sions. Gon hath broken in pieces this formidable combination, and it is not at all probable that it should speedily be renewed. Thus by the peace, though hu miliating, the urgent cause of terror is happily removed. The combination is broken, and we are delivered, as a bird out of the snare of the fowler. For this, my brethren, praise and bless the LORD, who maketh the - counsels of the people to be of none effect. 5. Though reduced, we are still preserved an ins dependent kingdom: our laws and liberties, civil and religious, are still continued to us: we dwell in peace and safety, and may yet meet together to worship GoD according to our conscience. If you love the LORD, if you love his house and ordinances, then praise the LORD; and let not Satan, by tempting you to repine over the remembrance of our diminished grandeur and consequence, prevail with you to withhold the revenue of thanks, so justly due to Gon. Remember, that "it is of the LORD's mercies we are not consumed." Shall we not then praise him for dealing with us so much better than our deservings? 6. Our trade and manufactures, on which the afflu ence of the wealthy, and the subsistance of the indigent so much depend, are far from ruined; they revive, and in many places flourish. And, if renewed provocations do not cause the LORD to command fresh judgments, we may hope gradually to recover some part at least of our former prosperity. Indeed, amongst you, and : perhaps in some other places and manufactures, * no remarkable amendment hath taken place: but forget not, that during the war, things grew worse every year. Had not God answered your prayers in send ing peace, how much worse had your trade been ere this? Since the peace it hath some what recovered. Therefore, both on your own account and your countrymen's, forget not to praise the LORD for the past, and that will prove the best means of procuring greater things in future. i 7. The exhausting, intolerable expences of the war, are now ceased. You will say, our taxes still increase, and I feel no relief from the peace, but additional burdens imposed yearly; how then can I be thankful? Yet consider, these very taxes are imposed to pay the interest of the sums borrowed during the war, and of those borrowed since the war, to pay off its heavy arrears. Had the war still continued, if we had not been overpowered by the united forces of our enemies, the intolerable expence must have ruined us. The present grievous taxes may teach us to bless Gop for peace: for had the war continued, our present heavy burdens would have been made vastly heavier; therefore, silence your murmurings, and join with me in praising the LORD. : 2. I would now then proceed to make some further improvement of the subject. 1. You may learn from hence, that the LORD T * The thread lace manufacture. awfully holy in hating, and impartially just in punishing sin: yet he is good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all them who penitently and heartily call upon him. Tremble then, stout-hearted sinner: that God whose law thou hast broken, whose gospel thou hast neglected, whose grace thou despisest, and whose justice thou defiest, is a consuming fire, a jeal ous God, vengeance belongs unto him, and he will repay. He whose justice and power bring nations so low for iniquity, can easily, and will certainly, bring thee low, even into hell, except thou repent, and believe the gospel. Be encouraged, poor trembling sinner: fear not to call upon this gracious GoD: return to him in his appointed way, who now kindly invites thee; and never did tender parent more cordially and affectionately receive a returning prodigal, than God will welcome thee. : 2. You see that this harmony of perfect justice and holiness, with rich and plenteous mercy, which is the perfection of beauty, the loveliness of God, doth require the interposition of the divine Mediator, and the infinitely valuable satisfaction of his death; otherwise, every exertion of pardoning mercy and love to sinners, would imply a defect of justice, and imperfection of holiness. It is only in the person of JESUS, Emmanuel, that this harmonious glory of God can be seen. In him the law is magnified, justice satisfied, holiness manifested, and mercy exercised, and Gon appears a : just Gon and a Saviour. Through this Mediator, Gon dwelling in human nature, even sinful nations are dealt with in mercy. And, poor sinner, if thou receive not CHRIST and his atonement, if thou come not into the presence of Gon, through the intercession of his Son, thy dependence on Gop's mercy, but not in his way, will be found unwarranted presumption. God will not dishonour himself by being unjustly merciful to please a rebel, Come then, but remember CHRIST saith, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man "cometh to the Father, but by me." 3. Fear no enemies to our national prosperity but iniquity, Gon spares us a little longer. If reformation take place we shall be preserved, otherwise our doom is not far off. Seck, then, by prayer, each of you, for mercy and grace, through the intercession of JESUS, and thus aim at personal reformation. Repent, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. Use your influence and authority in your families, connexions, and dependences, to promote their reformation: pray for those you cannot influence: it is the duty you owe to your country; it is the duty the occasion calls for.Suffer then the word of exhortation. As you value your national security and prosperity, as you value your precious souls, be not slothful in this work. Were all, were half, were a tenth, thus minded, glorious effects would follow.--Despise not the day of small things; yield not to discouragement: arise and be doing, and the LORD will be with you. : 4. Did you sigh, and mourn, and pray sincerely, during the late calamities? And hath God heard your prayers? Then be sure you thank him for it; and admire his condescension that he would notice your poor defective prayers. Forget not to pay the vows you made unto him in the day of your distress; but espe cially take courage to pray more abundantly for the time to come. Many are tempted to neglect the blessed duty of intercession almost entirely; our prayers, say they, are so weak, we scarcely know how to pray for ourselves; it seems presumption to think our prayers can do any good. One soldier indeed is a feeble defence to the nation; but large armies consist of sin gle soldiers: should each forsake his post, because his single help is inconsiderable, we must fall a prey to our enemies; but when each preserves and maintains his post, we are well protected. Our weapons, my fellow-soldiers, are earnest prayers: that christian who helps not the cause of his church and nation against their enemies by his prayers, deserts his post, and leaves, for his part, the coast defenceless. One has as good a right and reason to desert his post as another: if all desert, if none remain to make intercession, we are defenceless indeed. But if each christian abounds in this duty, our cause shall certainly prosper. Pray then, my brethren, each of you, under this persuasion, that you are one of a numerous army of supplicants dispersed all over the land; and unitedly intreat the LORD to preserve peace, to revive religion, to reform our manners. Intreat him to bless your king and his family, with all the blessings of time and eternity; and |