resume the original argument, assuming the conceded point as proved, and ending with a triumphant lecture to the vanquished objector. This process, occasionally several times repeated, has obliged me to follow him through every chapter. Not that I mean to assert, that I have noticed by any means all his charges or insinuations, for had I done so, my book must have been larger than his own. Many things remain unanswered and unnoticed; yet if you can have patience to read and compare those I have noticed, or half of them, you will not be much the worse for the remainder. Remember all I write has reference to the Vindication I have undertaken. Beyond the false charges and insinuations contained in the book against the opinions of the upper classes of society, I do not quarrel with it. Much of it is excellent, but that which is so is not peculiar; yet the manner in which preachment of the most undisputed truisms is therein given, not only assumes peculiarity of doctrine, but a denial on our part of the commonest doctrines of Christianity, whether of faith or morals. This, with the use Mr. Wilberforce endeavours to make of the ambiguous terms-real and nominal Christians, and his own definition of those terms, must not be lost sight of, or I shall be in danger of being misunderstood. May you profit both by Mr. Wilberforce's book, and by my critique upon it, discerning with steady and undazzled eye, that which is Christianity, from that which is but the dress, often the disguise of it, and by steady perseverance in well doing, prove that the opinions of the majority of our Church are as really evangelical as those of the assuming minority! Your servant, THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. Inadequate conceptions of the importance of Christianity- PAGE Inadequate conceptions of the Corruption of Human Nature- Evil Spirit-Natural state of Man-Objections answered..... 30 CHAP. III.. § 1, 2. 8vo. edit. p. 50. Inadequate conceptions concerning our Saviour and the Holy Spirit-Chief defects of the religious system of the bulk of professed Christians, in what regards our Lord Jesus Christ, a Some practical Consequences of the prevailing fundamental Mis- |