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RANUNCULUS parviflorus. Between Millbrook and Crafthole; in the

Vale of Menachan, near Helston. Tour.

Flammula (reptans). On Goonhilly Downs. Tour.

GLAUCIUM luteum. Shore near Crafthole.

[blocks in formation]



Between Crafthole and Looe; at Swan Pool.

COCHLEARIA officinalis. Near Castle Treryn.
BARBAREA præcot.


"Before we reached Parrcombe we noticed Ery. simum præcox growing on the Killas rocks: this was the only place in the county we noticed this rare plant. I had some doubts respecting it; but Mr. Anderson was quite sure that it was the true plant. We found it in a field near the cliffs between Polcarras and Parrcomb." Tour.

RAPHANUS maritimus. About the Lizard. Tour.

RESEDA lutea. Between Fowey and St. Austle; near Tregony. Tour. DROSERA anglica. Marazion Marsh. Tour. (This is probably the

Marsh between Penzance and Marazion, called Gulval marsh, in the former volume. I observed D. longifolia in that marsh, but not D. anglica.


longifolia. Near Castle Treryn; between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor. Tour.

SILENE maritima. Shore near Crafthole.


anglica. Between Mullion and Helstone; near Pengerswick Castle, near Breoch. Tour.

ARENARIA tenuifolia. Between Fowey and St. Austle. Tour. CERASTIUM tetrandrum. Between Crafthole and Love; on the sands at Marazion; between Zennar and Mawgan; Gorse Moor and Roche. Tour.

LINUM augustifolium. Near Fowey. Tour.

RADIOLA millegrana. Between Fowey and St. Austle; near the Land's End; between Zennar and Mawgan; Gorse Moor and Roche. Tour.

HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Between Crafthole and Looe; in the vale of Menachan; at Cotehele, near Callington. Tour. ERODIUM maritimum. Between Crafthole and Looe; vale of Menachan; between Zennar and Mawgan; at Cotehele. Tour

GERANEUM striatum.

"Dr. Penneck informed us that he had observed Acanthus mollis, and Geranium striatum completely wild near Penzance." Tour. (In 1831, I observed the latter growing vigorously in two places, by road-sides, near Penzance; but they were quite near to gardens. H. W.) ULEX nanus. Goonhilly Downs. Tour.

GENISTA pilosa. On the cliffs above the Devil's Frying Pan, near Kedgeworth; near the Land's End; between Zennar and Mawgan. Tour.

TRIFOLIUM Suffocatum. Shore near Crafthole. Tour.

VICIA lathyroides. Near Fowey.

PRUNUS Padus. Near Bodmin.



COMARUM palustre. In a bog near Phillack; at Swan Pool. Tour. SANGUISORBA officinalis. At Kedgeworth.


ROSA villosa. Between Millbrook and Crafthole; near Tregony; between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor.


PYRUS torminalis.


At Kedgeworth; downs near Mullion. Tour.
Hare Down, near Bodmin. Tour.
domestica. Mr. Lees suggests that the preceding species has
been mistaken for the present one, in this county and else-
where, except Wyre Forest.

ILLECEBRUM verticillatum. Gorse Moor and Roche. Tour.
HERNIARIA glabra. Falmouth; Kedgeworth. Tour.

SEDUM anglicum. Between Millbrook and Crafthole. Tour.
SMYRNIUM Olusatrum. Near Pengerswick Castle.


DAUCUS maritimus. Cliffs near Crafthole; Kedgeworth; sea-cliffs near Zennar. Tour.

PHYSOSPERMUM cornubiense. Two miles north-west of Bodmin, on Hare Down, half a mile above Dunmere River. Tour. ERYNGIUM campestre. Said to have been found on the shore of Mount's Bay, near Penzance. Tour. (I saw only the other British species in 1832. H. W.)

RUBIA peregrina. Near Crafthole. Tour.

FEDIA dentata.



Corn-fields near Crafthole.

[blocks in formation]


Fowey; Kedgeworth; Marazion. Tour.

CONYZA squarrosa. Fowey. Tour.

ANTHEMIS nobilis. Between Fowey and St. Austle.


