GALIUM erectum. Castle Hill, Northampton. J. Anderson, mss. HIERACIUM umbellatum. Heathy ground called the Kippon, and on the links near Kettering, very frequently. Hist. Page 175.) CREPIS biennis. Dallington. J. Anderson, mss. mss. MENTHA sylvestris. Cotton End, near Northampton. J. Anderson, mss. SALVIA pratensis. Has not grown at Kingsthorpe, in the last four years; but S. verbenaca is abundant. J. Anderson, mss. RUMEX pulcher. Castle Hill, Northampton. J. Anderson, mss. ULMUS glabra, major, carpinifolia. All near Bugbrook. J. Anderson, mss. SALIX Hoffmanniana. Kingsthorpe. J. Anderson, mss. decipiens. Kingsthorpe. J. Anderson, mss. Lambertiana. Near the Paper-mills, Northampton. J. Anderson, mss. amygdalina. Cotton End. J. Anderson, mss. CAREX divulsa. Side of the turnpike road at (Kislingbury?) J. Anderson, mss. CALAMAGROSTIS Epigejos. Upton Woods. J. Anderson, mss. Near Dudston Mill. J. Anderson, mss. Walk. Oxf. AVENA fatua. Upper Heyford, abundant. BRACHYPODIUM pinnatum. Between Upper Heyford and Northbrook, Walk. Oxf. XXII. RUTLANDSHIRE. ANAGALLIS arvensis (cærulea). About North Luffenham, near Stamford. Eng. Fl. XXIII. LEICESTERSHIRE. RANUNCULUS parviflorus, On a small bank in the village of Newton. A. Bloxam, mss. Braunston. Churchill Babington, mss. MYOSURUS minimus. Garden at Sheepshead. Churchill Babington, mss. CORYDALIS claviculata. Abundant on the Whitwick Rocks, and at TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Charnwood Forest, in many places. Ch. Babington, mss. Grooby and Markfield. G. Howitt, mss. ALYSSUM calycinum. Charnwood Forest, 1836. A. Bloxam, sp. In a field near the Thrinkstone Rocks. Ch. Babington, sp. (The same locality?) CAMELINA sativa. Thrinkstone, among newly sown grass, in 1833, impatiens. The rev. A. Bloxam and Mr. Churchill Babington, have each sought it in the localities mentioned, but without success. VIOLA flavicornis. Charnwood Forest, and road side between Heather and Ibstock. A. Bloxam, mss. DIANTHUS deltoides. Grooby Knolls. Ch. Babington, sp. RHAMNUS catharticus. Near the sign post between Congerstone and Gracedieu. Church. Ch. Babington, mss. Carlton, near Shakerston. A. Bloxam, mss. ULEX nanus. Charnwood Forest. Ch. Babington, mss. mss. TRIFOLIUM scabrum. (The species at Ayleston is T. striatum. Rev. A. Bloxam. Page 178.) Lotus tenuis. Near Congerstone. A. Bloxam, sp. Thrinkstone. Ch. Babington, sp. Between Evington and Leicester. G. Howitt, mss. LATHYRUS sylvestris. Between Market Bosworth and Sutton, pointed out to me by the rev. Mr. Small. A. Bloxam, mss. (Mr. Bloxam says that Stocking Wood, frequently mentioned in the Botanist's Guide, has been long eut down; the ground being now under cultivation.) POTENTILLA argentea. Buddon Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. Grooby Lodge. G. Howitt, mss. SANGUISORBA officinalis. Meadows about Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. Near Ashby de la Zouch, near the Outwoods. Ch. Babington, mss. ROSA spinosissima. Gracedieu Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. tomentosa. Sibson Lane, near Congerstone; also between Measham and Ashby de la Zouch. A. Bloxam, mss. PYRUS communis. A few trees about Bosworth; one tree in the hedge bounding the west side of Bosworth Park. A. Bloxam, mss. EPILOBIUM roseum. On the railroad below Desford. A. Bloxam, mss. CALLITRICHE autumnalis. In ditches between Leicester and Aylston; also in the Soar, near Leicester Abbey. G. Howitt, mss. (This is introduced in the chance that Dr. Howitt may intend the real