their most evident duties; and excite them to improve their several talents to the glory of his name. Let me further observe, my brethren, that the principle, on which I have attempted to explain the dealings of Providence in respect of this nation, is no other than that of Christianity itself: so that every true believer, reviewing his past experience and conduct, will perceive and thankfully acknowledge, that the LORD "hath wrought," in respect of him, " for his own " name's sake;" and will be able to form the sentiment into a powerful plea, in prayer for all that is yet wanting to complete his salvation; and to enable him through life to act consistently with his profession, and to be " stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the " work of the LORD, as knowing that his labour is not " in vain in the LORD." Whatever wisdom or ability is necessary to the magistrate, the minister, the parent, the head of a family, or the man possessed of wealth and influence, in order to fill up his station to the honour of the gospel; he may on this ground confidently expect it, in answer to his prayers, notwithstanding his conscious unworthiness: because the glory of God is concerned in the conduct of every individual who professes his truth; which will be dishonoured, yea, blasphemed, among unbelievers, if he act inconsistently with his profession. To conclude, it is not necessary, that I should speak particularly to you my brethren, on the way in which we ought to celebrate a day of publick thanksgiving. The disciple of Christ cannot mistake carnal mirth for humble gratitude. My rejoicing, for the most seasona ble and important victories, must be mingled with sympathetick tears on account of the numbers, whether friends or foes, who are bowed down with a load of sorrow for events connected with our national success. This cannot consist with boisterous exulting joy: but it suits with the spirit of reflecting admiring gratitude, and tends to preserve the mind from every extreme. Though unable, from peculiar circumstances, to adopt the same plan; yet I cannot but bear my testimony on this occasion to the conduct of those ministers and congregations, who accompany their grateful tribute of adoring praises to our gracious God, with publick collections for the relief of the widows and orphans of those our defenders who have fallen in battle, or for other charitable purposes. A hint is sufficient: your individual liberality may supply the want of a publick contribution; and the money that numbers spend in intemperate feastings, and other customary expressions of joy; if employed in relieving distress, and making glad the heart of the sorrowful, as the genuine effect of evangelical principles, will be "fruit "which shall abound to your own account;" yea, it will be, "a sacrifice, acceptable, well-pleasing unto "God," through Christ Jesus our Lord; to whom, with the Father and the eternal Spirit, the One God of our salvation, be ascribed glory and honour, praise and thanksgiving, for ever and ever, Amen. SERMON III.* PSALM CXVI. 2. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. THIS Psalm is not expressly ascribed to David: yet it is generally supposed to have been written by him. He is called in scripture "the man after God's own " heart:" and it has often been enquired on what account this high character is given him. Among other reasons, this may be assigned; that in every circumstance of danger and difficulty, he made the Lord his Refuge and Confidence, and sought him by the fervent prayer of faith; and whenever he obtained deliverance and success, he ascribed all the glory to God, and rendered to him the tribute of adoring grateful praise. I purpose to apply the verse, which I have read, to our concern in the publick affairs of the church and nation.-Not one only, but multitudes in concert, both of those now assembled, of others inhabiting this city, and in all the different parts of Great Britain, have united in prayer for the land: and "the LORD hath in" clined his ear unto us," and, beyond our expectations, has granted our requests; therefore " we will call * Preached at the close of a series of lectures, on the signs and duties of the times, by a society of clergymen, in or near London, and published at their unanimous request, 1802. I. Consider the fact, "He hath inclined his ear "unto us." II. The acknowledgment which we ought publickly to make of this goodness and truth of God to us, according to the subsequent language of the Psalmist. "I will offer to thee, the sacrifice of "thanksgiving, and will call on the name of the "LORD. I will pay my vows unto the LORD, now in the presence of all his people; in the "courts of the LORD's house: in the midst of "thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD." "Oh, that men would praise the LORD for his "goodness, and for his wonderful works to the "children of men! And let them sacrifice the " sacrifice of thanksgiving, and declare his works " with rejoicing." III. Let us consider the concluding resolution: "Therefore will I call upon him as long as I "live." I. Let us consider the fact. God hath inclined his ear unto us; he has heard and answered our prayers. It would take me far from my design, should I enter particularly on the nature and effects of those publick convulsions, which during the late years, like a political earthquake, have shaken all Europe. The consequences of the first disturbances were such as exceeded conception; the possible effects defied the powers of calculation; no man could conceive how, or where, or when, the wide spreading desolations would terminate; no man, after a time, could consider his property, his liberty, his family, his very life, se. cure. The baleful effects of infidel principles, and principles of insubordination and anarchy, menaced awfully the destruction of our holy religion. We could not but mourn over the miseries and destruction of our fellow-creatures in other lands: but we also could not but tremble for ourselves. One year after another the storm gathered force, and the danger became more formidable. Our fears perhaps exceeded our dangers. Even such as had not been used to tremble, at least not greatly to tremble, at the word of God, began to take the alarm: and it became the general sentiment, that the times called for peculiar exertion and decided measures; nay, for humiliation before God and united prayer. No doubt, before publick affairs wore so threatening an aspect, numbers, in all parts of the land, had secretly, and in their families and social intercourse, poured out their supplications for our beloved country and king, for our constitution, for our holy religion: but still it appeared to some of us, that the times called for more avowed and united efforts in this and in other respects. When conversing together on the |