POETRY. design, they BRITANNIA. Most favour'd nation! tolthy cate is given ENGLAND! most bappy and most envied That brightest gem, the choicest gift of heaven! state! Fame proudly owns true glory makes thee For this alone preserv'd, for this she stands Secure amid the wreck of neighbouring great: lands Tis not the cong‘ror's name, the cong'ror's That thou may'st aid his great, bis grand crown, That gives to Britain her deserv'd renown; Though all ber arnis and all her heroes fail, ? The treasure's given the glorious task is. Her bright benevolence shall still prevail : thine'Tis true, each beart which beats with pa With pious zeal true wisdom to dispense To wretched slaves of cruel ignorance; triot pride Exulting sees her o'er the ocean ride, "Tis thine to shed o'er India's distant plain And cries, while looking on ber floating Where Superstition holds her deadly reign, Where prowling dogs and hov'ring vultures" piles, Blistress of Seas! and, Happy Queen of tear Isles ! The heart still warm with terror and deos And it is true, his breast with glory'fir'd spair; In freedom's cause, by freedom's wrongs Where scatter'd bones of wretches such as inspir'd, He tells how oft th' oppressed she reliev'd, Direct the zealous pilgrim on his way, Recounts the wonders that her sons achiev'd:' Who, all regardless of such direful sights, In courage ardent, in compassion brave, Hastens to view their more inhuman rites, They fly to succour, as they hope to save! Where shouting myriads now exulting owa Imniortal Wellington! thy country's boast, The wretch expiring 'neath the pond'roust Thy name re-echo'd to her farthest coast! throne : L'en lisping infants slialf thy worth pro From hence all pity, dies- no weeping eye, No feeling breast here heaves one gentle claim, And glowing youths shall emulate thy fame! - sigh, Unfading laurels has thy valour won, . The blood-stain'd rite forbids snch tender And Freedom owns her champion and her grief, And pity would be thought of sins the Put war shall cease-Britannia's banners chief*, But it is thine to bid such horrors cease, furl'd Bespeak tranquillity o'er all the world To offer weary pilgrims rest and peace; Proclaim glad tidings in the wretch's ears, For could she' sit and see th' oppressor's And melt bis stubborn soul in pious tears - might Trample beneath his feet the nations' right? To bid the slave of sacred sins be free, Could she unmov'd behold their struggling Breathe in his soul new life and liberty; Crush Satan's kingdom, vanquish sin's domi grief, main, And yet deny her ever-prompt relief? Shed peace and love where wars and dism No! proud to save, to succour, and defend, E'en to her foes the wislı'd-for aid she 'll cord reign ; Lift up the cross, and with it point the road ' lend; She gives their need, if such to her belongs; Where ever reigns the Christian's only God; And in their wants and woes forgets her Tell them that there' his toils are all rewrongs. paid, Such is thy glory-may it long be thine,' And crowns and kingdoms for rewards are For mercy is an attribute divine: laid; "Tis well to imitate the good we can The bouseless wand'rer here shall rest from . care, God gives to us, and we our fellow-man; For God bimself their mansions will preBut, ʼmid the gifts that his all-bounteous hand pare: O hasten, then, such kindness to proclaim, To give salvation to a wretched state, .. And tell the glory that has made thee great. AccEBEBE Britannia's wealth, her bulwark, and his Asiatic Researchers shield! CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN, Church of England Magazine. - AND BENOIR OF THE LATÊ fev. Ro- bours became both useful and pos BERT STORRY, VICAR OF ST. pular. Afterwards he was recom PETER's, coLCHESTER mended, by the Rev. W. Richard son (a friend to whom he looked up . The Rev. Robert Storry was à as a father and for whom he enternative of Yorkshire; born in the tained the highest esteem and reparish of Middleton, near Picker- spect to the latest period of his life), ing, on the 13th of June 1751. He as eurate to the venerable and Rev. had the misfortune to lose both Thomas Adam, of Winteringham. his parents in early life. From his To this situation he removed in the childhood he was seriously dis beginning of the year 1775, and it posed; and, at the age of twelve proved an excellent school for im. or fourteen, he imbibed, under the provement to a young and inexpe. ministry of the Rev. John King, "rienced Minister. Here he had great vicar of Middleton, those evange. vipportunities of improving his stock lical principles which produced so of spiritual knowledge; and here he purifying an influence on his future acquired that just taste which led temper and conduct, préserved him him to prefer, in his public adunder the severe trials and affic- dresses, that which was solid, usetions of life, and in the hour of ful, and practical ; that which was death cheered his departing soul calculated to convince the underwith the prospects of immortal standing, and impress the heart; glory. before what was merely popular He was originally intended for and attractive. Nor was this situathe law ; but zeal for the extension tion useful to Mr. Storry alone, in of his Redeemer's kingdom, and an training him up to eminent future anxious desire of preaching that services; but it was equally so to Gospel to others which he had found Mr. Adam, on whom the social so beneficial to his own soul, added and communicative temper of Mr. to some particular circumstances in Storry produced the happiest efhis situation, and the advice of fects, by correcting in him that wise and experienced friends, de- retired and taciturn disposition, so termined his choice of the pastoral frequently found in men of deep office. He