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HYPERICUM elodes. Bog on Waldron Down, six miles from Uckfield,

with Sibthorpia. W. A. Bromfield, sp. Ashdown Forest; Gargle Wood, &c., E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss. GENISTA pilosa. Sussex, in St. Leonard's Forest, I believe, gathered by Mr. Borrer in 1836. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

ULEX nanus. Ashdown Forest, &c. W. H. Coleman, mss.
MEDICAGO denticulata. Shoreham. C. C. Babington, sp.

On a

shingle bank, close to the river at Shoreham, on the opposite side from the town. Mag. Nat. Hist.

TRIFOLIUM stellatum.

On the same bank with Medicago denticulata,

at Shoreham. Mag. Nat. Hist.

· suffocatum. (Add the reference to "Bot. Sus.”—Page 54.) LOTUS augustissimus. (During a residence of five years here, Dr. Bromfield has not found this species on the Castle Hill.) VICIA lutea. On the same bank with Medicago denticulata, at Shoreham. Mag. Nat. Hist.

angustifolia. Standen Rocks, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman,


LATHYRUS Nissolia.

In a young fir plantation between Mill Place and West Hoathley; above Standen Rocks; and by the lane between Busses and Walesbeech Farms, near East Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

PRUNUS domestica.

Page 54.)

(Refer to " Smith, cat." instead of "Bot. Sus."

FRAGARIA elatior. Copse on the hill-side near East Marden. (Rev. G. E. Smith.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.

ROSA tomentosa. Common in hedges near E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

inodora. Hedges west of Fenland Ponds, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

micrantha. Frequent in hedges near E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, sp.

systyla. In the lane through the shaws between Bellman's Town and Ridge Hill Farms, near E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, sp. MESPILUS germanica. Two or three trees, apparently wild, in Ore Lane, Hastings, on the right, just before coming to the descent near Dr. Fearon's house; woods at the Old Road, Hastings; hedges at the back of St. Leonard's, between Catfield and Ninfield. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

EPILOBIUM roseum. In the bed of the brook, near Brambletye Place, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, sp.

CALLITRICHE pedunculata. St. Leonard's Forest, one of the original stations, pointed out to me by Mr. Borrer. C. C. Babington, sp.

RIBES rubrum. Apparently wild in many moist spots about Hastings; stream-side at the Hop-grounds; Dell at the Fishponds, &c. W. A. Bromfield, sp.

SISON Amomum. About Hastings, as at the Old Road, &c. W. A. Bromfield, mss. E. Grinstead. W. H. Co'eman, mss. BUPLEURUM tenuissimum. Selsea. (Rev. G. E. Smith.) W. A. BromDr. Bromfield does not find it near Hastings.

field, mss.

ENANTHE peucedanifolia ? In the marshes near Bulverhithe, I find a plant agreeing well with Pollich's description and plate of E. peucedanifolia, but which wants the tubers or granular masses at the root; root leaves linear, and general involucre wanting. Dr. Bromfield. (I have specimens, without roots, received from different parts of Britain, showing several intermediate steps between E. peucedanifolia and E. pimpinelloides. H. W.)

Phellandrium. Fenland Ponds, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

FENICULUM vulgare. About Winchelsea and Rye. W. A. Bromfield,


SILAUS pratensis. E. Grinstead.

W. H. Coleman, mss.

W. A. Bromfield, mss.
W. A. Bromfield,

DAUCUS maritimus. Shore near Hastings.
TORILIS infesta.
A pest in corn-fields, Hastings.
mss. E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

SMYRNIUM Olusatrum. Till very lately abundant at Hastings, and still not uncommon, though rendered less plentiful by recent building; brow of the hill, near the Windmills, on the bank by the road-side; by the Harpsichord House. W. A. Brom

field, mss.

ERYNGIUM maritimum.

Shore at Little Hampton. (Mr. Pamplin, senior.) W. Pamplin, mss.

FEDIA Auricula. Growing with the ordinary F. dentata of British botanists, in various places amongst corn, around Hastings,


and in profusion in an old clover-field, near Valebrook Farm,
a short mile from that town. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix. 85.
the north side of the brook that runs through the hop-
grounds, Hastings. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

GALIUM tricorne. On the top of the cliff to the westward of St. Leonard's, in a corn-field. (Dr. W. Harwood.) W. A. Bromfield, mss. (Does Mr. Winch's locality of "Arkesdene" intend Arkesdon, in Essex?)

