honour us, as thy instruments, to convey thy gospel, as the richest of all treasures, along with our extensive commerce, to the utmost borders of the earth. These and all mercies, we, poor sinful creatures, most humbly beseech thee to bestow upon us, of thy abundant goodness and mercy, through the mediation of thy well beloved Son our Saviour, who is with thyself and the eternal Spirit, One God over all, blessed for evermore. Amen. The Doctrines of ELECTION and FINAL PERSEVERANCE stated from Scripture, and shewn consistent with exhortatory and practical Preaching, and conducive to Holiness of Life. SERMON, PREACHED AT THE LOCK CHAPEL, NOVEMBER 26th, 1786 Fourth Edition. PREFACE THE Serm n, originally published under this title, was com posed on a very particular occasion, and in too great haste for the difficulty and importance of the subject. The author's mind likewise was agitated at the time by the circumstances in which he was placed: yet, amidst these disadvantages, it was judged expedient to print it verbatim, except as some notes were added. When therefore the occasion, which required the publication, was passed, and the second edition, which had been called for in a few days, was disposed of, he dropped all thoughts of reprinting it; thinking it too much adapted to special circumstances, to answer the permanent purposes of a calm, deliberate, matured, and impartial treatise on the deep and mysterious subject. He finds, however, that the Sermon is frequently enquired for; and this has made him apprehensive, lest the circumstance of its being out of print should be considered as a dereliction of his principles. He has therefore at length determined to publish another edition: but in doing this, while he adheres strictly to the arrangement and sentiments of the original Sermon; he considers himself at liberty to omit some things occasional, to revise the style, and to make several additions and alterations, in order to render it something more adequate to the ends proposed by the publication. The reader will perceive, that the principal difference betwixt the statement here given of the doctrines in question, and that of many modern Calvinists, relates to redemption by the death of Christ, as being of infinite sufficiency, and therefore in some respects the common benefit of mankind. This view of the subject makes not the least difference, in respect of the entire freeness of salvation by the sovereign purpose and grace of God, made known in the effectual calling of his chosen remnant: while it gives the preacher an immense advantage in fulfilling the ministry of reconciliation, and yields the awakened sinner the greatest encouragement in applying to Christ for salvation. On this ground we may say to any human being, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be " saved:" but on the other plan, no one can know, previously to conversion, whether he has any more right to rely on the merits and mediations of Christ, than fallen angels have. The Author earnestly desires the candid enquirer after truth, and all who dare to think for themselves, to examine the passages quoted from Scripture in this Sermon, and to observe accurately whether they do not fully establish his statement? Then let them weigh all the other testimonies of holy writ with the same design: and finally let them consider what immense pains and ingenuity it requires, to explain a variety of texts in consistency with the other scheme; with what confidence and plausibility opponents urge them against our doctrine; and yet how naturally they coincide with the view here given. To the author they give no trouble; they express his sentiments, and in similar circumstances he should use the same language. The statement, here given, is by no means new or peculiar. He has proved that the compilers of our liturgy held the same sentiments. Many of his brethren at present coincide with him. The most eminent Calvinist divines in North America, who have lived during the present century, view the subject in the same light; and abundance of testimonies of this kind, from every quarter, might easily be adduced: but let the word of God decide. The Author is not anxious about the class of professed christians, among whom his brethren may rank him. No one of them is either right or wrong in every thing; and that which in one situation is disgraceful, in another is deemed honourable. But it appears to him of great consequence to shew, that these doctrines, though generally despised, dreaded, or abhorred, are scriptural, rational, holy, consolatory, and consistent |