ASTER Tripolium. About the Lizard. Tour. On Asparagus Island,

and neighbouring rocks.

H. W.

CAMPANULA hederacea, Between Fowey and St. Austle; Carnbreh Hill, near Camborne; between Callington and Tavistock, in the road leading to the bridge over the Tamar. Tour. ERICA vagans.

Between Zennar and Mawgan, on the north coast, very sparingly. Tour. In Mylor. Br. Fl.

ciliaris. In dry elevated ground, among fir trees, in Sir C. Lemon's Park, at Carclew, near Truro. W. A. Bromfield, sp. ERYTHREA pulchella. Shore near Crafthole. Tour.

EXACUM filiforme. In a ditch near the road leading to Bodmin, four miles from St. Michael's; Gorse Moor and Roche. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Shore near Crafthole. Tour.


CUSCUTA Epithymum. Vale of Menachan; between Zennar and

Mawgan. Tour.

ANCHUSA Sempervirens. Between Crafthole and Looe; near Tregony; at Falmouth; near Bodmin. Tour.

VERBASCUM nigrum. Between Crafthole and Looe; Fowey; near Tregony. Tour.

ANTIRRHINUM Orontium. About the Lizard.


BARTSIA viscosa. In a ditch by the road-side, between Looe and Fowey, about two miles from the latter; near Tregony; near St. Just; between Falmouth and Helford; near the Land's End; about St. Ives; near Bodmin. Tour. SCROPHULARIA Scorodonia. Shores of Falmouth Harbour, at Flushing. W. A. Bromfield, mss. In the road leading to Tre

genna Castle, St. Ives. Tour.



Sides of the road, about two miles from Fowey towards Looe near Ruan Lanyhorne; near Bodmin. MENTHA rotundifolia. Near Bolleit, near the Land's End.

sylvestris. At St. Michael's.


Pulegium. (The asterisk (*) should have been placed to this species, not to M. gentilis, on page 11.) CALAMINTHA Nepeta. Near St. Austle. Tour. SCUTELLARIA minor.

Between St. Michael and Corse Moor. Tour. About the Lizard. Tour.

PINGUICULA lusitanica.

In a bog near Phillack; about St. Ives;

between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor. Tour.

STATICE Limonium.

Shore near Crafthole. Tour.

LITTORELLA lacustris. At Swan Pool, near Falmouth.

CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Falmouth. Touy.

BETA maritima. Shore near Crafthole. Tour.


POLYGONUM Raii. (P. maritimum, Ray). Between Marazion and Penzance. C. C. Babington, mss.

sides of Penzance.

H. W. sp.


Near Fowey. Tour.

SALIX Smithiana,

vitellina. At Falmouth.

decipiens. In a bog near Phillack.

On the sands, on both


- fusca (repens). In a bog near Phillack; vale of Menachan; between Zennar and Mawgan.

[blocks in formation]

(adscendens). Near the Land's End; Goonhilly Downs.

[blocks in formation]

ACTINOCARPUS Damasonium. (The mark of doubt (?) ought to have

The locality not to have

preceded the name of this species, on page 11.
is likely enough, in itself, but the plant appears
been found elsewhere in the west of England; on which ac-
count it is worth while to draw more particular attention to
the station.)

IRIS tuberosa.


In Truciffe Lane, near Penzance, on the top of a hedge, on the left-hand side, in turning up from Love Lane, about fifty yards from the turn; at Barfle, a small tenement


belonging to Lady Davy, the orchard is overrun with plants of it. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix. 205.

[blocks in formation]

RUPPIA maritima.

BLYSMUS compressus.

Between Falmouth and Helford. Tour.

At Swan Pool. Tour.

Between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor. Tour.
Goonhilly Downs. Tour.

SCIRPUS maritimus. At Swan Pool, Falmouth. Tour.

Savii. On the heath, between the Lizard Lights and Soap
Rock, Kynance Cove.
H. W. sp.

ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. Near the Land's End. Tour.

[blocks in formation]

FESTUCA rubra.

AVENA strigosa.


Between Mullion and Helstone. Tour.

Near St. Just; between Penzance and St. Ives.

