Some Things relating to Religion, proposed to the Royal Society,
An Enquiry after Truth and Righteousness, and after the People whom the
Some Senfible and Weighty Queries, concerning fome Things very sweet
and neceffary to be Experienced in the truly Christian State,
Life and Immortality brought to Light through the Gospel,
A Treatise concerning God's Teachings and Chrift's Law, &c.
Some Misrepresentations of Me concerning Church Government, &c. 565
The Seed of God, and of his Kingdom, treated and teftified of according to the Scriptures of Truth, and according to True Experience, felt in the
An Epistle to all Serious Profefssors of the Christian Religion,
A Reply to an Answer of fome Queries, given forth by me I. P. concern- ing the Gofpel-Baptifm; with Answers to some other Queries returned,
Concerning the Dispensation of the Gospel, or the Dispensation of the Son in
Spirit, which is the last Dispensation,
They have the true, living, powerful, saving Knowledge of CHRIST, or no?
Some QUERIES. concerning CHRIST, and his APPEARANCES; his taking upon him our Flesh; as also concerning his Flesh and Blood, and our being formed thereof, and feeding thereon.
An Incitation to Professors seriously to confider, whether they or we fail in the true Acknowledgment and owning of the CHRIST which died at
Some Propositions and Confiderations concerning the Nature of ChurchWorships and Ordinances since the Death of the Apostles, for the fake of the Simplicity, which hath been long held captive therein.
The Sounding of Bowels towards thee, O ENGLAND!
Also a faithful Guidance to the Principle and Path of TRUTH.
Some sensible experimental QUESTIONS and ANSWERS from the Tenth Chapter of JOHN.
Prisoner in AYLESBURY, who (by the Counsel of the LORD) hath chosen rather to fuffer Affliction with the despised People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Seafon.
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