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In February, 1905, in America alone, seventeen of thel leading missionary boards had special secretaries who had supervision of young people's work, and ten other societies were giving much attention to the subject under secretaries who, in addition to supervising the young people's work, had to do with other activities. In some of these boards provision has been made for a regular young people's department with a special budget. In others, provision is made under the regular appropriation for home administration and cultivation.

The great outstanding fact that seventeen of the leading missionary societies of this country have been led within recent years to give special attention to the missionary education of the young is of prime importance, whether considered as a factor in the religious education of the country, or in its relation to the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus Christ upon the earth. So far as the writer has knowledge, one of the most remarkable movements in the whole range of religious educational activities in this country is now taking place in connection with what has been characterized as "the missionary uprising of the young people." It is only comparable with the widespread movement in connection with the organization of the great young people's societies and the parallel movement which resulted in the Student Christian Associations, the Student Volunteer Movement and in the World's Student Christian Federation.

One of the first things being attempted by the young people's departments of the missionary societies is to secure a proper organization of the forces. The work must practically be done de novo in denominations where there is no young people's organization, and even in cases where the great young people's societies are organized, the missionary societies in some instances have found it necessary to place emphasis upon the importance of the organization of a missionary department in connection with these young people's societies. Six years ago most of the young people's societies scheduled quarterly missionary topics upon the devotional topic-card. Now, however, the leading young people's societies have monthly missionary topics upon

the topic-cards, and a page or more of the official organ of the society is given to the preparation of helps for these meetings. Moreover, the missionary societies, through the young people's departments, are rendering additional help by way of the preparation of special programmes, and the collection of the best leaflet literature bearing upon the particular topic under consideration.

Recently, the series of Forward Mission Study Courses have been projected, and five splendid courses of study prepared especially for the young people have been issued, the latest book of the series being on home missions, and the others being on some phase of foreign missionary work. Of these text-books, 100,550 have been sold during the past two years, and of the text-book, "Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom," the book on Japan which is being used by the classes this year, eleven imprint editions have been issued for as many missionary societies or denominational publishing houses of this country, and several hundred copies have been sent to the Church Missionary Society in Great Britain. Not less than 50,000 young people are studying missions this year in America, and one denomination alone reports that 35,000 have been enrolled in mission-study under the direction of its young people's department since 1900.


The rapid development of missionary work among young people is strikingly illustrated by what has taken place in connection with the production of missionary libraries for young people. There are now two ten-dollar missionary libraries, which are known respectively as Missionary Campaign Library No. 1 and Missionary Campaign Library No. 2. There are also three special five-dollar libraries, designed to be used by the classes in connection with their mission, study-work. For instance, in connection with "Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom," the current text-book on Japan, a library of nine volumes is available. This library has been carefully chosen by an interdenominational library committee, of which Mr. Harlan P. Beach, the educational Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement is chairman, and it undoubtedly contains nine of the very best missionary books on Japan.

The libraries mentioned above are being used in most of the denominations in connection with their young people's work, and early in January of this year it was reported that 8,688 of these libraries had been sold, aggregating 145,405 volumes.

. Attractive literature upon the subject of giving is being produced. Special programmes are prepared for use in connection with the devotional meetings of the young people's societies, and an increasing number

of young people are enrolling under some form of Christian stewardship pledge or declaration of purpose.

Local, group, metropolitan, district, state and provincial, denominational and interdenominational, national and international conventions are the order of the day. Missionary speakers are in demand. Suggestions for missionary departments of programmes are eagerly sought and conferences on practical methods of missionary work are among the most popular features of convention programmes. This means that the missionary societies, through their young people's departments have a great field of usefulness in seeking to guide the convention activities, so far as they relate to the cause of missions. Most of the young people's departments are giving this question most careful thought, and one young people's department alone last spring provided missionary speakers and suggested missionary topics for more than sixty conventions. It has become necessary for some of the missionary societies to provide extensive exhibits in duplicate form, which are loaned upon occasion. Wherever these exhibits have been furnished, it has been found that they are in constant demand and therefore in constant circulation.

