many parts of the Clova Mountains; and a white variety on rocks about half-way up the left side of Glen Dole. H. W. sp.



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Sandy fields between the coast and sands of Barry, very abundant. Excurs. Between Dundee and St. An

drew's. Eng. Fl.


Acc. noctiflora.

Rocks on the coast between Montrose and Arbroath.

In sandy corn-fields near the Havens or Hains, by the sea-side. Acc.

LYCHNIS Viscaria. On dry banks near Airly Castle, and also a variety with white flowers.


alpina Little Kilrannoch, Clova Mountains. J. Macnab, sp. (Dr. Graham says that it grows on a stony summit, probably between 1000 and 1100 yards of elevation.)

SAGINA maritima. Sands of Barry; and by the Tay, westward of

[blocks in formation]

CERASTIUM tetrandrum.

the sea coast.






Roofs of houses in Forfar; and common on

Near Forfar. Fl. Scot.

Summits of the Clova Mountains. Acc.

Rocks by Loch Brandy. W. Brands, sp. Summits of the Clova Mountains. Acc.

CHERLERIA sedoides.

With Lychnis alpina.


RADIOLA millegrana. Abundant on the road-side between Forfar and Brechin, and between the former place and Montrose; frequent on moors between Montrose and Guthrie; and in similar situations between Brechin and Slateford. North Fl. GERANIUM phæum. Behind the public-house, near the Kirk, in Glen Clova. H. W. sp. With white flowers, at the sands of Barry, near Dundee. Br. Fl.

sylvaticum. About the Kirk in Glen Clova, and thence extending up Glen Bradooney and Glen Dole, probably to the subalpine region. H. W. sp. The small-flowered variety, with sterile anthers, occurs by the river, near the Kirk, in Glen Clova.

sanguineum. Lower parts of the county.
Lower parts of the county. Acc.

ULEX nanus.


OXYTROPIS campestris. Rocks on the left side of Glen Dole (towards Glen Phu?), almost facing a person when turning from Glen Clova to Glen Dole.

H. W. sp.

uralensis. Montrose. Br. Fl.


High rocks, on the left side of Glen Dole, half

way up the glen, or more. H. W. sp.

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