HIERACIUM maculatum. Wood between Tickeridge Farm and Sidlesfield Common; and by the road from Hareley Farm to Turner's Hill, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

CNICUS Forsteri. In the Gargle Wood, and an adjoining pasture called the Gargle West Field, on the farm of Mays, three miles south of E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss. pratensis. In a wood near Fenland Ponds, and from thence along the brook to Brambletye; Imberhorne Wood; Gargle Wood and Field; elsewhere near E. Grinstead: wood above the pond, Horstead Keynes. W. H. Coleman, mss. acaulis. Newhaven. Mag. Nat. Hist. viii.

ANTHEMIS nobilis. Ashdown Forest; Sidlesfield Common; E. Grinstead Common. W. H. Coleman, mss.

CAMPANULA hederacea. Bog on Waldron Down. W. A. Bromfield, sp. Plaw and Gargle Woods, E. Grinstead; wood above the pond, Horstead Keynes; Ashdown Forest. W. H.

Coleman, sp.

PYROLA Secunda. Sussex. (Mr. Borrer.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.

[blocks in formation]

(I should fear some misapprehension respecting this plant being found in Sussex. It has hitherto been regarded as exclusively a Highland or mountain plant. H. W.) VACCINIUM Oxycoccus. Bogs in Hindlip Warren, Ashdown Forest. W. H. Coleman, mss.

CHLORA perfoliata. In great abundance on the steep chalky banks facing the sea, below the Holywell public-house, near Eastbourne. W. A. Bromfield, sp.


VILLARSIA nymphæoides. Lewes Level. W. A. Bromfield, sp.
MYOSOTIS repens. Sussex. C. C. Babington, mss.
LINARIA spuria. Near Newhaven. W. C. Trevelyan, sp.
in corn-fields at Eastbourne. W. A. Bromfield, sp.
Elatine. Corn-fields at Eastbourne; Hastings.
Bromfield, mss. E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.
(Read "Storrington.”—Page 59.)

LIMOSELLA aquatica.

W. A.

Bog on Waldron Down, six miles from Uckfield. W. A. Bromfield, sp.


Ore Lane, and Fish-pond Dell, Hastings; a common plant about that town. W. A. Bromfield, mss. GALEOPSIS Ladanum. On the shingle at Eastbourne, in abundance. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

versicolor. Not uncommon in hedges near E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.


SCUTELLARIA minor. Boss on Ashdown Forest; Gargle Wood, near
E. Grinstead; Chiddingly Wood, near West Hoathly.
H.. Coleman, mss.

HOTTONIA palustris. Ditches on Pevensey Level, in many places.
W. A. Bromfield, mss.

CENTUNCULUS minimus. Ashdown Forest. W. H. Coleman, mss. Harefield Common. C. C. Babington, mss.

LITTORELLA lacustris. Fenland and Furnace Ponds, near East Grinstead; in the pond, Horstead Keynes. W. H. Coleman, mss. CHENOPODIUM olidum. At the foot of the houses in Caroline Place,

Hastings. W. A. Bromfield, sp.

RUMEX pratensis. Marshes of the Adur, near Henfield; also on the Arun, at Amberley. Eng. Bot. Supp.

EUPHORBIA coralloides. In hedges adjoining the parsonage at Slinfold, especially abundant on the inner, or field side of a hedge, forming one side of a lane leading from the Village into the fields. W. A. Bromfield, mss. (This is the E. pilosa of vol. i., and of the British Flora, which Mr. Babington states to be the E. coralloides of Linnæus.)

· platyphylla. Not uncommon in corn-fields about Hastings. W. A. Bromfield, mss. In an old clover-field near Valebrook Farm, a short mile from Hastings. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix. Not uncommon in clayey corn-fields near East Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.


amygdaloides. Hastings, abundant. W. A. Bromfield,



Uncommon about Hastings. W. A. Bromfield,

[blocks in formation]

IRIS fætidissima. (Read "Hastings; common."— Page 62.) NARCISSUS biflorus. In the Park, and elsewhere, at Saint Hill, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

Pseudo-Narcissus. Near Hastings.

W. A. Bromfield, sp.

ORNITHOGALUM pyrenaicum. (Read "Chichester Southgate.".

Page 62.)

Ruscus aculeatus. Abundant about Hastings. W. A. Bromfield, mss. POTAMOGETON acutifolius. Sussex. Hooker, sp.

oblongus. Henfield Common. C. C. Babington, mss. LUZULA Forsteri. More common than L. pilosa about E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

JUNCUS acutus. In a bog at Emsworth, near a timber-yard. (Mr. Borrer.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.

