as it has been elsewhere, with the “to a Peer," and " the possession .warmest approbation.--So much of” one “, authentic document," for DEMONSTRATION! sufficient to substantiate against The friends of the Bible Society the inhabitants of the United are charged, in order to obtain Kingdom such heavy charges, patronage, with having resorted to such disgraceful, such ungentlethe most injurious and most un- manly conduct, as that alluded to justifiable expedients: by the author? Is it to be borne, that men of the first rank and conIf, in the conception of the canvassers, the person to be gained is indisposed to af sequence, men of the greatest ford pecuniary support, he is given to un- personal integrity, shall be thús derstand that his money is not wanted, traduced, and upon such evidence and that he may become very instrumental -and this called DEMONSTRAin serving God by that which will cost him "TION? nothing: if he is a man of retired habits The author's next STRONG proof or full of occupation in his own concerns, . the intimation is, that no attendance will de vill (we beg, his pardon,- demonstra we beg nis pardon, demonstrabe required, and that he may contribute tion) of the bad effects of the very considerably towards spreading the Bible Society, is at p. 97: Gospel without making the irksome sacri It is a curious fact, which has been com- . fice of personal exertion : if popularity is municated to the Editor, that it having his ruling passion, the political ascendancy been deemed expedient that a preparatory of the Society is enlarged upon, and it is discourse should be preached at Ware, on demonstrated to him that its influence can Whitsunday, by the Rev. Professor Dealturn the tide of public opinion either in his favour or against him : in short, a con- . " try; the several Dissenting fraternities at Ware and Hertford agreed to pay the pubplete political index is formed of all the lic compliment to this ardent advocate of nobility, magistracy, and gentry of the the Bible Society, of closing their meetproposed district, their characters are stu ing-houses in order to attend at church as died, the avenues to their hearts explored, part of his congregation. they are personally solicited with an importunity which will scarcely accept a de- This is certainly' a new method nial, and by persons gained over from of making Dissenters, by closing their connexions, and selected to be sent meeting - houses, and bringing as suitors to them, as being those they y the congregations to the parish h least know how to refuse. In some instances where corporate bodies are to be church. gained, the members are canvassed sepa. We believe our author is the tately, and, by a convenient adoption of a first who has opposed the soThetorical prolepsis, are each assured of ciety as a Foreign Bible Society his brethren's concurrence, and thus ope and who fears those happy results an by one the whole fraternity is gained. And there are instances, when it has been anticipated in the Eighth Report. deemed important to secure the counte- p. 78, and now most fully realized. nance of a particular individual, and it has see p. 118... been known that all solicitation would be The manner of the author's ac vain, of possession being taken of himnou counting for the support the Sowithout asking his consent, and of the advantage of his sanction being thus secured ciety, receives from Churchmen. at the first appeal to public feeling in be- is in his usual charitable strain : half of the design, without giving him the p. 156. . opportunity of protesting against it.".' . And if we make 'proper allowances for Surely this is a heavy accusa. 'the inconsideration of some among our brethren of the Church, and for the more ţion, and ought to be well sub - bid liberality of others ; if we only believe, stantiated. The Editor has seen that those who are ready to do good, are a letter." “ The Editor has an au- more in number than those who know how thentic document in his possession good' is to be done; that there are not a of a recent detection and discom- few, whose benevolence of heart and p1fiture of this device by some of the herity of intention subject them to be occa, sionally misted by persons who have more magistracy or the county and zeal than judgment or knowledge; we shall we ask, is the sight of a letter then be able to account for much of the Christ. GUARD. Vol. VI. ne 1 Lawah encouragement which this Society has re- of the Naval and Military Bible ceived from Churchinen of different ranks. Society. While we write thus, we :,: The author asserts, p. 158, that are far from censuring that Society. the constitution of the Bible So- We have given, and shall give it 'ciety is “ so framed as to give a our feeble support. decided superiority to the Dissent. The author's heaviest charge 'ers whenever they choose to exert against the Society is its connexion it.” But here again we in vain with Socinians, and he has brought look for proofs. We go further, and forward some papers circulated by assert, from our own knowledge, persons of that sect, which are of that the reverse of this statement a most detestable nature, and tend is the fact. - to sap the foundations of our holy We are persuaded the friends to religion. That the Socinians are - the