received ordination in thought and reflection, and which the beginning of the year 1774: had proved a great bar to his useprevious to which he prosecuted his fulness, by restraining him from studies, for some time, under the that free and familiar intercourse eminently learned and pious Mr. so desirable between a Minister and Milner, of Hull. His first charge his people. Mr. Storry, possessed was the curacy of Hovingham, near of an active, affectionate, and comMalton, where his ministerial la municative temper, soon became · CHRIST. GUARD. VOL. VI., 3 A personally acquainted with the to the vicarage of Great Tey, in state of all the parishioners, and the county of Essex, through the acquired an influence over their friendship of the late Rev. John minds, which he employed in ex. Venn, and Mr. Samuel Thornton, horting them to a greater diligence the member for Surrey. in the concerns of their souls, and Mr. Storry found that the living in leading them to form a just esti- of St. Peter's, though small in point mate of the truly valuable instruc- of emolument, entailed the charge tions of their pious rector. Through of a numerous population, which him the excellencies of Mr. Adam's required a very large share of the character were developed, and his most constant and laborious attenabours made to produce a more tion. At that period, the state of abundant harvest. To Mr. Storry religion in Colchester was at a very the world is indebted for decipher- low ebb ; nor could it be said, that ing the manuscript copy, in short. in any of the fifteen churches in hand, of those “Private Thoughts,” that large and populous town, which have so often appeared in any very strenuous efforts were print, and which are y highly es- made for its improvement. The Teemed, and read with so much fundamental doctrines of original benefit and pleasure, by persons of sin, of regeneration through the the greatest experience in religion. influence of the Holy Spirit, and Mr. Storry proved a striking ex. justification by faith in the merits 'ample of the benefit which a young and atonement of our Lord Jesus, man, desirous of being taught the Christ, so beautifully interwoven way of the Lord more perfectly, with our Liturgy, were not only derives from being placed, in the not generally preached, but by beginning of his ministerial labours, many were derided and exunder the eye and authority of the ploded as dangerous and enthusiwise and aged. It was, under God, *astic. the happy means of preserving him Our young incumbentwas, therefrom many faults incident to his fore, called to sustain all that oppotemper and disposition, and train- sition which, under such circum'ing him up for the more eminent stances, is often found to accomservices of which he was the ho- pany the faithful promulgation of Doured instrument. evangelical truth. All that prejuIn the commencement of the year dice could suggest, or calumny 1781, Mr. Storry was presented, by devise, was directed against him. the late pious and excellent Mrs. But, amidst the conflicts of con.. Wilberforce, to the vicarage of St. tending opinions, he was enabled Peter's, Colchester; soon after to hold on his way, serene and un. which he married a daughter of the shaken; and, relying on the grace late Dr. Bridges, of Hull, a phy- and support of his Redeemer, he sician held in great estimation for surmounted all opposition, and liv. his talents and skill. His union ed to see even the prejudices which with this intelligent and pious lady had been raised against him extinwas a source to him of the greatest guished. connubial felicity. Six children Here his exertions were such as, were the fruit of this marriage; in a short time, greatly to affect his two of whom only survived him, a health ; but his excellent friend, son and a daughter. The former the late Mr. John Thornton, inis the Rev. John Bridges Storry, duced him to quit the scene of his whom his excellent father had the labours, and to spend some time satisfaction of seeing set apart to with him at Swansea, where his the ministerial office; and who health and strength were complete was, soon after his death, presented ly restored. On his return to Cole chester, he applied himself with him gently to him, and affectionredoubled diligence to the duties ately kissed him ; thus expressing of his station, and he was so hap- his concurrence in the hope that py as to witness very extensive and they might so live and die in Christ beneficial effects from his exertions. as to meet where the ransomed of Many, who are now no more, will the Lord shall be united to part no doubtless, at the last great day, more for ever.. appear as seals to his ministry; and As a public character, the town numbers, still on earth, are ready to of Colchester will long have to laacknowledge the efficacy of his ment Mr. Storry's loss. When the ministerial labours in leading them object was to promote any useful or to embrace the Gospel of Christ. beneficial object, as far as his slen Thus did he continue to exercise der means would allow, he was ever himself in the duties of his ministe- ready to appear in the foremost rial office, till, in the autumn of rank. He acted with great wisdom 1808, he was visited by an indis- on the occasion of establishing position, which excited the lively Sunday schools in Colchester. Such apprehensions of his family and at that time was the opposition friends. Their fears were too soon which he met with from his brerealized; this seizure being fol- thren of the Church of England, lowed by repeated attacks of a pa- that there was reason to apprehend ralytic complaint, which brought that any measure would be rejecthis valuable life to a close on the ed, however excellent it might be 18th