SEDUM dasyphyllum. Bedminster, on an old wall. (Mr. Clark.) J. around the Quantocks. J. C. Collins, mss. (Erase the comma between "Monckton" and "Farley." - Page 31.) CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. By the side of the Cannington Brook; Charlinch; indeed, by all the streams flowing eastward from Quantock. J. C. Collins, mss. APIUM graveolens. In most of the ditches round Bridgwater, occasionally flooded by the river; marsh at Highbridge. J. C. Collins, mss. PETROSELINUM sativum. Old walls at Bridgwater; Quarry, Wembdon. J. C. Collins, mss. segetum. Banks, Wembdon; Stoke-courcy. J. C. Collins, mss. HELOSCIADIUM repens. Middlezoy Moor. J. C. Collins, mss. mss. Wembdon. J. C. Collins, SIUM latifolium. Burtle Turf-moor; ditches in the Sedgmoors, frequent. J. C. Collins, mss. BUPLEURUM rotundifolium. Corn-fields on Polden Hills. J. C. Collins, mss. (ENANTHE peucedanifolia. Between Stoke-courcy and Shurton Bars. J. C. Collins, mss. pimpinelloides. Common around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. Phellandrium. Ditches at Weston-supra-Mare; frequent in the ditches and ponds about Bridgwater; Wembdon. J. C. Collins, mss. FENICULUM vulgare. Steart; Burnham; Cannington Park; Middlezoy, frequent; Wembdon. J. C. Collins, mss. SILAUS pratensis. Common in all the neighbourhood of Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. CRITHMUM maritimum. Abundant at Brean Down; Clevedon; Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. PEUCEDANUM palustre. Frequent in Burtle Turf-moor. J. C. Collins, mss. PASTINACA sativa. Common around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. DAUCUS maritimus. Near Brean; Shurton Bars. J. C. Collins, mss. CAUCALIS latifolia. Corn-fields, Middlezoy, and Westonzoyland. J. C. Collins, mss. ANTHRISCUS Cerefolium. Near Bridgwater; Old Bank, Middlezoy. J. C. Collins, mss. MYRRHIS odorata. Hedges by the road-side between West Street, Bridgwater, and Enmore. J. Poole, mss. SMYRNIUM Olusatrum. Plentiful on Wembdon Hill, and about Middlezoy. J. C. Collins, mss. ERYNGIUM maritimum. Abundant at Steart; Burnham; Minehead. J. C. Collins, mss. ERYNGIUM campestre. Given in Rutter's North Somerset as growing at Weston-supra-Mare. J. C. Collins, mss. VIBURNUM Lantana. Frequent in hedges and copses around Bridgwater; Wembdon; Enmore Wood. J. C. Collins, mss. VISCUM album. Frequent in the orchards, in West Somerset. J. C. ASPERULA cynanchica. Around Street and Glastonbury, on the lias. J. C. Collins, mss. RUBIA peregrina. Abundant in the hedges westward of Bridgwater, towards Stoke-courcy. J. C. Collins, mss. GALIUM tricorne. Abundant in corn-fields by the sea, near Shurton FEDIA dentata. VALERIANA rubra. Rocks at Minehead; old walls of Glastonbury Abbey. J. C. Collins, mss. DIPSACUS pilosus. Road-side about a quarter of a mile south-east of Cannington, near Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. Fullonum. About Mark and Huntspill; around Bridgwater. J. C. Colins, mss. TRAGOPOGON porrifolius. By the river side, Bridgwater, towards Moorland. J. C. Collins, mss. PRENANTHES muralis. Cheddar Rocks. J. C. Collins, mss. Hedges near Spoxton, in elevated situations on the north-east of Quantock. J. Poole, mss. HIERACIUM Sylvaticum. On the Quantocks, near Cothelston; Cheddar. J. C. Collins, mss. umbellatum. Collins, mss. ONOPORDUM Acanthium. On the Quantocks, near Cothelston. J. C. Near the Church, Berrow. J. C. Collins, CNICUS acaulis. On the hill above Cheddar. J. C. Collins, mss. Occasionally on Quantock; common on Polden Hill. J. Poole, mss. pratensis. Common in Burtle Turf-moor, and the adjoining moors. J. C. Collins, mss. ARTEMISIA maritima. Abundant on both sides the river Parret, towards the mouth. J. C. Collins, mss. CONYZA Squarrosa. mss. ERIGERON acris. Frequent around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, Burnham; Street. J. C. Collins, mss. About the limestone quarries at Halse, near Taunton. R. C. Alexander, mss. SENECIO Squalidus. In the marsh near Burnham and Huntspill. J. C. Collins, mss. saracenicus. Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. ASTER Tripolium. Common on the banks of the Parret at Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. LIMBARDA crithmoides. Steep Holmes. J. C. Collins, mss. DORONICUM Pardalianches. By the side of the brook, near St. Catherine's. Add. Fl. Bath. ANTHEMIS nobilis. Radlett Common, Spaxton; and other moist pastures in that neighbourhood. J. Poole, mss. CAMPANULA Trachelium. Collins, mss. About Cheddar, and on the Cliffs. J. C. glomerata. About Cheddar, and on the Cliffs. J. C. Collins, mss. hybrida. In corn-fields, but rarely; Wembdon. J. C. Collins, mss. (Mr. Babington suggests that "Stantonbury Hill" is intended by "St. Anthony's Hill; but says that there is no quarry there. The name "Thompson" is given as the authority for the station in my copy of Mr. Winch's MSS. Add.- Page 33.) hederacea. Plentifully on the Quantock Hills, above Holford. J. C. Collins, mss. VACCINIUM Oxycoccus. At Shapwick, in fruit, 1836. J. C. Collins, mss. Vitis-Idea. Leigh Woods, near Bristol, and in that neighbourhood. J. C. Collins, mss. MONOTROPA Hypopitys. Leigh Wood; near Dunster. J. C. Collins, mss. CHLORA perfoliata. Abundant at Shurton Bars, Little Stoke, and on all the lias bordering the channel. J. C. Collins, mss. ERYTHREA pulchella. Leigh Woods. J. Poole, mss. Burnham Berrow. J. C. Collins, mss. litteralis. Brean Down. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Collins, mss. J. C. Collins, mss. Abundant at Steart and Burnham. J. C. CUSCUTA Epithymum. On furze, &c. in the parish of Broomfield; and other elevated parts of Quantock. J. Poole, mss. europea. Hills above Minehead; Quantock. J. C. Collins, mss. On the bank of the Avon, opposite to Bath-ford. Add. Fl. Bath. LITHOSPERMUM purpuro-cæruleum. In a copse near the road, between Bridgwater and Pawlett; South Brent, very plentiful on the brow of the hill, above the village. (Mr. Clark.) J. C. Collins, mss. ANCHUSA Sempervirens. Monkton, near Taunton; Bridgwater ; Goathurst. J. C. Collins, mss. Enmore; Castle Hill, Nether Stowey. J. Poole, mss. SYMPHYTUM asperrimum. Near Bath. C. C. Babington, sp. ATROPA Belladonna. Among the shingles, on the coast near Little Stoke. J. C. Collins, mss. (In a different communication, with which I was favoured by the Rev. J. C. Collins, a locality for this plant is named "Lilstock; a name that appears in Gazetteers, which do not mention any "Little Stoke" in this county. Perhaps "Lilstock" may be a local abbreviation of the name?) VERBASCUM nigrum. Near Milverton. J. C. Collins, mss. ANTIRRHINUM Orontium. Corn fields, Enmore, not uncommon. J. Poole, mss. King's Cliff, North Petherton. J. C. Collins, mss. LINARIA Elatine. A common weed, in gardens and corn-fields, near Quantock. J. Poole, mss. spuria. Edington, on Polden Hill. J. Poole, mss. Wembdon; Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. VERONICA spicata. St. Vincent's Rocks, a little below the Hot Wells. E. Lees, mss. Rocks by the Hot Wells, in plenty, but of difficult access. W. A. Bromfield, mss. (V. hybrida.) LYCOPUS europæus. Halse, near Taunton. R. C. Alexander, mss. MENTHA rotundifolia. Middlezoy. J. C. Collins, mss. citrata. Between Bridgwater and Street. mss. J. C. Collins, GALEOPSIS Ladanum. Plentiful in the corn-fields, west of Little Stoke. J. C. Collins, mss. STACHYS ambigua. Westonzoyland; Middlezoy. J. C. Collins, mss. In a ditch bounding Miller's Nursery Garden, Bristol. (C. C. Babington, Esq.