Much of the work outlined above has been made possible by the fact that the missionary societies of America have, through their young people's departments, created what is known as the Young People's Missionary Movement, which is practically a clearing-house of ideas. Any good plan or method developed by one denomination is through this agency readily passed on to another, and not only are mission-study text-books and libraries made possible for interdenominational use, but accessory material, such as maps, charts, etc., is being made available for the young people at a minimum cost by this organization, which is able to manufacture and conduct its work on a wholesale basis.




The study of missions is the study of the world and its need, and what the gospel has done and is doing in the world. If the main object of education is character and preparation for the work of life, and to fulfil one's destiny nobly, doing things at hand with far-sighted vision, and large human feeling, and to know by personal experience what it is to have the love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit, then missionary literature holds a high place in Christian education. The history of missions is a hope-inspiring study. It corrects the pessimistic tendency of young people when they meet the social problems and religious indifference of their age. Missionary literature contains incidents of the highest motive value to teacher and taught. It has an immediate effect upon the way a girl or boy does his work. It applies to every-day duty the imperative now which makes present effort and present study count.

The problem of getting missionary literature used is the same as any other educational or religious problem. It is a personal problem, involving the personality of the teacher or friend. It is a problem of adaptability. It is a problem of measure and correlation. It is a problem of utilizing the social influences of the band, the society, the Sunday school class, the family, etc. It is a problem of investment, participation, interest. Interest is bought at the price of effort. It is through the narrow gate of hard work we enter any new field of interest. Curiosity may lead up to the gate, but effort is needed before we get any further than the threshold. In acquiring a new art or in developing a dormant faculty, there is always a greater quantity of conscious effort at the beginning than there is later, when effort itself becomes a source of pleasure. Where faithful work follows, interest begets interest and goes on compounding interest at an enormous rate. It is the veteran missionary, the old missionary war-horse, who is the most enthusiastic and most able to impart that enthusiasm to others. It is said that what you get people to love is more important than what you get them to learn. But the two should be closely united from the beginning. It is better to get one book well mastered, with the religious motive running through it understood, than many piecemeal references read aloud in a missionary

meeting without any correlation. First impulses are usually imparted by a personality. Some encouragement is needed to make the young reader feel that what is coming later is worth the output of effort.

Use of Present Literature. There are an increasing number of selected lists of books for missionary libraries. These can be had by writing to the different movements and the missionary boards. There are quite a number of new juvenile books for children under twelve. There are almost no books for boys and girls over twelve. A short list for younger children would include: "Tatong," "Twelve Little Pilgrims Who Stayed at Home," "The Great Big World," A Missionary Walk in the Zoo," "The Chinese Boy and Girl," "Children in Blue and What They Do," "Gilmour and His Boys," "God's Earth, or Well Worth,” "What's O'clock ?" "Our Chinese Neighbors."

For those from ten to sixteen, the list would include some books which, though not altogether missionary, serve the purpose of awakening interest.

With a little promoting, for those who have developed the habit of reading we may add the following: "Bishop Hannington " or "Perils and Adventure in Africa," "John G. Paton," "Adoniram Judson," "John Kenneth Mackenzie," "Mackay of Uganda," "On the Oregon Trail" by Parkman.

There are a few introductory books for older young people who are already interested to some degree in religious reading. For example, "The Bishop's Conversion," "Little Green God," "The Vanguard," and "Gale's "Korean Sketches."

Missionary Literature Needed. With all the accumulated treasures of the past, much remains to be done. We have as yet no life of David Livingstone suitable for a boy. This may be said of most of the literature published. The making of a missionary-book or the writing of a missionary article should be classed among the fine arts. Older readers value most of them for their description of special fields, rather than for their literary excellence and appeal to the imagination. better fuel for a fire well started then for kindling.

They are often

In writing books, in using missionary literature and books of travel, and in directing others in their readings and study, let us not become literary globe-trotters without a purpose. One of the leading Japanese Christians differentiates the Bible from all other books by this expression, "The Bible is a God-intoxicated book." Starting with the missionary story which began in the Old Testament and was continued in the New Testament, let us follow the progress of the gospel down to our own day, when almost more are brought to Christ in a year than were converted

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