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VICIA lutea. Rocks on the coast, between Montrose and Arbroath.


LATHYRUS sylvestris. Rocks near the Red Head Promontory, on the coast between Arbroath and Montrose.


Den of Airly, twelve miles west of Forfar, sparingly.

sylvaticus. By the side of the Isla. Acc.

OROBUS niger.
Eng. Fl.


Lower parts of the county.


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*SPIREA salicifolia.

Lower parts of the county.


H. W. sp.

DRYAS octopetala. On the rocks where Astragalus alpinus grows.

RUBUS suberectus. Near the Kirk, and in other parts of Glen Clova.

H. W.

saxatilis. Lower parts of the county. Acc.
Dole and Glen Bradooney. H. W.

Chamamorus. On the higher moors about Clova.
POTENTILLA tridentata. Mountains eastward of Clova.

Sides of Glen

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mountain called Werron, and some other hills in Angusshire, to the westward. Eng. Fl. "The Hill of Werron is of great extent; being composed of a central ridge, with a number of branches, it lies very low." G. Macnab, mss. argentea. Very rare on rocks not far from the Loups of Kenny, near Airly Castle; common on rocks on the Sidlaw Hills. Acc.

opaca. Rocks on the Clova Mountains.


alpestris. Widely distributed on the rocks to the south of the Fee; and in Glen Isla. Excurs. High rocks in Glen Isla; Glen Phu; Glen Keilba; Loch Brandy. W. Brands, sp. Side of Garry Burn, Clova. G. Macnab, mss. verna. Rocks between Broughty Castle and Dundee.

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COMARUM palustre. Lower parts of the county. Acc. On the tablelands above Glen Dole. H. W.

SIBBALDIA procumbens. Glen Phu. W. Brands, sp.

tains above the old Sonchus station.

On the mounH. W. sp.

ALCHEMILLA alpina. In the bed of the river, a little above the Kirk of Clova, and thence in many places upwards to the tops of the mountains; also on the road-side between Cortachy and Clova Kirk; and on the road-side in Glen Shee. H. W. sp. Loch-Lee. W. Brands, sp.

Dr. Macnab mentions a burn and rocks, called Garry Burn and Rocks, "on the right hand side of Glen Clova," and also speaks of Garry Burn Rocks, "opposite the Oxytropis rocks in Glen Phu."

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ROSA tomentosa (and scabriuscula). Lower parts of the county. Acc. I think to have observed this at a considerable elevation on the left side of Glen Dole.

H. W. sp.

Fl. Scot.


Sabini (Doniana). Mountains of Clova.


Lower parts of the county.

systyla (R. collina, of Don). Lower parts of the county. Acc. PYRUS communis. Lower parts of the county. Acc.

-pinnatifida. One tree, in a plantation by the road-side between Kerriemuir and Norfar, probably planted there. H. W.

EPILOBIUM roseum. Forfarshire. Br. Fl.

· alsinifolium. In a small stream, a few yards to the right
of the path from Clova Kirk towards the two farm-houses at
the head of the glen, before reaching the first of them; and
on the mountains above the old Sonchus station.
H. W. sp.
Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp.

alpinum. Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp. Many parts of the Clova Mountains. H. W. sp.

CIRCEA alpina. Lower parts of the county.


CERATOPHYLLUM demersum. Lakes of Rescobie and Balgavies. Acc. SCLERANTHUS perennis. Gravelly banks near Forfar, rare. Fl. Scot. SEDUM album. Cottage roofs in Forfar. H. W. sp. House tops at Forfar, Glammis, &c. Fl. Scot.

anglicum. On rocks near Dundee; and near Broughty Castle. Acc.

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Near Broughty Castle; not rare in the county.

Rocks on the Clova Mountains, in many places.

Woods near Airly Castle, by the river side. Fl.

SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Frequent on rocks and in wet places on the Clova Mountains. H. W.

nivalis. Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp. More common in Glen Isla, than in Glen Clova. Excurs. In small quantity below the Oxytropis station; and on rocks, on the left side of Glen Clova, nearly opposite the first farm-house, above the Kirk. H. W. Garry Burn Rocks, Clova. Macnab, sp.

· oppositifolia.


