side (upper one) going to the Paper-mill. mss. W. A. Bromfield, VERBASCUM virgatum. Dawlish. C. C. Babington, mss. Tor Abbey grounds, Torquay, amongst potatoes. MELITTIS Melissophyllum. Cann (?) Wood, near Plymouth. W. A. Bromfield, sp. (Insert “B. G.” after “ Hall,” on the tenth line of page 23.) OROBANCHE Caryophyllacea. edition, is in error. The Devonshire station, in Br. Fl. 3d STATICE spathulata. Berry Head, in one place only, 1886. W. A. LITTORELLA lacustris. On the margin of the great pool near the sea. between Slapton and Tor-cross. (Mrs. Griffiths.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. Haldon. Fl. Dev. EUPHORBIA Peplis. Slapton Sands, locally. W. A. Bromfield, mss. portlandica. Tor Abbey grounds, Torquay, abundant. W. A. Bromfield, sp. Paralias. Slapton Sands, in the utmost profusion. W. A. Bromfield, mss. pilosa? Linton. H. W. sp. The specimen was probably gathered in the wooded hollow, under the right-hand side of the road descending from Linton to Leemouth; but there being only the autumnal remains of the flower-stalks, I do not feel quite assured of the species. ARISTOLOCHIA Clematitis. Powderham. (Mr. Abraham.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. ORCHIS ustulata. Shaugh Vale. Fl. Dev. TRICHONEMA Columna (T. Bulbocodium, page 24. ). The exact spot is on the left of the old road, from Exeter to Dawlish, before ascending the hill to Mount Pleasant, and almost in front of the small cottages there; it extends, at intervals, to the ferry. Mag. Nat. Hist. vii. 272. LEMNA trisulca. Pond at St. Mary's Clyst. Fl. Dev. SCIRPUS Savii. Devon. Br. Fl. 3d edition. BRIZA minor. Torquay. (Miss Griffiths.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. FESTUCA rubra. Teignmouth. Jones's Botanical Tour. uniglumis. Exmouth Sands. HORDEUM pratense. Fl. Dev. Sides of the Terrace-walk, below Barnstable Bridge. H. W. sp. SPARTINA stricta. Starcross, Devon. C. C. Babington, mss. Devon. (Goodenough, in Smith's Herbarium.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. CLEMATIS Vitalba. III. SOMERSET. Street; and generally through all the lias of the County. J. C. Collins, mss. On Quantock. A. Southby, mss. THALICTRUM minus. Still growing plentifully on Cheddar Cliffs. J. C. Collins, mss. RANUNCULUS parviflorus. About the Quarry, Wembdon; not uncommon around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. Generally in the district north-east of the Quantock Hills. J. Poole, HELLEBORUS viridis. Leigh Woods (Mr. Thomas Clark); on the Mendip Hills, near Compton Martin; Sidcot. J. C. Collins, mss. ACONITUM Napellus. "Mr. Clark, who furnished Sir J. Smith with the Somersetshire locality of this plant, describes it as growing in great plenty on both sides of one of the tributary streams of the river Tone, between Ford and Milverton, occurring at intervals for four miles along its course; but says that it is erroneously stated as growing in other similar situations in that neighbourhood." J. C. Collins, mss. PEONIA corallina. Steep Holmes, W. A. Bromfield, sp. "In 1834, nearly eradicated by destructive visitors." J. C. Collins, mss. A single plant in the centre of a large wood, near the "Rocks," Bath. C. C. Babington, mss. PAPAVER hybridum. Abundantly in fields at the mouth of the river Parret, at Steart, and Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. somniferum. Spread widely over the sand-hills at Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. MECONOPSIS cambrica. At the bottom of the hill, south-east of the village of Cutcombe. J. Poole, mss. Culbone Cliffs. Collins, mss. J. C. GLAUCIUM