lowing this example of CHRIST and his apostles! How apt are men, (I speak from observation) to make it an excuse for not attending on the LORD's supper, our Gospel-passover, that they have many troubles and many enemies; and that they are full of care and fear. If so, they have, and would I could convince them that they have, the greater need of that ordinance, to silence their fears, and comfort them under their troubles, to help them in forgiving their enemies, and casting all their care upon GOD. In the evening JESUS went to the house, to which he had directed his disciples to go, guided to it, no doubt, by the same. prophetic gift, which had enabled him to predict the circumstances whereby the apostles were to find it*. And when the hour of eating the passover was come, JESUS sat down with the twelve apostles; even Judas not excepted, who had lately. covenanted with the chief priests to betray him; for even those whose hearts are full of wickedness often make a plausible profession of religion, and are found in the performance of its external services: nor did JESUS, although he knew his traiterous designs, refuse to admit him to sit down with the rest. * Doddridge. + Henry. Full of tender anxiety for the welfare and comfort of his apostles, having always loved his own which were in the world, knowing that his hour was come, that he should depart out of the world, he loved them even to the end of his life. And that he might fully express this affection, he told them that he had a great desire to eat this last passover with them, as it was a type now about to be fulfilled. He wished also to drink this last Paschal cup with them, which, after he had given thanks, he gave among them, telling them, that that type also was now completed, and should thenceforth cease*. In the room of these Paschal rites JESUS instituted his last Supper; a subject of very great importance, which will in its turn engage our attention, after we shall have noticed some intermediate occurrences. The first of these is an unseasonable strife among the disciples, which of them should be accounted the greatest, when the Messiah's kingdom should be established. That he might correct these unwarrantable prejudices, and at the same time set his apostles an example of humility and condescension to each other, the blessed * Gilpin. JESUS, rising from supper, and laying aside his garments, took a towel and girded himself; and he at whose name every creature in heaven and earth was commanded to bow*, condescended to take upon himself the office of a menial Bervant, by washing his disciples feet, and wiping them with the towel, wherewith he was girded. Well might the apostles be surprised and astonished at such a wonderful instance of humiliating condescension, that their LORD and Master should perform an office to them, which they might have considered an honour to be permitted to discharge towards him. With silent confusion therefore did they submit to this, as they thought, degrading act of condescension: All but l'eter, for he declined it, urging that the office was fitter for him to discharge to his LORD, than his LORD to him. JESUS promising that he should hereafter know the design of this act, Peter, with his usual impetuosity, declared, that JESUS should never wash his feet but at length, when JESUS told him, that he could have no part with him, if he washed him not, he consented, and with an eagerness natural to his warmth * Is. xlv. 23. of temper, exclaimed, LORD, Wash not my feet only, but also my hands and my head which earnest prayer our LORD by no means discouraged, but informed him, that he who is washed needed not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit that is, as a person thoroughly clean might easily wipe off a little casual dirt, which he might receive in travelling; so a person well grounded in his religion, would have only the common infirmities of nature to contend with*. And now, had any of these apostles been so wicked, as to have entertained a design against so gracious a Master, would any one think that after this humble office, he would have been so abandoned, as not immediately to lay aside. his design. But no such effect was produced on the mind of Judas, who appears settled in his purpose. His treacherous intention, however, although it might be concealed from the notice of his companions, was not hidden from his LORD. Hypocrisy may deceive man, but not GOD. JESUS accordingly took occasion from the passing scene, to intimate his acquaintance with the foulness of his apostate disciple. Ye are clean, said he, but * Gilpin: not all. He knew who should betray him, (as the evangelist remarks) therefore he said, Ye are not all clean. JESUS having concluded this astonishing act of condescension, in washing and wiping his disciples feet, calmly resumed his garments, and sitting down again, began to converse with them concerning the design of what he had done to them, as well as to represent to them the impropriety of that fondness of superiority which they had so lately manifested. Know ye, said he, what I have done to you? I have by this act set you an example of humility, and have in my own person exemplified to you the great necessity that lies upon you of condescending to perform, even the meanest offices one for another. That strife which you have just exhibited among you, "which should be accounted the greatest," was indeed very unseasonable, and such as I cannot but condemn. There is a great difference between my kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship and unbounded authority over those who are subject to them, and call themselves benefactors. This indeed is more suitable to the character of these earthly princes, than to you who are my disciples. Humility, and a desire K. |