of January 1814. in itself, which was proposed by *: The patience and resignation him. Instead, therefore, of comwith which he was enabled to sup- ing forward himself, he directed port his long affliction, formed a the Sunday School Society in Lon. pleasing commentary on the truth don to make application to another and efficacy of those divine doc- clergyman, who was considered a trines on which he had laid so much leading man among his brethren at stress in the hour of his health and Colchester; and the object was efministerial vigour: å heavenly se- fected. The British and Foreign renity beaming on his countenance, Bible Society, the Society for Mis-, bespoke the happy calm that reign- sions to Africa and the East, with ed within. For some months pre- many others, obtained considervious to his death, his memory and able sums through his exertions. speech (which had been in some The Benevolent Society in Coldegree impaired) appeared to re- chester, was founded by him; and, vive. The many excellent obser- indeed, there was scarcely any chavations which then fell from his ritable institution in the neighbour. lips, and the devotional framewhich hood to which he did not contrihe manifested, gave the most sa- bute his support. tisfactory evidence of his having As a Minister of the Gospel of been enabled to retain his faith and Christ, Mr. Storry was eminently hope unshaken to the end. Within distinguished. His activity, his ear. a short period of his closing scene, nestness, his diligent attention to when the spark of life was nearly the wants of his parishioners, his extinct, and the organs of speech amiable and kind deportment, furhad ceased to perform their office, nish a striking example tohis youthhis son and weeping wife hanging ful successors in the sacred office. over him to catch the last sigh of The style of his preaching was simhis departing spirit, the former ple and unaffected, yet deeply imsaid, “I trust, my dear father, we pressive and affecting; and his disshall meet in heaven :" upon which courses always abounded with the he put forth his feeble hand, drew most important truths. The grand object of all his exhortations was, Storry's ministerial fidelity, as the to lead the sinner to a true and state of his people. During the humbling knowledge of himself, three-and-thirty years of his pasthat he might be induced to place toral çare of St. Peter's church, the all his dependence on the Lord congregation proved an almost unJesus Christ, as his wisdom, righte- exampled instance of unity among Qusness, sanctification, and redemp- themselves, and of undivided attion. He seldom entered into dis- tachment to their Minister. cussions respecting the more ab- The same grace which shone so struse points in divinity, but con- conspicuously in his public and of tented himself with enforcing the ficial character, shed its influence pure and genuine doctrines of the over his social and domestic rela. Gospel in a plain and practical tions. His friendship was ardent manner. He was peculiarly cau- and sincere. His desire to promote tious in warning his hearers of the the temporal benefit of those he danger of resting their hopes of loved, was always strongly united salvation on any other foundation with an anxiety for their immortal than that which is clearly laid happiness. This recollection will down in the word of God itself. remain engraven on the hearts of At the same time that he strenu numerous friends, in lines of the ously urged them to seek after the deepest gratitude, till they shall be attainment of that faith which called to join him in the holy comworketh by love, he carefully munion and ceaseless friendship of guarded them against the dreams the ransomed of the Lord in heàa of enthusiasm ; impressing upon ven.. them their obligation to “think so. As a husband, a father, and a berly," and, in the conscientious master, the Christian alone can appractice of all relative duties, to preciate his conduct and demeanshow forth the praises of that Sa- Our; he alone can judge of the viour who had calļed them from source of that gentleness, mildness, darkness to light, and from the forbearance, and tenderness, which power of Satan unto God. Great were displayed towards every memand abundant were the fruits of ber of his family. his ministry, not only among his The Rev. Robt. Storry was bustated hearers of the town of Col- ried on the 25th of Jan. 1814, in chester and the neighbourhood, the churchyard of St. Peter's, Colbut, during the late war, among the chester : on which occasion nearly garrison, and particularly the Ar- the whole of the parishioners, as tillery. Many, both officers and well as many of his friends from men, who went to scoff, remained other parts, attended to pay their to pray; and, though before living last tribute of respect to his remains. without God in the world, learned His funeral sernion was preached, to reverence, from the heart, that on the Sunday following, by his · Holy name by which they were much-valued friend, the Rev, J. called. Many of these have since Hallward of Assington; and a neat exerted themselves to disseminate monument has since been erected the same piety among their brother- in the chancel of St. Peter's church, soldiers. Indeed, so extensive has to his memory, bearing the followbeen the effect produced by his la- ing inscription :bours in this particular direction, « In memory of the Reverend as to have procured for him the Robert Storry, who departed this honoured appellation of the Father life January 18, 1814, in the 63d of Religion among our brave Ar-, year of his age. He was Vicar of tillery, this parish thirty-three years; and Nothing can so fully attestM r. lies interred by the side of his chil |