luteum. Burnham; Steart; Stotford; Minehead; occasionally, indeed, on the whole coast of the Bristol Channel. J. C. Collins, mss. CORYDALIS claviculata. Enmore; Bromfield; Seven Wells; Overstowey. J. Poole, mss. Conygear Hill, Dunster; Charlinch. J. C. Collins, mss. lutea. On an old wall at Chilton Polden; also at Dunster. J. C. Collins, mss. NASTURTIUM sylvestre. Burtle Turf-Moor. J. C. Collins, mss. ARABIS stricta. Cheddar; rocks on the Quantock Hills, near Merridge; Leigh Woods. J. C. Collins, mss. COCHLEARIA anglica. Rocks at Brean Down. J. C. Collins, mss. The localities followed by the name of the Rev. J. Poole were communicated for this work, by the Rev. J. C. Collins. The plants have all been recently observed in the several places mentioned; and the same remark applies to those followed by the name of the latter gentleman. DRABA muralis. East Harptree. J. C. Collins, mss. IBERIS amara. Very rarely among the sand-hills at Burnham. J.C. Collins, mss. CAKILE maritima. Berrow; Burnham; Steart; Minehead. J. C. Collins, mss. CAMELINA sativa. Timber-yard at Bridgwater. (Mr. Clark.) J. C. Collins, mss. LEPIDIUM ruderale. BRASSICA oleracea. mss. Leigh Wood, near Bristol. J. C. Collins. campestris. Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. SINAPIS muralis. J. C. Collins, Old walls at Taunton. J. C. Collins, mss. (The plant of the Flora Bathonensis, under the name of “ S. tenuifolia," is to be referred to the present species. - Page 29.) CRAMBE maritima. Burnham, on the coast near the Church. J. C. Collins, mss. RAPHANUS maritimus. At the base of Brean Down, towards Berrow, very rare. J. C. Collins, mss. KONIGA maritima. Burnham Sands. J. C. Collins, mss. RESEDA fruticulosa (or alba ?). Very abundant on the sand at Westonsupra-mare, between the town and the pier, but certainly an escape from gardens only, from which it is easy to trace it all along. W. A. Bromfield, mss. HELIANTHEMUM ledifolium. (The name of this plant may be dismissed from the British Floras; the Rev. J. C. Collins having searched for it in vain "nearly every year for the last ten years." Page 29.) VIOLA flavicornis. On the sea banks, on both sides of the mouth of the Parret; very common in Burtle Turf-moor, where there is also a milk-white variety of V. canina, if it is not another species. J. C. Collins, mss. DROSERA longifolia. Common on Burtle Turf-moor, towards ShapJ. C. Collins, mss. wick Heath. DIANTHUS deltoides. arenarius. On the lias near Street. J. C. Collins, mss. "Described in Rutter's North-east Somerset, as found at Cheddar, with some remarks on the distinction of this plant and D. cæsius." J. C. Collins, mss. SILENE maritima. South side of Brean Down, plentifully; Clevedon. J. C. Collins, mss. Coast between Watchett and Minehead; Flat Holmes Island. J. Poole, mss. anglica. Near the Horse and Jockey, Kingsdown. Add. Ft. Bath. ARENARIA peploides. marina. tenuifolia. } CERASTIUM tetrandrum. On the sea-coast at Steart, Burnham, and in the salt marshes near Burnham and Brean. J. C. Collins, mss. Common among the sand-hills at Burnham and Steart. J. C. Collins, mss. LINUM angustifolium. Abundant on the lias near the coast at Shurton Bars. J. C. Collins, mss. LINUM perenne. Puriton, and on the Polden Hills. J. C. Collins, mss. LAVATERA arborea. Steep Holmes, on the north side. J. C. Collins, mss. ALTHEA officinalis. Commyn at Middlezoy, and in the Sedgmoors. J. C. Collins, mss. HYPERICUM calycinum. Covering a copse at Kilve, being probably as wild as in any English station. J. C. Collins, mss. Androsæmum. Not unfrequent in the lanes