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. ACINOS vulgaris. Cheddar Cliffs. J. C. Collins, mss. (Read "Stantonbury Hill" for "St. Anthony's Hill?"— Page 35.) CALAMINTHA officinalis. Not uncommon in the Quantock district. J. Poole, mss. MELISSA officinalis. This plant deserves a place in a British Flora, more than many admitted. It is not unfrequently found in decidedly wild stations near Bridgwater, particularly at Westonzoyland, Over Stowey, Wembdon, Charlinch." J. C. Collins, mss. SCUTELLARIA minor. Common on the Quantocks. J. C. Collins, mss. OROBANCHE elatior. Plentifully on Brean Down. J. C. Collins, mss. HOTTONIA palustris. Common in ditches, in the marshes around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. ANAGALLIS arvensis (cærulea). A weed in, a garden at Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. In corn-fields at Marshfield, Conkwell, Swainswick, and on Barrow Hill. Fl. Bath. Burnham STATICE Armeria. Brean Down. W. C. Trevelyan, sp. salt-marsh; Bossington Hill. J. C. Collins, mss. spathulata. Steep Holmes. J. C. Collins, mss. Limonium. Abundant in the salt marsh between Highbridge and Burnham, by the river's mouth. J. C. Collins, mss. GLAUX maritima. CHENOPODIUM maritimum. All plentiful at the mouth of the river urbicum. Enmore, common. J. Poole, mss. ATRIPLEX laciniata. portulacoides. BETA maritima. SALICORNIA herbacea. Collins, mss. } J. C. On the sea-coast, near the mouth of the Mouths of the rivers Parret and Axe. J. C. POLYGONUM dumetorum. Among bushes, on a bank, in a hollow through which the Western Railway passes, about one mile from Keynsham towards Bristol. (C. C. Babington, Esq.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. RUMEX maritimus. Mouth of the Parret; Steart Marsh. J. C. Collins, mss. pulcher. Brean Down. J. Poole, mss. Near Minehead. J. C. Collins, mss. Common on road-sides. Fl. Bath. THESIUM linophyllum. Claverton Down. (Mr. John Kitley.) Add. Fl. Bath. EUPHORBIA platyphylla. Edington, on Polden. J. Poole, mss. Lathyris. Apparently indigenous in Warley Wood. Add. Paralias. Sandy coast from Burnham to Brean. J. C. Peplis. Sandy coast from Burnham to Brean. J. C. Collins, mss. pilosa. "In plenty in a lane leading from Prior Park Lodge to Combe Down, and also in a wood to the east of the monument at Prior Park, as it appears to me, truly wild; kindly pointed out to me by the discoverers, Mr. E. Simms and Dr. Heneage Gibbes." Fl. Bath. (This is the E. Epithymoides of Flora Bathonensis, as I am told by the Author, to whom I am indebted for a specimen, and who further adds, that the Sussex plant is to be referred to E. coralloides, not to the present species. H. W.) Buxus sempervirens. Quantock Hills. (Mr. Clark.) J. C. Collins, mss. ULMUS glabra. Common in the hedges in West Somerset. J. C. Collins, mss. suberosa. Common in the hedges in West Somerset. J. C. Collins, mss. QUERCUS sessiliflora. Halse, near Taunton. R. C. Alexander, mss. HYDROCHARIS Morsus-rana. Common in the ditches, in the moors around Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. In wet places, among the sand-hills, Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. ORCHIS pyramidalis. mss. Common in all the lias district. J. C. Collins, OPHRYS apifera. Abundant among the sand-hills, at Burnham. J. C. Collins, mss. NEOTTIA spirulis. Pastures at Enmore and Goathurst, not uncommon. J. Poole, mss. At Steart; between Pensford and Whitley. (Mr. Clark.) J. C. Collins, mss. EPIPACTIS rubra. One specimen, and only one, I discovered near Hawkridge Water, on the Quantocks. J. C. Collins, mss. NARCISSUS biflorus. Meadow at Cannington, near Bridgwater. J. C. Collins, mss. GALANTHUS nivalis. Along the course of Durleigh Brook; banks at Spaxton. J. C. Collins, mss. |