Baptist Mission are of a different now active, we have ourselves no opinion from the Curate of Hack- doubt; but we are inclined to ney, with regard to the liberal think, that, with the simple object grant from the Bible Society, to which the Bible Society has in enable them to carry on, with more view, no danger can arise from effect, the translations they have permitting them to be members of so creditably begun... it. We rather suppose that good i The author confounds, or wishes 'must and will accrue. Were they · to confound, the spreading of the to be excluded, they would natu· Scriptures with ministerial instruc- rally circulate among their poorer 'tion. It never was the intention neighbours their “ improved verof the Bible Society to supersede sion," as they term it; whereas pastoral instruction, but to enable they are now obliged to circulate every man in the tongue in which the authorized version, in which It is a well-known fact, that spectable Rector of St. George's, One more of the author's facts, The author asserts, that, were it and we have done. He tells us, the proper place, it would not be a p. 226, that the reason for not difficult task to show that there is publishing in the Leicester paper no kind of similarity between the the speeches made at the last principles of the Naval and Milic meeting of the Leicester Auxiliary tary Bible Society, and the British Society was a remonstrance to the and Foreign Bible Society. Now Socinian members of the Society we do profess to see 'no real dif- for not co-operating in circulating ference between these two Socie, the authorized version. We have ties. The Naval and Military made inquiry into this fact, and Pible Society-circulates the Scrip- find that it is without any founda, tures without note or comment; so tion in truth, and that a totally does the British and Foreign Bible different reason prevented the pubSociety. Dissenters are members lication of the speeches delivered of both; and for many years a dis. upon that occasion. . senting teacher was the Secretary , With the personalities of Mr, Norris we have nothing to do: to remarks and insinuations, which yet we must reprobate the manner we think we have proved to be in which he has dragged forth to without foundation. notice a number of respectable in- For the venerable Society for dividuals in his notes upon the promoting Christian Knowledge, persons who conducted the Hack- we cherish, as every Churchman ney meeting, ought, a cordial respect; we hearAs far as we are able to judge, tily rejoice in the increasing påthe author has demonstrated no- tronage it receives, and which it thing, except that it is an easy most fully mérits; and we shall at thing to compile an octavo volume, all times feel pleasure in bringing and so give a seeming consequence it before the notice of our readers. MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT, , AND MISSIONS of Tub UNITED BRETHREX. known.' Long before the conversion of • The Christian world has of late directe “the Heathen had been undertaken, or even much of its attention to the important duty deemed practicable by most other branches of evangelizing the Heathen. Funds for of the Church of Christ, the Missionaries this purpose have been raised among vari- of the United Brethren, with the word of ous denominations, which prove that the God in their hands, and its promises as public is not insensible to the appeal made their guide and encouragement, sought out to its benevolence; and the cross of Christ new subjects for the cross of Christ, and is in consequence now raised in countries animated by a zeal which neither hunger heretofore debased by pagan rites and idola- nor thirst, nor the fear of death itself, could trous superstition. 'extinguish, proclaimed far and wide the To the eye of faith the period seems to unknown God. And it is due to them to be fast approaching, when “ the parched state, that the result of their labours for ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty the conversion of the Heathen, has afford. land streams of water; when the desert ed ample cause for thankfulness to Him shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose." who is the great Lord of the harvest, and To those who are acquainted with the for increased energy in obeying the comhistory of Missions, the zeal and devoted- mand which saith, “ Go, and preach the ness manifested by the Moravians, or Church Gospel to every creature." of the United Brethren*, will not be un- * The following Statement will serve to show the different Settlements of the United Brethren, and the period of their establishment, viz.. Established. Settlements. Missionaries: 1 . 