Glen Phu. W. Brands, sp. Rocks on the sides of Glen Bradooney and Glen Dole, in plenty. sp. Garry Burn Rocks, Clova; and Loch-Lee. G. Macnab,


H. W.

aizoides. In the marshes. Acc. On the bed of the river, above Clova Kirk, and plentiful in swampy places on the left side of Glen Dole, and elsewhere about the Clova Mountains.

- hypnoides.

Burn Rocks.

- platypetala.


H. W. sp.

Left side of Glen Dole. H. W. sp. Garry

G. Macnab, mss.

Summits of the Clova Mountains. Acc.
Highest mountains of Angus. Fl. Scot.

elongella. Summits of the Clova Mountains. Acc. Banks

of a rivulet not far from Airly Castle. Fl. Scot.
rock by the river near Lintrathen. Eng. Fl.

On a

SAXIFRAGA lætevirens. Moist rocks on elevated situations on the

mountains. Eng. Fl.

pedatifida. Rocks near the head of Glen Clova. Fl. Scot.

Summits of the Clova Mountains.


CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Forfarshire. Acc.

CICUTA virosa. Forfar Loch. W. Stables, sp. Margins of Rescobie and Balgavies Lochs.


+ CARUM Carui. The most common umbelliferous plant near Arbroath, and there is no doubt of the species being indigenous there. Acc.

FONICULUM vulgare.


MEUM athamanticum.

On rocks on the foreside of the Sidlaw Hills.

On the banks of the river, above and below the Kirk of Clova. H. W. sp.

+ CHÆROPHYLLUM aureum. By the side of corn-fields, between Ar

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broath and Montrose.


aromaticum. By the side of the river called Lunan and Vennie, not far from Guthrie. Acc. Near Guthrie, seven miles east of Forfar, " undoubtedly wild." (G. Don.) Eng. Bot. Supp. Near Guthrie, by the road-side leading from Forfar to Arbroath. Fl. Scot. (I give these different descriptions of the station, to faciliate the quest of botanists, though they seem to mean the same place)

MYRRHIS odorata. Low parts of the county, always near houses. Acc.

ERYNGIUM maritimum. Shore near Montrose. Acc.

LINNEA borealis. Glen Dole, in great plenty amongst the heather on the left side, between the station of Oxytropis campestris and Astragalus alpinus, but at a lower elevation. H. W. sp. CORNUS Suecica. Clova Mountains, in several places, particularly on the heath to the left of the old Sonchus station, H. W. sp. Lower parts of the county. Acc.

GALIUM erectum.


aristatum. · pusillum.

Near Kinnaird. Fl. Scot.

Angus-shire, but not common. Br. Fl.

Rocks on the south side of Glen Dole, and on the west side of Glen Fee; with Oxytropis campestris, in the latter station. North. Fl.

saccharatum. Near Forfar. Fl. Scot.

spurium. Corn-fields near Forfar. Fl. Scot.

boreale. In the lower parts of the county. Acc. Abundant on rocks at the "Burn," near Brechin; Loch-Lee. North. Fl. By the river, in Glen Clova, near the Kirk; and on the sides of Glen Dole.

FEDIA dentata.


SONCHUS alpinus.

H. W.

Field between Arbroath and Montrose, very abun-

H W. sp.

Water-falls at the head of Glen Dole.
Glen Isla. W. Brands, sp. In five new stations in Glen

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APARGIA Taraxaci.

of Clova.

Frequent on the table-lands in the upper district

HIERACIUM alpinum. On the hills between Glen Bradooney and Glen Dole: and on rocks along the opposite side of the latter. H. W. sp. Loch-Lee.. W. Brands, sp.

Halleri. Mountains of Clova. Br. Fl.
Lawsoni. Clova Mountains. Fl. Scot.

silvaticum (maculatum). Fir Wood east of Forfar. Fl. Scot.

paludosum. In several woods. Acc.

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Glen Clova. H. W.

Among bushes, in King's Seat, north of



Rocks near the head of Clova. Fl. Scot.
Rocks on the Clova Mountains.





Summits of the Clova Mountains.
In several woods. Acc. Banks of the

Esk, near the farm called the Cairn, near Forfar. Fl. Scot.
Rocks on the left side of Glen Dole.


HYPOCHÆRIS maculata.

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Fl. Scot.

Dry woods east of Forfar. glabra. Lower parts of the county. Acc.

