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Three outline studies, covering each nine months, using only Scripture material, inductive method, daily work assigned, review questions, provision for certificate, individual class-work.

2. Ernest D. Burton: The Life of Christ, The Founding of the Christian Church. (American Institute of Sacred Literature, Chicago.) Two outline studies covering each nine months, using only Scripture material, inductive method, daily work assigned, review questions, provision for certificate, individual class-work.

3. Shailer Mathews: The Social and Ethical Teaching of Jesus. (The American Institute of Sacred Literature, Chicago.) Outline of material from the Gospels.

4. Hazard-Fowler: The Books of the Bible with Relation to Their Place in History. (Pilgrim Press, Boston, Chicago.) Fifty studies on the Biblical books.

5. Taylor and Morgan: Studies in the Life of Christ. (Eaton and Mains, and Jennings and Pye.) "Suggestions for Daily Work," "Introductory Material," "Personal Thought."

Taylor and Morgan: Studies in the Apostolic Age. (Eaton and Mains, and Jennings and Pye.) Same series as Taylor and Morgan: Life of Christ.

6. Ernest D. Burton: Handbook on the Life of the Apostle Paul. (The University of Chicago Press.) "An outline for class-room and private study."

7. H. M. Hamill: Practical Outline Study of the Four Gospels, Life of Christ, Acts. (Winona Publishing Company, Chicago.) "Suggestions for Drill."

8. Milton E. Kern: Lessons in New Testament History. (Union College Press, College View, Nebraska.) Volumes 1 and 2, Life of Christ; volume 3, Apostolic History.

9. Burton and Mathews: Constructive Studies in the Life of Christ. (University of Chicago Press.) "Map," "Suggestions to Teachers," "General Bibliography," "Historical Introduction," "Illustrations." Thirty-five chapters.

IO. William R. Harper: Constructive Studies in the Priestly Element of the Old Testament. (University of Chicago Press.) "Eleven chapters; covering history of worship in the Old Testament, according to the early, the middle, and the late period. A comparative study of the laws and usages of worship." "Full Bibliography of both English and German authors," "Constructive Work," "Questions," "Suggestions," "Supplementary Topics."

11. Henry T. Sell: Bible Study by Books. (Fleming H. Revell

Company, Chicago.) Fifty-two studies, introductions to the Books of the Bible, the author, "Analysis," "Aim," etc.

12. Henry T. Sell: Supplementary Bible Studies. (Revell Company, Chicago.) Twenty-four chapters on the History of the Bible, the Land of Palestine, etc.

13. Henry Berkowitz: The Open Bible. (The Jewish Chautauqua Society, Philadelphia.) A series of Lessons, with Required Reading, Suggestions, Tests, and Reviews on the Old Testament History and Literature.

14. D. C. Marquiss: Life of Christ in Seven Periods. (Winona Publishing Company, Chicago.) An outline of Scripture material, with occasional notes.



GRADED COURSES BY PRIVATE AND INDEPENDENT Publishers. 1. The Bible Study Union, or Blakeslee, Lessons provide "Six Comprehensive and Connected Series of Lessons." These are divided into biographical and historical lessons. The biographical are: "The Patriarchs, Kings, and Prophets," "The Life of Christ," and "New Testament Heroes." The historical are: "Old Testament History," "Gospel History," and "Apostolic Church History."

Uniformity in the subjects studied, together with a grading, so far as possible, of the material and treatments under this general subject, form the basis of this series.

2. Bible Studies, Elyria, Ohio, provides for four grades with the purpose of making the series a correlated and chronological study of the Bible from an historical standpoint.

3. The Rainbow Publishing Co., Manchester, New Hampshire, issues undated text-books for a graded school of five departments, with recommendation of the International Lessons for senior classes.

4. Christian Nurture, New Haven, Connecticut, provides a graded course based on the three department divisions of the Sunday school. "Junior Bible Lessons " is a cloth-bound text-book. "The History of the Bible" and "Christian Teachings" are paper bound. The books are intended to be used as text-books by the pupil, and are undated.

5. The Lutheran Book Concern, Columbus, Ohio, publishes "Biblical History for Primary Classes," a cloth-bound text-book, illustrated with woodcuts, 162 pages; and "Biblical History for Intermediate and Higher Classes," a board-bound text-book of 368 pages. Both contain only the words of Scripture.