RHYNCOSPORA alba. Waterdown Forest. W. Pamplin, mss. ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. Bogs on Ashdown Forest; above the pond, Horstead Keynes. W. H. Coleman, mss. Lewis Level. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

[ocr errors]

SCIRPUS maritimus. Winchelsea, &c. W. A. Bromfield, mss. ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. I very much doubt whether this plant has been found on Broadwater Common, of late years." W. Pamplin, mss.

CAREX axillaris. In a green lane and old marl-pit, near the lone barn on the farm of Hazleden, E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, sp.

strigosa. In an old marl-pit between Bellman's Town and
Crowsfield Farms; pit, in Rocking Hill Wood; in a lane
between Hollybush and Walesbeech Farms, E. Grinstead;
above the pond in Chiddingly Wood, W. Hoathly. W. H.
Coleman, mss.

Pseudo- Cyperus. In a pond by the lane between Busses
Farm and the brook, E. Grinstead; pit, a mile from Mill
Place, towards W. Hoathly; pond in Chiddingly Wood,
W. Hoathly. W. H. Coleman, mss.

GASTRIDIUM lendigerum. In various wet corn-fields, especially that
between Standen Rocks and the Brook, E. Grinstead.
W. H. Coleman, sp. Hastings. W. A. Bromfield, sp.
AGROSTIS setacea. Ashdown Forest; in a pasture, called Chart
Hill Field, on the farm of Stone, E. Grinstead. W. H.
Coleman, mss.

POA distans. Shoreham. W. A. Bromfield, mss.

FESTUCA rubra (glauca). On the sands at Shoreham, on the opposite side from the town. Mag. Nat. Hist.

bromoides. Ashdown Forest; not uncommon in dry places near E. Grinstead. W. H. Coleman, mss.

SPARTINA stricta. Pagham Harbour; West Wittering; and elsewhere by the Chichester Creek. Bot. Sus. W. Itchener. (Mr. Borrer.) W. A. Bromfield, mss.


CLEMATIS Vitalba. Near Gravesend and Northfleet

G. E. Dennes, mss. Frequent in the county. W. Pamplin, mss. (Introduce a semicolon after “Very common."-Page 65.) RANUNCULUS parviflorus. (For “ Deptford” read “ Dartford.'


Pamplin. It is printed Deptford, by Turner and Dillwyn; but Hudson, the original authority, has it Dartford.— Page 65.)

ADONIS autumnalis. In corn-fields between Cobham and Cuxton, near where Salvia pratensis, Althæa hirsuta, and Anagallis cærulea grow. W. A. Bromfield, sp. About Northfleet, Cobham, and Farningham. W. Pamplin, mss.

PAPAVER somniferum. Cultivated ground at Northfleet. W. Pamplin,


hybridum. Corn-fields between Gravesend and Cobham,
plentifully. W. Pamplin, mss.

GLAUCIUM luteum. Dover. G. E. Dennes, mss.
VIOLA flavicornis. Dartford. Eng. Bot. Supp.

CORONOPUS didyma. On the walls of Eltham churchyard, with Valeriana calcitrapa. W. Pamplin, mss.

CAKILE maritima. Sandy shore between Margate and Reculver. G. E. Dennes, mss.

CRAMBE maritima. Shore near Whitstable, 1824. W. Pamplin, mss. CARDAMINE amara. (Read "Riverhead." - - Page 66.) MALCOMIA maritima. Under the cliffs about half-way between St. Margaret's Bay and Dover, with Cheiranthus fruticulosus. (Miss Hervey.) James Macnab, sp. (Doubtless carried thither from some garden, by the tides.)

SILENE italica. (There appears to be a confusion about this plant, which is the S. paradoxa of Smith, rendering it uncertain whether some mistake has not been made, as to its existence at Dover.)

ARENARIA marina. Banks of the Thames, a mile beyond Gravesend ;
Margate Cliffs.
G. E. Dennes, mss.

tenuifolia. (For "Deptford" read " Dartford." Mr. W.
Pamplin. Page 67.)

CERASTIUM arvense. (For "Burnham "read" Barham.". - Page 67.)

GERANIUM robertianum. With white flowers in the spot recorded for it in Ray's Synopsis; namely, between Eltham and Chiselhurst; I gathered it about 1824. W. Pamplin, mss. HYPERICUM elodes. Very abundant about Bromley, Hayes, and Keston. W. Pamplin, mss

ASTRAGALUS glycyphyllus. Darenth Wood.
VICIA angustifolia. Not uncommon near

Nat. Hist. vii.

W. Pamplin, mss. Tonbridge Wells. Mag.

bithynica. Frinsbury, near Rochester; near the tunnel at Hoo,

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