PRENANTHES hieracifolia. Debris of the hills of Turin and Pitsandly.


LAPSANA pusilla. Lower parts of the county.


SAUSSUREA alpina. Rocks on the left side of Glen Dole, and other parts of the Clova Mountains. H.W. sp.

ARTEMISIA maritima (and gallica). Rocks on the coast between Arbroath and Montrose. Acc.

CNICUS heterophyllus. Lower parts of the county. Acc. Glen Clova, near the Kirk, and in other places. H. W.

GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Glens Clova, Bradooney, and Dole; and on the adjacent mountains.


H. W. sp.

H. W. sp.

Mountains round Glen Dole and Glen Clova.

gallicum. Dry banks near Forfar. FL Scot.

ERIGERON alpinus. Rocks on the left side of Glen Dole, near Astragalus alpinus, and in other places. H. W. sp. At the head of Canlochan Glen, with Gentiana nivalis. North. Fl.

acris. Arbroath Common. Excurs. Sands near Arbroath; Sands of Barry.

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ASTER Tripolium. Sea-shore near Montrose; by the Tay, westward

of Dundee. Acc.

Fl. Scot.

+ DORONICUM Pardalianches. Near Kinnaird. Acc. PYRETHRUM maritimum. Sands near Arbroath. Acc. * ANTHEMIS tinctoria. Road-side north of Forfar. CENTAUREA Jacea. "Discovered in a young plantation on Newbigging Muir, near Belmont Castle, 1811, by Mr. Young. Seen near Newtyle, Angus-shire, by D. Don: but I doubt

whether it may not be the same station as the first.


carrity, by Kinnordy, Kerriemuir, C. Lyell, Esq." Fl. Scot.

Frequent in Angus-shire.

Br. Fl.

LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch Brandy, Clova. J. H. Balfour, sp. Loch of Lintrathen. Acc.

CAMPANULA latifolia. Forfarshire.


rapunculoides. Foot of Duninald Den (a wood near the sea), at Usan, in the vicinity of Montrose. North. Fl.

glomerata. Coast between Arbroath and Montrose, particularly near Auchmithie, where it occurs with white flowers; rocks in the neighbourhood of Montrose, as at Usan, Duninald, and St. Cyrus; near Dysart, three miles from Montrose. North. Fl.

VACCINIUM uliginosum. Many places on the Clova Mountains. H. W. sp.

Vitis-Idea. In the low parts of the county. Acc. Plentiful on the mountains about Clova.

H. W. sp.


Oxycoccos. Marshes. Acc. On the table-lands above the left side of Glen Dole. H. W. sp. ARBUTUS alpina. Hill of the White Haugh. J. Macnab, sp. the summit of the mountain immediately south of Bradooney, Clova, apparently very local. W. Brands, sp. (Probably the same station.)

Uva- Ursi.


Glen Clova, Glen Dole, and adjacent hills. H. W. Abundant on the road-side near Glen Esk. Macnab, sp.


AZALEA procumbens. On the hill between Glen Bradooney and Glen and others of the Clova Mountains. H. W. sp. On the top of Cairn Inks, a mountain opposite to the Inn at Clova. North. Fl.

PYROLA rotundifolia. Woods near Forfar; and summits of the Clova
Mountains. Acc. Gonnacha Wood. Br. Fl. On the
Astragalus alpinus rocks in Glen Dole.
H. W. sp.
media. Plentiful in Glen Dole, chiefly lower down than the
Kirk. H. W. sp. Wood near Slateford. W. Brands, sp.


Woods near Forfar.


secunda. Loch-Lee. W. Brands, sp. Rocks on the left side of Glen Dole. H. W. sp.

uniflora. Summits of the Clova Mountains.

not on the summits?)

Acc. (Surely

GENTIANA nivalis. Glen Isla. Graham, sp. Both sides of Glen Isla. Excurs. At the top of Canlochan Glen, head of Glen Isla, upon rocks well marked by the white veins of quartz which intersect them in different places, and having at their summit a patch of snow, that generally remains during the whole year; also on the north side of Canlochan Glen. North. Fl.

CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Sands near Arbroath. Acc.

* CUSCUTA europæa. On flax. Acc.

LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. On the beach, near the village of Torens

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