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banks of the Lossie, extending seven or eight miles from the
sea. G. Gordon, sp. Stotfield, six miles from Elgin. Br.

ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
ELEOCHARIS pauciflora. Culben sands; near Findhorn. G. Gordon, sp.
RHYNCOSPORA alba. At Dyke Moss, north of Brodie House.
Fl. and W. Stables, sp.

BLYSMUS rufus. Loch of Spynie.


G. Gordon, mss. Common along the sands on the Moray coast, and in moorish bogs for some hundred feet of altitude. North. Fl.

CAREX pauciflora. Aviemore.

G. Gordon, mss.

incurva. At Speyslaw; Burghead; Culben; near Innes House, Urquhart. G. Gordon, sp.

teretiuscula. Loch of Spynie. G. Gordon, sp.

Pseudo- Cyperus. Elginshire. (Mr. Innes.) G. Gordon, mss. - fulva. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

strieta. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

Gordon, cat.

- filiformis. In a bog near Aviemore. Eng. Fl. AMMOPHILA arundinacea. Lower part of Elgin. MELICA nutans. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

PoA aquatica. In a burn east of Findhorn; and in ditches east of Birkenhill. North. Fl.

[blocks in formation]

BROMUS Secalinus.

don, cat.


North. Fl.

Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced.
Corn-fields in Drainy, and at Spynie.

AVENA pubescens. Knock of Alves; Logie. G. Gordon, mss.
LOLIUM temulentum. Springfield, near Elgin. W. Stables, sp. Corn-
field, a mile and half south from Elgin. W. Brands, sp.
Birnie. North. Fl.

ELYMUS arenarius.

North. Fl.

TRITICUM junceum.

Stotfield, west of Burghead; but rare in Moray.

Lower part of Moray. Gordon, cat.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

RHINANTHUS major. Near Boath (Mr. Brichan); farm of M**

parish of Auldearn; Howford.

LYCOPUS europæus. Bog-side of Boath.

Cawdor. W. Brands, sp.

W. Stables, sp.
W. Stables, sp. Near

MENTHA Sylvestris. Nairnshire. (Mr. Brichan.)

W. Stables, sp.

LEONURUS Cardiaca. Ruins of Pennick Castle. (Mr. Brichan.)

W. Stables, sp.

UTRICULARIA intermedia. Moss of Inshoch. (Mr. Brichan.) W.

Stables, sp.


Cawdor Woods.

W. Stables, sp. Frequent in Nairnshire and all the Northern counties. G. Gordon, mss. Sea-coast near Lochlee. W. Stables, sp.


POLYGONUM viviparum. Auchindown. G. Gordon, mss.
On the Moray coast, east of Nairn Harbour.

SALICORNIA herbacea.

North. Fl.

GOODYERA repens. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp.

GAGEA lutea.

Near Black-hills.

W. Stubles, sp.

W. Stables, sp.

CONVALLARIA majalis. Cawdor Woods.

POTAMOGETON prælongus. Lochlee; Moss of Litie (Mr. Brichan),

W. Stables, sp.

JUNCUS maritimus. Lochlee. (Mr. Brichan.)

W. Stables, sp.

balticus. In great abundance along the shore of the Moray Firth, from the Nairn to the Spey. G. Gordon, sp. ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. Near Auldearn; Lochlee. W. Stables, sp.

Wet moors, west of Inshoch Castle; Moss of Litie. North. FL. BLYSMUS rufus. South shore of the Moray Firth, frequent. G. Gordon, mss.

CAREX incurva. Coast east of Nairn.

FESTUCA calamaria.

[blocks in formation]

THALICTRUM alpinum. Craigue. G. Gordon, mss. On the Red Cairn and the north and west sides of Ben Nevis, in se


veral places. H. W.

The Red Cairn is the rough granitic (or sienitic) ridge, northward of the snowrocks on Ben Nevis. I ascended it on the declivity fronting Neptune's Staircase, and descended it by the precipitous slope, on the contrary side to Ben Nevis. By "west" is meant the side ascended, and by "north" is to be understood the side descended, though not exact to the points of the compass.

[blocks in formation]

G. Gordon, mss.
H. W.

North side of

G. Gordon,

Anderson's Guide.

NUPHAR pumila. Lochs at Kilhuntly, in Badenoch.

mss. At Farletter, Badenoch.

DRABA incana.

Skye. Fl. Scot.

ARABIS petræa. Baikeval, in Rum, abundantly; Ben-na-cailleach, in Strath, in the Isle of Skye. Fl. Scot.

