subject. It is this; God has appointed and tholic Church will be draan into a closer ccm nanded his Gospel to be preached to all union of hearts, and excited to more - rirations, for the obedience of faith. The gorous and combined efforts for the univery appointment implies the efficiency of versal diffusion of Christianity. In the the means, and the certainty of their suc mean time, Sir, the Church Missionary Socess; and it is the grossest presumption in ciety calls upon us to show the sense we self-opinionated men to oppose their insi entertain of our privileges, by inviting us, dious speculations to the positive appoint- as members of the Church of England, to ment of Almighty God! take our share in the glorious work of evanSome doubts, Sir, have been expressed, gelizing the Heathen. And when I conwhether the time be yet come for evange- sider the claims of Africa and the East, not lizing the Heathen. But, how are we to upon our hunanity alone, but upon our judge of the probable arrival of that glo- justice- when I recollect the wrongs of rious period? Do we look for a mission of Africa, so long and cruelly inflicted by angels to announce it? Are there, at this British cupidity–when it is remembered, moment, no providential notices pointing that the East contains nearly sixty millions to an eyent whick the word of prophecy has of men subjugated to our dominion, and made sure, and which the wise and good in standing in the relation of fellow-subjects, every age have desired to see? Is the re- , I persuade myself the call now made will lative situation of this country to India not be in vain; the town and county of nothing? Can we, as a Christian nation, Leicester will press forward in this noble suppose that such a territory has been added service; they will rejoice in the opportuto this empire for conimercial purposes nity afforded them, of offering, though late, only? And is there nothing to be remarked some compensation to injured Africa; they on the striking coincidence between the will cheerfully contribute their assistance, missionary spirit, so widely spread in the in conveying to British India its just portion country, and the unexampled means in- of the most valued privileges of Britisha trusted to us' for carrying its benerolent subjects. purposes into effect? The Rev. Melville Horne then addressed I cannot but indulge the belief, that the the Meeting in a strain of peculiar animaastonishing events now passing on the Con- tion, and concluded as follows: “Highly tinent will stimulate our national zcal, and as I honour the pious Lutheran Ministers, greatly augment our facilities for accom- who are bold to suiler and die in our cause, plisbing this glorious work. Europe stood in I cannot brook the idea of their adrancing need of a great lesson, in the way of ex- alone into the field with the standard of our ample; and we may hope the voice of Pro Church in their hands. Where are our own vidence will not be heard in vain. We Ministers ? What happy peculiarity is there have seen infidelity engendered by super- in the air of Germany? What food is it stition, anarchy by oppression, and an un- which nourishes these pious Lutherans ? heard of tyranny rising from the ruins of What are their blessings and mercies to both. make them bold in a cause in which the. But that rod, so long emplayed for chas, English Clergy are not free to engage? I tisement, and so terrible in the hands of cannot allow these good men to stand in Providence, seems now, in the just retri- our place. Let us assert our own digbutions of Heaven, about to be broken. nity, and that of the Church to which we The visitations of God are manifestly pur- belong. Let Britisha piety claim the honour suing the guilty oppressor, and we bet:old to lead the battle." It is for us, my breat this moment the man, who has, for thren, to rescue our Church from disgrace. nearly twenty years, alternately seduced It is for us Clergy to breathe the sublime and terrified the nations, denounced by the spirit of missions, and, by our exhortations public conscience put into the hue and and example, to warm the souls of the cry of Europe-and, cre long, we confi- Laity. If they see us willing to make every dently hope to see him placed under the sacrifice, and prodigal (as we should be proban and anathema of the whole civilized digal in such a canse) of our lives in this world. godlike work, they will never be penurious But, Sir, however, as Britons, we must of their money. Under God, the battle is exult in events so auspicious to the return- our own. Let us discharge our duty, and ing liberties and peace of Euroje, we must all will succeed and prosper'; for it is the not, as Christians, lose sight of other con cause of humanity, it is the cause of God; sequences which may be reasonably ex and it cannot but meet his effectual blesspected to follow. We may fairly hope, that ing. The Clergy must, they will come forwhile our political and commercial relations ward in this cause. If the young will not are restored, a connexion inore truly Chris more, more aged Ministers must lead the tian will hereafter be established between way. There is ground enongh in India, this nation and the Continent;--we inay hallowed and consecrated as a grave for hope, that the members of (tuist's Ca- our first Missionaries. That is a field of Christian warfare, which may be justly awake him to honour, and glory, and imdeemed a field of true honour; where the mortal life.” Missionary, breathing the spirit of the The Rer. G. B. Mitchell, the Rev. P. L. Apostles of our Lord and Saviour, may Story, the Rev. T. T. Vaughan, and the fight, and conquer, and die beneath the Rev. Aulay Macaulay, severally addressed Banner of the Cross; and, as a true hero the Meeting; but our limits will not allow of our faith, lay there his manly length, onr insertion of their speeches. until the morning of the Resurrection shall CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. £. $. d. NORFOLK AND Norvich AssOCIATION: second Remittance ....... 