6. The George W. Jacobs and Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, publishes two quarterlies of selected lessons, the one being for use in the Primary and Junior Grades; the other for the Intermediate

and Senior Grades. The features are memory verses, questions, "collect," and for the Intermediate and Senior Grades daily Bible Readings. 7. Illustrative of individual work of many pastors, we mention the series of graded studies prepared by H. P. De Forest, D. D., for the five departments of the Woodward Avenue Congregational Church, Detroit, Michigan. The booklets are: Course one, "Story of the Jews." Course two, "Studies of the Apostolic Age." Course three, "The Story and Teachings of Jesus." Course four, "The History of Ancient Israel." Course five, "Israel's Prophetic Age."

Respectfully submitted.



NOTE. A very full Bibliography of works for Sunday School teachers and officers, and for students of religious pedagogy, has been prepared by the Rev. William Walter Smith, M. D., under the direction of the Sunday School Department. It is so complete that it should be of value to a very large class, and it is the hope of the Religious Education Association to make it available to all by issuing it at some future date as a separate publication.






The Sunday School Department of the Religious Education Association has arranged a Sunday school exhibit in Gilbert Hall of this building (Tremont Temple), and delegates and all others interested are invited to the inspection of the exhibit during the session of the convention.

The exhibit displays the different policies of religious education pursued by Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish Sunday Schools in the United States and Canada. The material embraces Sunday school building plans, apparatus, maps, oriental models, literature, curricula, printed forms for administration, and a more comprehensive display than has been made elsewhere of manual work executed by Sunday school pupils, in the form of maps and picture and narrative books. A printed guide has been provided, which locates the exhibits according to wall sections and tables. Members of the committee in charge will be found ready to furnish information regarding the exhibits and give demonstrations of manual work either immediately on application or according to appointment. A clerk has been engaged to take orders for any purchasable articles, samples of which may be on exhibition. The exhibit has been made as comprehensive as circumstances would permit. The articles displayed have been reduced to as small a number as the comprehensive character of the exhibit would permit, lest the plan of arrangement should be lost in a multiplicity of detail, and the result prove more bewildering than suggestive, especially as the time available to delegates for the inspection of what is offered is necessarily limited.

The purposes

of the exhibit may be summarized as follows:

1. To record the present progress of religious education in the Sunday schools of the country. The maps of paper-pulp and clay, for instance, have been made during the last twelve months, and are the first work of pupils in Sunday schools which, as far as known, are the pioneers in this method of Sunday-school geography study. The best that can be said of the books shown is that they include the most important recent contributions to Sunday school literature.

2. To promote the co-operation of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish Sunday school workers in the solution of problems of religious education. This is the first Sunday school exhibit at which the methods of these three bodies or of any two of them have been shown together.

3. To suggest the value of permanent Sunday school exhibits of a comparative and non-sectarian character in every city at least in the country. A permanent encyclopædic exhibit has been developed for several years at the headquarters of the Sunday School Commission of the Diocese of New York, considerable material from which figures in the exhibit of this convention. A permanent exhibit is being collected under the auspices of the Jewish Summer School.

4. To demonstrate the value of a Sunday school museum, on however modest a scale, for every Sunday school in the land. Our exhibit indicates what material would prove most useful, the character and quality of the articles necessary to make such a museum up to date, and what articles could be made by Sunday-school pupils themselves, and information is offered concerning where additional equipment can be purchased. The contents of a Sunday school museum are available for classroom use; and the honor of securing a place for their best work in the museum of the school cannot fail to stimulate the efforts of pupils in all of the forms of manual exercises employed. A special room for a museum, however desirable, will be found by no means essential. The whole plant may be made a school and museum in one.

5. To remind theological seminaries and colleges that, without a museum of Sunday school appliances and specimens of pupil work, they lack essential equipment for Sunday school teacher training. Teachers' College, Columbia University, has started a permanent Sunday school exhibit in its museum, and last year held the first of proposed special annual Sunday school exhibits. A Sunday school museum has been undertaken also at Union Theological Seminary, New York.

6. To demonstrate the value of seeing, handling, and using Sunday school appliances and of practising manual methods in teacher-training classes conducted by normal departments of Sunday schools, Sunday school institutes, and summer schools. A very few minutes' experiment in our Sunday school exhibit hall will convince the most skeptical, whether spent in explaining a conclusion upon a Sunday school question to an inquirer or in seeking information of some one qualified to explain an unfamiliar principle or method of Sunday school administration or teaching.

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