to the westward of Bridgewater, and in the red soil of Quantock. J. C. Collins, mss. montanum. Towards the extremity of Brean Down; hills above Cheddar Rocks. J. C. Collins, mss. elodes. Boggy ground on the Quantock Hills above Holford; Seven Wells, Coombe. J. C. Collins, mss. GERANIUM sanguineum. On the rocks below Leigh Wood, on the Somerset side of the Avon. E. Lees, mss. ERODIUM maritimum. By Berrow Church; Steep Holmes. J. C. Collins, mss. IMPATIENS Noli-me-tangere. Collins, mss. Poole, mss. In the woods at Prior Park. J. C. RHAMNUS Frangula. Woods above Ely Green, Over Stowey. J. On the Polden Hills. J. C. Collins, mss. catharticus. Thicket above Cheddar. J. C. Collins, mss. ULEX nanus. Quantock Hills. J. C. Collins, msś. provincialis. Hills about Bristol; also on Quantock, by Asholt. "The Savans' at the late meeting of the British Association, at Bristol, determined that the Ulex growing on the hills near that city was not the common U. europæus, but U. provincialis. I have since found the same plant in this neighbourhood." J. C. Collins, mss. ONONIS spinosa. mss. Common in corn-fields near Quantock. J. Poole, MEDICAGO sativa. Naturalised in the Burnham sand-hills. J. C. Collins, mss. TRIFOLIUM subterraneum. Collins, mss. On the Quantocks, near Holford. J. C. maritimum. Abundant about Shurton Bars, Stoke-courcy. J. C. Collins, mss. stellatum. Stated in Rutter's North-east Somerset as growing at Weston-in-Gordano. J. C. Collins, mss. scabrum. Field opposite the Parsonage House, Charlinch. J. Poole, mss. ornithopodioides. Field at Milverton. J. C. Collins, mss. ASTRAGALUS glycyphyllus. Near Charlton Mackarell. (Mr. Clark.) J. C. Collins, mss. HIPPOCREPIS comosa. Copse at Ford, on the Polden Hills. J. C. Collins, mss. ONOBRYCHIS sativa. In a very wild station on the cliffs at Little Stoke, near Stoke-courcy. J. C. Collins, mss. VICIA angustifolia. Merridge on the Quantocks, near Hawkridge Water. J. C. Collins, mss. lathyroides. Plentifully among the sandy fields at Steart. J. C. Collins, mss. bithynica. Between Bristol and Pensford. J. Poole, mss. lutea. Still growing on Glastonbury Torr Hill; but V. hybrida, I fear, is lost there. J. C. Collins, mss. LATHYRUS Aphaca. Common on the lias, by the sea, near Stokecourcy. J. C. Collins, mss. Nissolia. In some years, frequent around Bridgwater; Wembdon; Goathurst. J. C. Collins, mss. sylvestris. Plentifully in Charlinch Lane, near Bridg- latifolius. Copse on Polden Hill, near Ford. J. C. Collins, PRUNUS domestica. mss. RUBUS rhamnifolius. mss. POTENTILLA verna. mss. argentea. J. C. Collins, mss. Common near the Quantock Hills. J. Poole, Frequent round Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. COMARUM palustre. Abundant in Burtle Turf-moor, and moors adjoining. J. C. Collins, mss. ROSA systyla. Common in the neighbourhood of Bridgwater. J. inodora. South side of Brean Down. J. C. Collins, mss. canina (Forsteri). In a lane leading from below Prior Park Gate to Combe Down; near Bathampton rocks. Add. Fl. Bath. tomentosa. In the lane with R. Forsteri. Add. Fl. Bath. PYRUS communis. On the hill leading to Cothelston; Spaxton. J. C. Collins, mss. torminalis. With P. communis. J. C. Collins, mss. EPILOBIUM roseum. On the Quantocks. J. C. Collins, mss. ENOTHERA biennis. Naturalised on the sand-hills between Burnham and Berrow, for a mile or more. J. C. Collins, mss. MYRIOPHYLLUM verticillatum. Burtle Turf-moor; Middlezoy Sedg moor. J. C. Collins, mss. BRYONIA dioica. Cannington Park; Stoke-courcy; Charlinch. J. C. Collins, mss. SEDUM album. Walls at Clifton. E. Lees, mss. |