3 . Y 35 - 2 o!!! Jamaica - 1754 Antigua 1756 Barbadoes - 1765 St. Kitts 1775 In South America 1738 In North America - 1734 In Labrador 1764 In Greenland - . - - - - 1733 In South Africa, near the Cape of 1 Good Hope, renewed in 1792 1732 S 1736 157 In the three Danish islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. Jan, the Brethren's congregations amount to no less than 12,189 souls, and their number in Antigua is likewise estimated at about 12,000...'Perhaps it is pot generally known that the Brethren's Church is an ancient Episco pal Church, and acknowledged to be suck by Act of Parliameni, 22d Geo. II. The above Missions have been supported the fury of the flames became terrible, and by contributions from the German congre- the whole horizon seemed to be on fire; gations, and others established on the Con- but as it was still at some distance from our tinent; from the United Brethien in this house, and the wind blew in the opposite country; and those of their friends who direction, we still remained in safety, feel disposed to aid so good a cause. though we could not think of retiring to • But He who inspires every good desire, rest. In the morning of the 4th à troop often suffers difficulties to interpose to try of French ligbt horse, with two officers, the faith of his followers. The pecuniary came galloping into our yard, and demandtesources of the Brethren are failing, Ger- ed bread with great violence, which vas immany, groaning under a long and pro- mediately given them ; but they were so tracted warfare, possesses not the means of famished and greedy, that they took not supplying her accustomed contributions; only all the bread, but also the whole stores and the Brethren's congregations, impo- from the baker About evening, and still verished by repeated acts of plunder and more during the night, the fury of the oppression, are in need of that very aid flames seemed to, abate; and in the mornthemselves, which they so cheerfully dis- ing of the 5th ne observed, to our great pensed to others, joy, that no where new fames arose. We The debt incurred by the Missions of the therefore flattered ourselves with hopes, United Brethren, at the receipt of the last that the fire would be quite restrained, and intelligence, previous to the late calami order and tranquillity soon restored. But tous events amounted to upwards of 20001.; before noon the destructive fury of the and there is reason to dread a very cons - Hames was again scen in more than ten derable addition to the above sum, when places, and it became evident that the ruin the next'accounts arrive, owing to the late of the whole city was determined. The heavy distresses in Germany, and in other safeguards at our baker's demanded, with settlements of the Brethren. Perbaps it is the greatest violence, cloth for pantaloons, not too much to say, that the above debt which we could not procure for them. will be probably doubled, the annual ex- Clothes were offered, which they refused, penditure being not less than nearly 80001.; and threatened murder if cloth was Few details have been received as yet, but mediately procured. This being wholly as a specimen of the severe distress in which impossible, they required that some of us several of their settlements have been in- should accompany them to the shops, and volved by the calamities of war, we subjoin point out the stores. All remonstrances the following Extract, recording the total that the shops were already reduced to loss of the Brethren's settlement at Mos- ashes were unavailing, and one of us was cow, in the conflagration of that city :- obliged to go with them. After some “ On September 1st we were exposed to hours they returned without having accomthe rage of the populace, which was remplished their purpose; and, as at this mostrained by nothing, as the police and all ment permission was given for a general magistrates had left the city the preceding plunder, the safeguards left our house, and night, when we were deprived of all pro- took two of our horses with them. From tection and prospect of safety. The op- this hour a period of terror commenced. pressive sensation of anguish, which now About six in the evening some of the troops prevailed, and almost overwhelmed us, is rushed into our house, and immediately , not to be described; we could only sigh, 'broke open the doors of our shop, rum and cry for help to God; for all human maged every room, chest, and drawer, took help was gone. The ad of September the all our clothes and linen, and only left the fate of our city was decided. Early in the clothes on our backs. While they were morning we saw our army retreat through thus occupied, we perceived, with terror, the city, which continued the whole day, till that an immense mass of fire was driven by towards evening, when the French army, a violent storm towards us, and that we had commanded by the King of Naples, entered reason to fear, every moment, that it would the Kremlin. Soon after the hostile sol- seize our dwellings. We therefore left the diers came into our yard, and demanded plunderers to themselves, and small and provisions and lodging. Now we resolved great quitted the premises, just as we were, to keep a strong watch in and about our with a sensation which is not to be de house and yard, having to fear the worsty scribed. We went on overwhelmed with especially from a crowd of marauders. To terror; none could speak comfort to the wards nine in the evening we observed large other, for every one wanted it; no tear alfires rise in several parts of the city, which leviated the oppression under which we spread from house to house, and on the groaned ; and the lamentations of the Rus. 3d became so universal, that they could sian domestics, who accompanied us, afa no longer be extinguished, but one part of forded a terrible contrast to our silent the city