ROTTBOLLIA incurvata. In the vale of Menachan.



THALICTRUM minus. Berry Head. (Mrs. Griffiths.) W. Bromfield, mss. GLAUCIUM luteum. Frequent along the coast; Exmouth; Teignmouth; Paignton sands; Braunton Burrows. Fl. Dev. CORONOPUS didyma. At the ferry, Dartmouth, on the side next the town; a perfect weed in Lockyer Street, Plymouth, and elsewhere about that town, at the foot of walls and edges of the pavement. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

SINAPIS tenuifolia. In profusion on walls about Plymouth; Catsdown Quarries, on the rubbish heaps. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

KONIGA maritima. On the shore below Long100m Point, Plymouth, gathered two successive seasons, but hardly wild, and not plentiful. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

DIANTHUS Armeria. Kingsteignton. Fl. Dev.

deltoides. Road-side east from the Teign, near Teignmouth. (Rev. J. Poole.) J. C. Collins, mss.

SPERGULA subulata. (The reference of "H. W." is to be substituted for "B. G."- Page 15.)

LINUM angustifolium. Staddon Heights, Plymouth. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

TILIA parvifolia. Entire woods of this species at Buckland, near Ashburton. (Mr. ?) W. A. Bromfield, mss. (The

*woods" lead to the presumption of the trees being planted, not indigenous. I cannot decipher the name of the individual, from whom Dr. Bromfield derived his information. H. W.)

HYPERICUM Androsæmum.

Grace Eastman, sp.

Plentiful about South Molton. Miss

RHAMNUS Frangula. Dell at Ivy Bridge, most abundant. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

MEDICAGO maculata. Plymouth. W. A. Bromfield, sp.

CORONILLA varia. Among rocks at the Berry Head; and at Linton. Mag. Nat. Hist. x. 603. (The addition of this plant to our native flora is yet of doubtful propriety.

See the explanations of Dr. Bromfield, in the work referred to.)

ROSA spinosissima. Sentry Field at Morton; Sourton Common, near Oakhampton; Dungeon Cliff, Marychurch.

Fl. Dev.

tomentosa. Hedges at North Bovey, near the village; and at Chagford. Fl. Dev.

PYRUS domestica.. (Should be erased from the Devonshire list. W. A. Bromfield.)

POLYCARPUM tetraphyllum. At the foot of walls, by the road-side, both upper and lower, from Dartmouth to the Paper-mill. W. A. Bromfield, sp.

CORRIGIOLA littoralis. Slapton Sands.

W. A. Bromfield, sp.

BRYONIA dioica. Powderham Castle, a suspicious locality. (Mr. Abraham.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.

BUPLEURUM Odontites. Rocks at Torquay; Flagstaff Hill; appearing periodically only. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

ASPERULA cynanchica. Pinhey Cliffs, near Lyme. Fl. Dev.
FEDIA Auricula. Torquay. (Mr. Borrer.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.
VALERIANA rubra. Rocks at Longroom Point, and elsewhere at
Plymouth, not indigenous. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

CHRYSOCOMA Lynosyris. "In plenty on the grassy slopes, near the edge of the cliffs at Berryhead, very much to the west of the last fortification; most luxuriant when growing amongst bushes at the margin of adjoining fields." W. A. Bromfield,


LOBELIA urens.

"Quite at the bottom of Kilmington Hill, or Shute Common (Axminster end), on a part of the heath facing the George public-house, but on the other side of the road, growing amongst tufts of short furze or heath, in tolerable plenty, 1836. The inhabitants know the plant from the frequent visits of the curious. I am told by Mr. Abraham, it occurs scattered over Woodbury Hill, and I found one specimen at a considerable distance from the general station." W. A. Bromfield, mss.

W. A. Brom

ANCHUSA Sempervirens. Truly wild in a retired lane, on a bank amongst weeds, a few miles from Plymouth. field, mss.

ATROPA Belladonna. A plant or two on the shore below Longroom Point, Plymouth, scarcely wild there. W. H. Bromfield, mss. VERBASCUM Blattaria. Dartmouth, near the ferry; also by the road

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