"have the Minister sent for in the begin "ning of sickness. For when the disor"der is increased to a great height, it is generally in vain to talk with a Sick "Man; since, when the body is agitated by the violence of a severe disorder, the "mind for the most part suffers with it, "and becomes unable to discharge its pro" per functions. People should therefore "be convinced, how expedient it is for "them, that a Minister of God's word "should be sent for in time; that his prayers and advice will not hasten "death, (which is a vulgar and ridiculous "opinion) but may be effectual in pro"moting their true repentance, in re"moving their sickness, and prolonging "their lives. And men are the more to "be urged to require the Minister's at"tendance, when they are ill; because 46 many, particularly among the lower sort "of people, decline calling for the as"sistance of the Minister from a fear of being troublesome to him." CON THE Order for the Visitation of the Sick, &c. A short Prayer for the Blessing of God on the Form of addressing a Sick Person, before the Minister proceeds to Prayer... Page Prayers from the Order, &c. as in the first Visit 17 Remainder of the Exhortation from the Order, &c. Articles of the Faith Introduction to Questions on the Faith Questions on the Creed, shewing the Use that ought to be made of it Address to the Sick Person before the Minister concludes his second Visit.... Prayer for Support under Sickness Concluding Sentences from the Order for the 23 31 32 33 Third Visit 35 A short Address to the Sick Person before the Minister begins Prayer 35 Prayers from the Order, &c. as in the first and second Visits An Exhortation before the Minister examines the Sick Person as to. his Repentance Questons, on the Commandments Exhortation to settle worldly Affairs....... to Confession of Sins A Prayer for Support under Sickness Concluding Sentences from the Order for the 36 39. ......... 43 47 48 ... 49 Visitation of the Sick The Fourth Visit A short Address to the Sick Person before the Minister begins Prayer 50 52 52 Prayers Prayers from the Order, &c. as in the three first Page 52 Some Questions on the Sick Person's Faith and 58 A Form of Confession in the Name of the Sick 60 the Visitation... ....... 65 67 69 Part of the Seventy-first Psalm as appointed in Concluding Sentences from the Order, &c. .. Hints for what may be done after the four first 73 77 The Fifth Visit: or the Visit which is to follow the Form before recommended, &c....... 73 An Address to the Sick Person about receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper... Prayers from the Order, &c. as in former Visits, with some additional Prayers from the Liturgy The Sixth, and some subsequent Visits...... An Address to the Sick Person, proposing to read to him Bp. Wilson's Short and Plain Introduction for the better Understanding of the Lord's Supper 83 93 Prayers Page Prayers from the Order, &c. as in former Visits 84 A Prayer for a Sick Person who intends to receive the blessed Sacrament, &c. with con.. cluding Sentences from the Order.... The Visit which is to follow, when the Minister has finished Bp. Wilson's Short and Plain Introduction, &c. An Exhortation to the Sick Person, to read the same, or to get a Friend to read it to him.. Prayers from the Order, &c. as in former Visits A Visit after the Sick Person has complied with. what was recommended in the last or former Visit An Address to him, in Consequence of having so done... the same to be continued, if the Sick Person should express a Desire to receive the Sacrament Questions from the Church Catechism...... A Note explaining what is meant by being in 85 A 88 88 91 .92 92 94 98 99 Prayers from the Order, &c. as in former Visits 101 107 Another A general Prayer for the Acceptance of Devotions with the Sick: J.. |