COCHLEARIA officinalis. North side of Red Cairn; rocks below the snow rocks on Ben Nevis, and above the lake on the west side of the hill, at 1200 yards.

[blocks in formation]

H. W.

North. Fl.

DIANTHUS deltoides. Cromwell's Mount, Campbelltown. W. Stables, sp. SILENE acaulis. Glenfeshie. G. Gordon, mss. Ben Nevis, in several places, and to the summit of Red Cairn. H. W. maritima. At about 2000 feet of elevation on Ben Nevis ; again at a height probably exceeding 3000 feet; Red Cairn, at 900 to 1200 yards. H. W.

[ocr errors]

anglica. In a field near Culloden, in great abundance. Excurs. SAGINA maritima.

Coast of Skye. Fl. Scot. Summit of Ben Nevis. Eng. Fl. (May not the latter locality be referrible to Spergula saginoides?)

STELLARIA Scapigera.

About Loch Nevis. Fl. Scot.

cerastoides. Badenoch side of Cairngorm. G. Gordon, sp. North side of Red Cairn, and on wet granite (or sienite?) rocks below the snow, on the north side of Ben Nevis. H. W. sp.

CERASTIUM latifolium. On the north and west sides of Ben Nevis ; north side of Red Cairn. H. W. sp.

alpinum. Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot.

CHERLERIA sedoides. On Baikeval, in Rum. Fl. Scot.

GERANIUM Sylvaticum.

Lower Fall of Foyers.

sanguineum. About Inverness.

H. W.
Fl. Scot.

HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Arisaig; Skye. Anderson's Guide.

? OROBUS niger. Craiganain, near Moy House, has been given as a locality for this plant, but several late attempts to find it have failed. Anderson's Guide.

sylvaticum. Baikeval, in Rum. Fl. Scot.

PRUNUS Padus. About Inverness.

Fl. Scot.

RUBUS suberectus. Near Loch Ness. Fl. Scot.

saxatilis. Badenoch. G. Gordon, mss. By one of the streams from the snow rocks on Ben Nevis. H. W. Chamamorus. Craigue, Badenoch. G. Gordon, sp. DRYAS octopetala. On the limestone rocks in Skye. Fl. Scot. SIBBALDIA procumbens. Badenoch side of Cairngorm. sp. Nevis Mountains, at 2000-4000 feet. ALCHEMILLA alpina. Badenoch. G. Gordon, mss. of Foyers; Ben Nevis; Red Cairn; &c. EPILOBIUM alpinum. Red Cairn; Ben Nevis. noch. G. Gordo, mss.

alsinifolium. Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot.

G. Gordon, H. W. sp. Both the Falls

H. W.

H. W. sp.


CIRCEA alpina. Lochness and Corpach.

Foyers. North. Fl.

G. Gordon, mss. Fall of

RHODIOLA Tosea. Fall of Foyers, and Craigue. G. Gordon, mss.

Rocks below the snow on Ben Nevis; Red Cairn. H. W.
COTYLEDON Umbilicus. Near Campbell-town.
RIBES petræum.
Foot of Craignethie, and
G. Gordon, sp.

SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Ben Nevis and Red Cairn.

noch. G. Gordon, mss.

Fl. Scot. banks of the Spey,

H. W. sp. Bade

aizoides. Rocks by the road-side, within a few feet of the sea-level, between Fort William and Loch Leven. H. W. oppositifolia. Glenfeshie. Gordon, mss.

rivularis, Shortly below the snow on the rocks of Ben Nevis; near the summit of Red Cairn. H. W. sp. Near the summit of Ben Nevis, on the east side; near the lake on the ascent to Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot. (I should doubt the last locality.) caspitosa. Among the rocks, near the summit of Ben Nevis. Comp.

hypnoides. Glen under the snow rocks on Ben Nevis; and above the lake on the west side. H. W.

ENANTHE pimpinelloides. Isle of Tiree.

Fl. Scot.

? PETROSELINUM segetum. Grass-field in the Isle of Tiree. (Dr. Walker.) Fl. Scot.

sativum. Rocks by the sea-side, at Dunvegan, in Skye, but near M'Leod's Castle.

Fl. Scot.

MEUM athamanticum. North side of Loch Ness. Fl. Scot.

LIGUSTICUM Scoticum. Skye. Fl. Scot.

ANTHRISCUS Cerefolium. Near Granton, escaped.

W. Brands, sp.

CORNUS Suecica. Ben Nevis, between the lake and snow rocks.