C. autumnalis. See the remarks on page 588.) CERATOPHYLLUM demersum. Ponds about Bosworth. A. Bloxam mss. BRYONIA dioica. Mount Sorrel. Ch. Babington, mss. near Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. -Page 178.) (Read Turlangton. SISON Amomum. Common about Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. BUPLEURUM rotundifolium. Beaumont Lees. G. Howitt, mss. PIMPINELLA magna. Frequent near Leicester. G. Howitt, mss. At Newbold Verdun and Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. ENANTHE Phellandrium. Meadows between Leicester and Ayleston. G. Howitt, sp. River Sence, near Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. peucedanifolia. Sparingly by the Ashby Canal, near Congerstone; also found by the rev. Mr. Small, on the bank of the same Canal, below Sutton * * Wood. A. Bloxam, mss. SILAUS pratensis. Not uncommon. Ch. Babington, sp. Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. PETROSELINUM sativum. In a hedge near the Aqueduct at Shenton. A. Bloxam, mss. PEUCEDANUM officinale. (Not found in Leicestershire. Rev. A. Bloxam.-Page 178.) Pastinaca sativa. By the side of the Canal near Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. FEDIA dentata. Braunston, near Leicester. A. Bloxam, mss. Lactuca virosa. Between Gopsal Park and the Ashby de la Zouch Lodge. A. Bloxam, mss. SONCHUS palustris. (The station at Gracedieu is erroneous. Rev. A. Bloxam.-Page 178.) HIERACIUM sylvaticum. Between Twycross and the entrance Lodge to Gopsal Park. A. Bloxam, mss. paludosum. Gracedieu Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. umbellatum. Between Twycross and the entrance Lodge to Gopsal Park; near Congerstone. A. Bloxam, sp. CNICUS eriophorus. Road side between Braunston and Kirby Muxloe. A. Bloxam, mss. pratensis. Meadow below Ulverscroft Cottage in Charnwood Forest. A. Bloxam, mss. Bardon Hill; also near the Outwoods. Ch. Babington, mss. ERIGERON acris. Breedon Hill; near Leicester. A. Bloxam, sp. DORONICUM Pardalianches. In plantations at Gopsal, wild now. Bloxam, mss. A. CAMPANULA latifolia. Gracedieu Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. Wood near Bosworth Park. (Rev. Mr. Small.) A. Bloxam, mss. patula. Buddon Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. MYOSOTIS cæspitosa. Near Ayleston, by the Canal. G. Howitt, sp. Gracedieu. Ch. Babington, sp. Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. ANCHUSA officinalis. Sibson Lane, near Congerstone. (Miss Ann Roby.) A. Bloxam, mss. (I should fear that it must have been introduced there. H. W.) SOLANUM nigrum. Frequent in gardens at Leicester. G. Howitt, sp. Lycopus europeus. Banks of the Canal near Belgrave. G. Howitt, mss. Congerstone; Shakerston; common in the county. A. Bloxam, mss. MENTHA sylvestris. Grooby Lodge. G. Howitt, mss. (Introduce a semicolon after Loughborough. - Page 179.) GALEOPSIS Ladanum. Gear Grooby Lodge. G. Howitt, sp. LAMIUM incisum. In a vetch field near Loughborough. Ch. Babington, sp. Leicester Abbey gardens. G. Howitt, sp. HOTTONIA palustris. Near Cavendish Bridge. A. Bloxam, mss. CHENOPODIUM polyspermum. Beaumont Lees, near Leicester. G. Howitt, sp. RUMEX maritimus. (This name is to be substituted for "Rumex palustris," on page 180. Mr. Bloxam has sent me a specimen of Rumex which he is inclined to believe either R. aquaticus or R. pratensis. The locality is, " old gravel pits in the Pastures, Congerstone.") EUPHORBIA amygdaloides. Gracedieu Wood. Ch. Babington, mss. ARISTOLOCHIA Clematitis. Leicester Abbey. (Mr. Eddison.) G. Howitt, sp. ULMUS suberosa and glabra. Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. QUERCUS sessiliflora. Not uncommon. Ch. Babington, mss. CARPINUS Betulus. Between Bosworth and Shenton. A. Bloxam, mss. SALIX triandra and Helix. Loughborough. Ch. Babington, sps. SAGITTARIA sagittifolia. River Sence, Ashby Canal, and ponds, at Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. HABENARIA chlorantha. Oakley Wood; Cloud Wood. Ch. Babing ton, mss. NARCISSUS Pseudo-narcissus. Perfectly neutralised near Gracedieu Abbey. Ch. Babington, sp. GALANTHUS nivalis. Bradgate ruins, 1826. G. Howitt, sp. Gracedieu Wood, very sparingly. Ch. Babington, sp. TAMUS communis. Not rare; about Congerstone, &c. A. Bloxam, mss. CONVALLARIA majalis. Martinshaw Wood, near Grooby. G. Howitt, sp. Plantations at Gopsal. A. Bloxam, mss. Oakley Wood. Ch. Babington, mss. ther. Ch. Babington, sp. --multiflora. White-horse Wood. Ch. Babington, mss. FRITILLARIA Meleagris. The white and red varieties growing togeLILIUM Martagon. There is a little *** between Osbaston and Market Bosworth, where Lilium Martagon is growing perfectly wild, though it may have been planted originally. A. Bloxam, mss. Acorus Calamus. By the Soar, between Zouch Mills and Lough borough. Ch. Babington, sp. POTAMOGETON zosteræfolius. In the Ashby Canal, at Congerstone; also below Market Bosworth. A. Bloxam, sp. LEMNA trisulca. Ponds in the pastures at Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. Meadows near Leicester. G. Howitt, mss. Osgathorpe; Grooby; Leicester. Ch. Babington, sp. LEMNA gibba. Ponds about Congerstone and Bosworth. A. Bloxam, mss. Loughborough. Ch. Babington, mss. polyrhiza. Ponds at Kirkby Mallory. A. Bloxam, mss. Leicester. Ch. Babington, mss. (Read "Enderby."-Page 180.) JUNCUS obtusiflorus. Banks of the Ashby Canal, and ponds, at Con gerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. BLYSMUS compressus. (Not found at Braunston, an early specimen of Carex intermedia having been mistaken for it. Rev. Α. Bloxam. - Page 180.) CAREX intermedia. Meadows between Leicester and the Abbey. G. Howitt, mss. Low pastures, Market Bosworth. A. Bloxam, mss. Pseudo-cyperus. Grooby. Churchill Babington, sp. Ponds near Bosworth and Congerstone. A. Bloxam, mss. binervis. Common on Charnwood Forest. Ch. Babington, sp. ALOPECURUS agrestis. Frequent near Leicester. G. Howitt, sp.. CALAMAGROSTIS Epigejos. Cloud Wood. Ch. Babington, sp. Abundant in the Park at Bosworth; also in Sutton Ambien Wood, the site of the Battle of Bosworth Field. A. Bloxam, mss. FESTUCA bromoides. Walls in Charnwood Forest. A. Bloxam, mss. BROMUS secalinus. Near Leicester; corn fields on the foot road between Glenfield and Braunston. A. Bloxam, sp. racemosus? Zouch Mills. Ch. Babington, sp. erectus. Zouch Mills. Ch. Babington, sp. XXIV. WARWICKSHIRE. Perry's Plantæ Varvicensis Selecta, which had not been obtained when the former volume was printed, is mainly a compilation from the same authorities as have been consulted for the list given in that volume, together with others of less credit. I prefer not to copy the latter, and have here added only those localities which are introduced on the authority of Mr. Perry's own observation. CLEMATIS Vitalba. Hedges on high ground between Norbrooke and Norton Lindsay. Var. MYOSURUS minimus. In a field near the cross, between Norton Lindsey and Warwick. Var. RANUNCULUS parviflorus. Top of Oversley Hill; hedge banks near Alcester Mill, on the Worcester road. Var. HELLEBORUS viridis. (Read "Dadley's Wood." - Page 181. |