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"what shall I say, when Israel turneth their backs be"fore their enemies? For the Canaanites, and the in"habitants of the land, shall hear of it, and shall envi"ron us round, and shall cut off our name from the " earth; and what wilt thou do unto thy great name?'*

The pious and animated address of David to Goliath was made at a time, when the conduct and measures of King Saul could not but be justly disapproved by all pious Israelities: yet he assigned the same reason, why the LORD would deliver Goliath into his hand, and the Philistines into the hands of Israel, namely, " that all the earth may know that there is a "God in Israel."†-Hezekiah's plea, in prayer for deliverance from Sennacherib and the Assyrians, was this, " that all the kingdoms of the earth may know, " that thou art the LORD GOD, even thou only."‡

The plea of Jeremiah, during a terrible drought, "O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, "do it for thy name's sake;" and that of Daniel during the Babylonish captivity,|| with very many others which might be adduced, abundantly teach us, that Israel, even whendeserving the severest vengeance, was frequently placed in such circumstances, that the honour of God was concerned in sparing and delivering them.

The chapter, whence the text is chosen, introduces JEHOVAH recapitulating to the prophet, a variety of instances of this kind, and repeatedly subjoining, "But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should " not be polluted before the heathen, among whom "they were." From this recapitulation we may observe, that God had called Abraham; and had engaged to him, by covenant and by cath, to render his posterity exceedingly numerous, to give them the land of Canaan, and to raise up the Messiah from among them: and that he had ratified this engagement in the same manner to Isaac and Jacob. But when the descendants of these patriarchs had been increased to a vast multitude in Egypt, they had so degenerated from the piety of their ancestors, and had become so vile by their iniquities and idolatries, that they justly deserved destruction, at the very time when God had purposed their deliverance. Yet if he had cut them off by some tremendous judgment, or left them in Egyptian bondage; the honour of his faithfulness and mercy would have been tarnished; his promise would have been broken, his covenant would have failed, and his whole plan concerning the Messiah have been disconcerted, He therefore, spared and delivered them, though unworthy, for his own name's sake.

* Josh. vii. 7-9.

xix, 15-19.

† 1 Sam. xvii. 45-47. † 2 Kings

§ Jer. xiv. 7.

|| Dan. ix. 18, 19.

The LORD had sent to Pharaoh, calling Israel his son, yea, his first born, and he demanded of him to "let his son go that he might serve him:" but Pharaoh haughtily replied, "Who is JEHOVAH? I know "not JEHOVAH, neither will I let Israel go." Thus the contest was begun; and not only the Egyptians, but in a little time all the neighbouring nations waited the event with fixed attention. Now, if the LORD,

provoked by Israel's sin, had desisted from his demand, and had left the people in bondage, Pharaoh would have seemed victorious, and he as well as others would have concluded that JEHOVAH was unable to deliver his people. The honour of his eternal power and Godhead was therefore concerned in effecting their deliverance.

When this had been accomplished by " a mighty " hand and an out stretched arm," and the laws, ordinances, and oracles of JEHOVAH had been communicated to them, they renewed their rebellions, and by moaggravated crimes provoked him to keep them forty years in the wilderness, till nearly all that geneation was dead. But if he had cut them off entirely,' and had not put the posterity of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in possession of Canaan; not only would his oath and promise have failed, but the Egyptians, Capaanites, and surrounding nations would have blasphemed his great name, as if he had been unable to fulfil his engagements, and thus they would have been hardened in their idolatry and wickedness.

During a long course of years, after the nation was settled in Canaan, the interest, and almost the existence, of true religion in the world, was, according to the plan of infinite wisdom, inseparable from the pre. servation of Israel as a distinct people: and how great soever their provocations were, the honour of GOD was concerned in preventing the complete success of their idolatrous neighbours against them, though they were used as scourges for their frequent and severe chastisement. Nor, till the coming of the promised VOL. 11.


Messiah, could it consist with the glory of God, to pour out his vengeance upon the nation, and wholly to deprive them of their distinguished advantages. But after that event, his plan no more required their preservation as his visible church; and so "wrath came

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upon them to the uttermost."

There was likewise, through every age, a pious remnant in the land, to whom the promises especially belonged, and with whom the covenant was ratified. These persons prayed continually in behalf of the church and nation, according to the examples before adduced: and the honour of God required, that such prayers should be answered, and that his promises should be fulfilled to those who thus laid hold on his covenant. On all these accounts JEHOVAH "withdrew "his hand, and wrought for his name's sake, that it " should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen:" otherwise the crimes of Israel were so numerous and heinous, that he would have permitted their insulting enemies to effect their destruction; nay, he would immediately by his own power have made them like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. We proceed,

II. More particularly to consider the words of the text, as applicable to the present circumstances of these nations. And,

1. I shall take this occasion to recapitulate, in a compendious manner, what God hath wrought in our behalf, since the beginning of the present convulsions in Europe: and while the several particulars are noticed, it will, I think, appear evident to every serious mind, that God himself hath graciously interposed in our behalf. "If it had not been the LORD who was " on our side, now may Israel say; if it had not been "the LORD who was on our side when men rose up " against us: then had they swallowed us up quick, " when their wrath was kindled against us. Then the "waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone "over our soul. Blessed be the LORD who hath not " given us over for a prey unto their teeth."*

It is well known, that soon after the commencement of these bloody contests, which have wasted Europe, and destroyed many millions of her inhabitants, Great Britain was especially marked out as the victim of that power, whom God has employed as his scourge among the nations. Our prosperity was envied; our wealth, commerce, and naval prowess were coveted; and bitter resentment for supposed injuries was avowed. Yet while the nations of Europe, with but few exceptions, have witnessed and experienced, in a most tremen. dous manner, the horrors and miseries of war; we have, during a course of years, had peace in our borders. Doubtless our excessive affluence, the fuel and incentive of as excessive pride and luxury, has been diminished; and many hardships have been felt by numbers, who are entitled to our sympathy and assistance: but our cities have not been reduced to ruinous heaps by dreadful sieges; we have not seen our streets flowing with human blood or strewed with mangled bodies; nor have we heard the piercing groans of the

* Psalm exxy.


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