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" Certainly, it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. "
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Side 347
af John Hawkins - 1787 - 605 sider
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Leonora: or, Characters drawn from real life

Leonora (fict.name.) - 1745 - 416 sider
...then to compleat my good Wimes, may you both enjoy Lord BATON'S Heaven upon Earth, to have your Minds move in Charity, reft in Providence, and turn upon the Poles of Truth. MY Friend,. anfwerrd GERMANICUS, I think the fame Author afluresus, when a truely great Man...
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A Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims: With Several Historical ...

Charles Palmer (Deputy Serjeant of the House of Commons.) - 1748 - 342 sider
...below ; fo always, that this profpedt be with pity, not with contemptuous pride. It is, certainly, heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in charity, reft in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. 1235. He who is in poffeffion of the fupremeft dignity, and can mount no higher, has but one...
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The Centinel. ...

1758 - 282 sider
...admirable author, " certainly " it is a heaven upon earth to have a man's mind (as " this teachi-th) move in Charity, reft in Providence, " and turn upon the poles of Truth." No. 117No. 117. Monday, December stb, 1757 I am not covetous of Cold, Nor care I who doth feed...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 642 sider
...rnuft be whining and complaining of that enmity which, perhaps, does him honour, and fcribbling to refute thofe calumnies which no one will believe,...• reft in Providence, and turn upon the poles of • Truth.' If Johnfon could ever be faid to be idle, now was the time. I le had, for nine years, been...
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The life of Dr. Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sider
...which no one will believe, it may be faid, as we fay of a man labouring under a mortal difeafe : 1 He is no man for this world.' If he choofes a contrary...Charity, ' reft in Providence, and turn upon the poles of ' Truth.' If Johnfon could ever be faid to be idle, now was the time. He had, for nine years, been...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

John Hawkins - 1787 - 636 sider
...difeafe : ' He is no man for this world.' If he choofes a contrary courfe to that above recommended, he does the work of thofe that hate him, and will...Charity, ' reft in Providence, and turn upon the poles of «' Truth.' If Johnfon could ever be faid to be idle, now was the time. He had, for nine years, been...
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Tracts, Bind 1–2

1791 - 448 sider
...extraordinary fufferings for publicly maintaining the worfhip of one God, is entirely groundlefs. * " Certainly it is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in charity, reft in providence, and turn on the poles of truth."—Lord BACON. groundlefs. Pofitive perfecution is difowned on all hands : honour...
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The English Enchiridion; Being a Selection of Apothegms, Moral Maxims, Etc

John Feltham - 1799 - 146 sider
...of the Almighty j whose alone it is to give.) and not receive. LXXIX. <!ertainly (says Lord BACON) it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in 6 charity, rest in Providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. , • LXXX. CHRIST'S coat, says one...
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Horæ Solitariæ: Or, Essays Upon Some Remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus ...

Ambrose Serle - 1801 - 392 sider
...because he walketh among men for salvation in no other way, * " Certainly (says Lord Bacon in his Essays) it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in Providence, and turn upon the poles of truth." t The prophets, and even the antient Jews, understood...
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The Temple of Truth: Or, The Best System of Reason, Philosophy, Virtue, and ...

Charles Edward De Coetlogon - 1807 - 588 sider
...which are among the most pure and refined distinctions of the human kind*. Truth is a treasure of * U Certainly, it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in Charity, rest in Providence, and turn upon, the poles of TRUTH. It is a pleasure, to stand upon the shore, and...
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