H. W. sp. Cairneiler. G. Gordon, mss. About Inver

ness. Fl. Scot.

LINNEA borealis. In a fir wood, called Drummond, one mile to the south-west of Inverness. Fl. Scot.

GALIUM boreale. Badenoch; Fort William; Glen-morrison.

HIERACIUM alpinum. Craigue. G. Gordon, mss.

Gordon, mss.

Hooker, sp.

Skye. Fl. Scot.

Near the lake on Ben Nevis.

prenanthoides. Near Pitmain. Fl. Scot.

APARGIA Taraxaci. Badenoch. G. Gordon, mss.

Eng. Fl.


H. W. sp.

Isle of Skye.

SAUSSUREA alpina. Skye; mountains in Rum. Fl. Scot. GNAPHALIUMм dioicum. Near Inverness; near Neptune Inn, at the west end of the Caledonian canal; by the lake on Ben Nevis. H. W. The variety "hyperboreum," in the Isle of Skye. Br. Fl.

supinum. Red Cairn; in many places on Ben Nevis. H. W. sp. Badenoch hills. G. Gordon, mes.

LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch Baladren, near Aviemore. W. Stables, sp. VACCINIUM Vitis-Idea. Lower Fall of Foyers; by the lake on Ben Nevis, and under the snow rocks.

H. W.

VACCINIUM uliginosum. Badenoch. G. Gordon, sp.

North side of
H. W. sp.

Red Cairn; north and west sides of Ben Nevis.

ARBUTUS alpina. By the lake on Ben Nevis; and on the west side of Red Cairn. H. W.. sp. Near Garviemore, Winch, add. On Ben-na-grion, in Skye. Fl. Scot.

Uva-ursi. Plentiful in several places by the high-road from
Dulnacardoch to Inverness; west side of Red Cairn; Ben
Nevis, as high as the lake.

H. W. sp.

in the Moorlands. G. Gordon, mss.

AZALEA procumbens. By the lake on Ben Nevis.

Abundant on hills

H. W. sp. Ben

vochart, near Inverness. Fl. Scot. Cairngorm. North. Fl. PYROLA rotundifolia. Banks of the dam at King's-mills, near InverAnderson's Guide. Culloden Woods.


secunda. Farletter and Craignuan.

loden Woods. Fl. Scot.

Fl. Scot.

G. Gordon, mss.

G. Gordon, mss.

GENTIANA nivalis. Inverness. Boué, Inaug. Diss.
LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Fort George.

BARTSIA alpina. Inverness. Boué, Inaug. Diss.


VERONICA alpina. A few feet from the summit of Red Cairn, and near the springs below the snow rocks on Ben Nevis. H. W. sp. Garway Moor. Fl. Scot. Mountains north from Loch Erricht, in Badenoch. Winch, mss.

AJUGA pyramidalis. On Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot. Strath Erric. Br. Fl.
PINGUICULA lusitanica. Skye. Fl. Scot. Ben Nevis. Winch, add.
UTRICULARIA minor. Corryattachan, in Skye. Fl. Scot.
TRIENTALIS europæa. Near Inverness (Craig Phadrick?) H. W.

Field of Culloden. Fl. Scot.

STATICE Armeria. Summit of Red Cairn; rocks below the snow on Ben Nevis, H. W.

PLANTAGO maritima.

North-west side of Ben Nevis, at about 450

yards of elevation. H. W.

CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Near McKennon's Castle, Skye. Fl. Scot. POLYGONUM viviparum. Ben Nevis; Red Cairn. H. W.

OXYRIA reniformis. Ben Nevis; Red Cairn. H. W.

EMPETRUM nigrum. Plentiful round the lake on Ben Nevis, and adjacent slopes; Red Cairn. H. W.

BETULA nana. Near Aviemore.

Gordon, mss.

Hooker, sp. Cairneiler. G.

SALIX Russeliana? Near Inverness, towards Culloden Moor. H. W.



Glen under the snow rocks, on Ben Nevis ; north side of Red Cairn. H. W.



Glen Tarfe, near Fort Augustus. Eng. Bot.

Glen Nevis. Fl. Scot.

Glen Nevis. Eng. Fl.

procumbens. Brae- Riach, one of the Cairngorm range. Br. Fl. myrsinites. Brae- Riach. Br. Fl.

herbacea. Ben Nevis, descending as low as the outlet of the

lake; Red Cairn. H. W. sp. Craigue. G. Gordon, sp.

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