350 0 0 by Rev. W. Goodt, M. A. Blackfriars ........ ............ 20 0 0 Legacy of the late Mrs. Roberts, Charterhouse Square ............... 50 0 0 Friends: by Mr. Edward Jackson, St. John's College, Cambridge ..... 2 0 0 Collections in Shropshire, by Rev. Melville Horne: Rockwardine Church (Rev. Joshua Gilpin, M. A. Vicar). 22 19 7 ......... 12 0 6 121 8 8 . Friend: by Rev. M. Horne .................................... 100 Education of Four Youths, to be named Robert Raikes, John Camp- 40 0 0 By Rev. J. Wilson and Friends, Donnington, Lincolnshire .... ure ........... 8 0 0 Stebbing and Bardfield Association ....... 5 00 Pulverbatch Church, Salop: Collection by Rev. J. Buckworth, M. A. (Rev. Wm. Gilpin, M. A. Vicar.) .... 16 17 9 Bledlow Penny Association: by Rev. W. Stephen, M. A. ........ 2 18 7 Ditto Sunday School .......... Ditto...... 2 10 7 ... 1 10 0 ................ 1 0 0 One Quarter's Collection, by Miss Atkinson ........... 2 10 0 6,0 0 Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Association : by Rev..J. H.C. Moot, M. A. .... 10 'o @ C'lewer Association: First Quarter : by the President, Rev. C. Jervis, M.A.: Annual Subscriptions .............. ............. 12 1 6 ..............: 3 10 10 24 13 . By Rev. W. S. Dusatoy, Portsea : Teachers of St. John's Chapel Sunday School: First Quarter À 5 8 ...... 1 19 8 7 4 Nevern Church, near Cardigan: Collection by Rev. D. Griffith, Vicar ... 15 10 Rev. Jolin Riland, M. A. Yarall, Staffordshire ....... 10 10 0 LEICESTER AND LEICESTERSHIRE AssociATION: First Remittance,... Oo · St. Giles' Church, Cripplegate . Collection by Rev. G. F. Bates, M. A, Lecturer ............................................... 38 4 2 Shepherd, M. A.......... JUSIU D. 1. ............ ........... CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN, Church of England Magazine. AND MEMƠIR OF GEORGE WISHAKT. From this time the vengeance of Cardinal Beaton, who was the GEORGE Wishart; one of the chief of the Catholic party in most able as well as extraordinary Scotland, pursued him in a variety teachers of the Reformed religion, of ways. The first step he took was descended from a noble fa- was to prohibit Wishart from mily in Scotland, where he was preaching i accordingly, one day, educated first at à grammar- just as he had finished a discourse, school, from which he went to Robert Mill, a principal man at the university. He then travelled Dundee, who had formerly been into several countries on the Con- a professor of, and a sufferer for tinent, where he spent a consider the truth, charged him, in the able time, in order to improve names of the Queen and Governor, himself in literature, and greatly not to trouble them any more with distinguished himself by his ex his preaching in that place. For a tensive learning and abilities, both short space Wishart was silent in in philosophy and in theology. thought, then lifting his eyes up The same ardent thirst for know to heaven, and afterwards looking ledge induced him to go to the sorrowfully on the speaker and university of Cambridge, where people, he said, “God is my withis assiduity and daily progress in ness, that I never ininded your useful learning soon acquired him trouble but your comfort; yea; the respect of his cotėmporaries. your trouble is more grievous to Animated with a fervent desire me than it is to yourselves : but to promote the truth in his own sure I am, that to reject the word country, he left Cambridge in the of God, and to chase from you summer of 1544, and for some his messenger, is not the way to time taught a school in the town save you from trouble, but to of Montrose, with great applause bring you into it. When I am on'account of his uncommon elo. gone, God will send you ministers quence and agreeable mode of who will fear neither burning nor - communicating instruction. On banishment. I have, at the hahis departure from Montrose, hé "zard of my life, remained among arrived at Dundee, where his fame you, preaching the word of salva. increased still more, by the lec- tion; now ye yourselves refuse me, tures which he gave on the Epistle and I must leave my innocence to to, the Romans; and which so in- be declared by my God. If it be censed the clergy against him, long prosperous with you, I am that they, finding their authority not led by the Spirit of Truth; and influence evidently decrease, but, if unexpected trouble come Immediately projected his ruin. .- upon you, remember this is the CHRwT. GUARD. VOL. VI. cause, and turn to God by repent- nestly praying for pardon. “Atuance, for he is gracious and mer- mult immediately ensued, and the çiful. But if you turn not at the sick, who were without the gate, first warning, he will visit you rushed in, demanding to have the with fire and sword.” i assassin delivered to theni; but Having delivered these words, Wishart interposed, and, having he quitted the pulpit, and travelled appeased the enraged multitude, into the west of Scotland, where saved the ecclesiastic's life. he preached with great acceptance Another providential escape and success; notwithstanding he from the machinations of his cruel was every where persecuted by enemy, Beaton, occurred while he the sanguinary Cardinal Beaton, was at Montrose. On the abating from whose snares, however, he of the plague, Wishart determined was in more instances than one to visit his friends in that city. providentially delivered, as the During his residence there, a letter subsequent narrative will evince. · was delivered to Wishart, purport Having been informed that the ing to be written by his intimate plague raged in Dundee with friend, the Laird of Kinniere, and dreadful havoc, Wishart took leave requesting Wishart to come to him of his friends in the west ; the day with all