after the other was converted into grief. Thus we went into the garden, süra heap of ruins and ashes. Towards night rounded on all sides by the flames, which A violent wind rolled towards us like waves when remonstrated with on the duty of of the sea, so that we considered ourselves making their case public, felt some hesitaunsafe in town, and resolved to go into the tion, which however has yielded to presso open fields. ing necessity. “No sooner were we in the street than & In thus bringing them before the public, band of horse met us, who plundered us the friends of the Brethren conceive that most unmercifully, and tore the clothes they are making a communication of facts from our backs. It appeared as though a which cannot but excite sympathy; while, troop of evil spirits encircled us; and with in withholding the statement here brought drawn swords, and loaded pistols in their forward, they debar the Mission of that ashands, they took from us what they would sistance which a generous public is always At length they left us, and we proceeded, ready to afford to a cause so deserving. amidst fear and trembling, when particu- Subscriptions or donations, in behalf of larly the sick and children had much to the Missions of the United Brethren, will suffer. Having at last arrived in the open be thankfully receired by Messrs. Hoares, field, we lay down under the canopy of Fleet Street; Messrs. Down, Thornton, and heaven, and all endeavoured, as well as Co. Bartholomew Lane; the Rev. C. I. they were able, to secure themselves against Latrobe, 10, Nevill's Court, Fetter Lane; the piercing cold; which, however, consi Rev. Josiah Pratt, 22, Doughty Street; Rev. dering the want of sufficient clothing, was George Burder, Camberwell Grove; Rer. not an easy matter. But even here we Mr. Tracy, Bartlett's Buildings; Joseph were not left to rest long, for the plunder- Butterworth, Esq. M. P. Fleet Street; Z. ing began again; particularly, a Wirtem- Macaulay, Esq. Birchin Lane ; Mr. Wollin, berg soldier attacked some of us very se- St. Andrew's Court, Holborn; Mr. Hatchverely, and with the most terrible threats ard, Piccadilly; Mr. Seeley, 169, Fleet demanded ready money, which none of us Street; Rev. Mr. Grimshaw, Bedford; Rev. had. With much entreaty he was prevail. Andrew Fuller, Kettering; Hazard and ed upon to leave us, having obtained some binns, Bath; T. Lambes, Bristol ; by the remaining articles of dress from our bo- respective Ministers of the Brethren's Condies. The conflagration continued still, gregations and in the mean time the friends and about two o'clock in the morning of of the Brethren have to express their sincere the 6th we saw, to our grief, our two gratitude to the Baptist Mission for a liberal stone-built houses in flames. donation of one hundred guineas, which, « The plundering still continued, and our through the private representation of * well-seeured vault, whither we had removed friend, was most kindly and promptly all our stores of merchandise, and our granted *. whole substance, and walled it up, which Having made this appeal, we leave it in had sustained no injury from the fire, was the hands of Him who can dispose the now broken open and entirely emptied. hearts of the children of men according to Thus we at once lost our all, and literally his own sovereign will and pleasure, The became beggars." call is urgent; the well-being of the MisIn addition to the above distressing nar- sions of the United Brethren, and with it rative, all the congregations in Upper Lu the spiritual interests of many heathen satia and Silesia have been exhausted by souls, are deeply concerned. While we now repeated requisitions and contributions; plead their cause with a generous public, the settlement at Sarepta, near Astracan, we cannot but contemplate the Negro, the has also been in part destroyed by fire; be Hottentot, the Greenlander, and the poor sides other calamities suffered by the con- Esquimaux, uniting their intercession with gregations in Denmark and Saxony. . ours, with uplifted hands to Heaven, ex Impressed with these and similar facts, claiming, “ Lord, save us, we perish;” Bome friends of the Brethren have deemed while He who listens to the cry of the poor it right to lay a representation of them be and needy, saith to each benevolent heart, fore the public, and, by an appeal to British “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of benevolence, to endeavour to rescue their the least of these my brethren, verily I saj Missions from the distressing circumstances unto you, ye have done it unto me." in which they are involved by these calamities. . * Nor is it less due to the British and - Averse, at all times, from obtiuding Foreign Bible Society to record, on this octhemselves on public notice, having hi- casion, their very kind contribution of Bitherto preferred retirement and doing good, bles and Testaments for the benefit of the without wishing that good to be known by Brethren's Mission in Antigua, Surinam, any but by those who are its objects; above the Cape, &c. and for the publication of the all, trusting in the goodness of their God four Gospels in the language of the Esquiand Saviour to provide for whatever is un- maux, in Labrador. dertaken for bis own glory; the Brethren, |