possible speed, as he was after his arrival in that town, he taken with a sudden sickness. announced his intention of preach. With this request Wishart com. ing, and stationed himself on the plied; and immediately setting out head of the Eastgate; so that the on his journey, accompanied by a healthy were within the town, while few select friends, he had not trathe infected persons stood without velled more than a quarter of a the gate. The subject of his dis- mile, when he suddenly stopped, course was taken from Psalm cvii. saying to the company, “I am 20: “ He sent his word and healed forbidden of God to go this jourthem, and delivered them from ney: will some of you be pleased their destruction.” The minds to ride to yonder place” (pointing and hearts of his auditors were so to a little hill), « and tell me what elevated and consoled by the divine you find ; for I apprehend there is energy of his sermon, that they a plot against my life.” He then besought him to réside' among returned to Montrose ;'while those them during the continuance of who went forward to the place the plague: with this request he discovered sixty horsemen lying in complied, and by his preaching, as 'wait to intercept him. The plot well as by visiting and supplying was now detected, the letter the poor with necessaries, greatly proved to have been forged ; and endeared himself to the people. , on these circumstances being reOn the conclusion of the discourse lated to Wishart, he replied, “I above mentioned, he descended know that I shall end my life by from the gate, after the congre- the hands of that wicked man, but gation had departed; and, having it will not be after this manner.!! a piercing eye, Wishart observed - At length he was apprehended a priest waiting at the bottom of by Earl Bothwell, at the instigathe stairs. He accordingly. ap- tion of the Queen, and was conproached the ecclesiastic, and im- ducted by him to Edinburgh, mediately seizing his hand, which where Bothwell, contrary to his concealed a dagger beneath his engagement of protecting Wishart loose gown, Wishart demanded from all violence, confined him in what he would have. Terrified at the castle of that city, and shortly this detection, the priest fell down after delivered him into the hands and confessed his intention, ear of the sanguinary Beaton. As, however, the Cardinal was prohi-ercise their fury upon thy servants bited by the, canon law from sit- who further thy word in this ting in a judicial capacity upon world, seeing they desire to delife and death, he sent to the Go" stroy thy true doctrine, by which vernor, desiring him to appoint thou hast revealed thyself to the some lay judge to pass sentence world, which was involved in dark. upon him. The Governor would ness, and ignorance of thy name? at first have complied, but, being O Lord! we know certainly' that dissuaded from assenting to this thy true servants must suffer for request by David Hamilton, who thy name's sake, both persecution, convinced him of the danger con- affliction, and troubles in this pre-, sequent on delivering up the ser- sent: world; yet we desire thee, vants of God, he declined to ap- merciful Father! that thou wouldpoint a civil judge for that pur- est preserve, defend, and help thy pose. Beaton angrily replied, “that congregation, which thou hast he had only sent to him out of chosen from before the foundation mere civility, for that he and his of the world, and give thy people clergy had power sufficient to grace to hear thy word, and to be bring Mr. Wishart to condign pu. thy true servants in this present nishment.” Shortly after the Car life.” dinal carried him to St. Andrews, • The common people were then where he was committed to prison; commanded to withdraw; and, and on the 28th of February he sentence being pronounced, Wishwas conducted to the abbey art was committed to the castle for church, wherein the bishops and the night: in his way thither two chief clergy were assembled, un- friars came to him, requesting him der the direction of the Cardinal, to make his confession to them, whose retinue were completely which he refused; but desired to armed. 'After a sermon by the speak with the sub-prior who had sub-prior, Wishart was placed in preached that day. The ecclesithe pulpit in order to hear the astic (who''secretly favoured the charges brought against hini, which Reformed religion) was sent for ; were read by one Lauder, a priest, and, after conversing with Wishart · who acquitted himself of this for some time, asked him if he' odious office with dexterous ma- would receive the Lord's Supper; lignity; and who, as soon as he to which he readily acceded, had concluded his execrations, “ if,” said he, “ I may have it ad which terrified the ignorant by- ministered according to Christ's standers, spit at Wishart's face, institution, under both kinds, of demanding an answer. To each bread and wine." This request of these charges the latter replied the sub-prior communicated to the distinctly, as far as his enemies Cardinal; who, in the name of his would allow him to speak; but, clergy, replied, “ that it was not without heeding his answers, they reasonable to give any spiritual read the articles against him a se- benefit to an obstinate heretic who cond time, and determined to con- was condemned by the church.” , dern him as an obstinate heretic. The whole of the subsequent Upon this resolution (for their night Wishart spent in prayer : final sentence was not yet pro- the next morning the governor of nounced). Wishart knelt down, the castle announced the refusal and fervently prayed in the fol- of his request concerning the salowing manner : crament, and at the same time in- , ; “Ö immortal God! how long vited him to breakfast with him ; · wilt thou suffer the rage of the un- an offer which Wishart accepted, godly? How long shall they ex- saying, “ I will do that yery will |