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The total number of colleges and seminaries for women reporting to the Bureau during 1889-90 was 179, which is 19 less than were included under the same category in 1888-89. A number of institutions hithertore ported as colleges or seminaries for women have been classed this year as secondary schools. This action was warranted either by some statement of the reporting officers or by the work of the institutions as shown by an examination of the catalogues. Owing to the widely diversified characteristics of these institutions it is a very difficult matter to devise some standard of classification which, if adopted, would give due credit to all the institutions for the work which is done by them. A few of the better class give instruction which will compare favorably with that afforded by some of the best male and coeducational institutions. But the large majority of the institutions do not come up to this standard. They begin by admitting pupils to the primary and preparatory departments, usually organized on the plan of a graded school, and conduct the pupils by successive stages, through the academic and collegiate departments. The course in the last-named department would not in a large number of cases take a student farther than the end of the sophomore year in a college for males.

An examination of a number of the catalogues also shows that with some exceptions Greek is entirely omitted from the curriculum. We also find that some institutions will give the degree of A. B. for a course which is considerably inferior to courses which in other institutions are not accorded a degree. It will therefore be seen that a classification based only on the authority to confer degrees would not be a just classification in this case. Until a suitable standard shall be decided upon, the classification adopted a few years ago will be continued.

A glance at Division A of the table' of colleges for women will show that the number of institutions in this division has been increased from 8 in 1888-89 to 14 in the current year. This increase resulted from the establishment of a few new institutions and the reorganization of several others, through which reorganization they were raised to the regular college grade. In a few cases the number of students in the collegiate departments is very small, but such is nearly always the case in newly established institutions or in newly organized departments of institutions.

Endowment.-The institutions in Division A are as a rule fairly well endowed, differing somewhat in this respect from the institutions included in Division B. The total amount of permanent productive funds reported by the institutions in both divisions of the table was $2,609,661, of which amount $1,970,461, or 75.5 per cent, was reported by 10 of the institutions in Division A, while the remainder was reported by 24 of the institutions in Division B, thus leaving 145 institutions not reporting any productive funds.

Scientific apparatus.-The total value of scientific apparatus reported was $418,900, of which $305,391, or 72.9 per cent, was reported by 12 of the institutions in Division A, while the remainder was reported in small amounts by 97 of the institutions in Division B. This latter fact would seem to show that very little attention is paid by the institutions in this division to the practical study of chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc., for the prosecution of which apparatus is absolutely necessary.

Benefactions.-One evidence of the greater popularity of the institutions in Division A is shown in the column of the table devoted to benefactions. The total amount of gifts and bequests to the 179 institutions during 1889-90 was $303,257, and of this amount $193,502, or 63.8 per cent, was reported by 9 of the 14 institutions in this division, while the remaining $109,775 was reported by 29 of the institutions in Division B. The latter amount was reported in sums varying from $15 to $20,000, while the former was comprised of sums ranging from $465, reported by Bryn Mawr College, to $61,000, reported by the Woman's College of Baltimore.

Income. The attempt to tabulate and publish the income of these institutions has been abandoned for the present. It was found that the reports on this subject were so meagre that the totals would not be valuable for any purpose whatsoever. As said before, a large number of these institutions are owned or leased by the presidents, who manage and conduct them for the profits that can be made. In such cases the questions relating to finances of the institutions remained, as a rule, unanswered, and when they were answered, the replies to the inquiry asking for the amount received from tuition fees usually included the amount received for board, lodging, etc. As it was desired to learn the amount

1 See table of statistics of colleges for women.


expended purely for educational purposes, it is evident that such answers could not be used and were practically useless.

Degrees.-The following table presents the summary, by States, of the number of different degrees conferred by colleges for women in 1889-90:

TABLE 2.-Summary of degrees conferred by colleges for women in 1889–90.

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Course of study.-In the report of the Bureau for 1888-89 appears a table giving the courses of study in one hundred colleges and universities, including a few of the colleges for women of Division A. A similar scheme, somewhat condensed, has been devised for the comparative representation of courses leading to the degree of A. B., as given in fifteen of the institutions included in Division B. All the studies have been grouped under five headings, viz, language, mathematics, natural science, history and geography, and philosophy and civil government. An examination of the table will show that while a few of the institutions have a fairly good course for the degree of A. B., in other cases the same degree is earned quite easily. The course, as set forth in the latest catalogues of the several institutions, is as follows:

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TABLE 3.-Courses of study leading to the degree of A. B. in 15 colleges and seminaries for women.

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Freshman-Virgil, prose composition, Horace,
Homer's Iliad, Odyssey, English composition and
rhetoric, elocution. Sophomore Cícero, prose
composition, Herodotus. Sophocles. English liter-
ature, English composition, elocution. Junior-
Tacitus, Demosthenes, rhetoric, English composi-
tion, elocution. Senior-English literature,
Anglo-Saxon, history of Roman literature, his-
tory of Greek literature, English composition.
Freshman-Word lessons (Reed), higher lessons in
English (Reed and Kellogg), Latin grammar
(Harkness), Cæsar, Ovid, French Principia (Part
I), elocution, composition. Sophomore-Compo-
"sition and rhetoric (Hart), Latin grammar, Cæsar,
Cicero, Latin prose composition, Greek grammar
and reader (Bullion), French Principia (Parts I
and II), practical elocution (Shoemaker). Junior-
Rhetoric (A. S. Hill), English literature (Shaw,
Tuckerman, Backus), classic English reader (Swin-
ton), Latin grammar, Horace, Livy. Latin prose
composition, French Principia (Part II), French
prose classics, Gastineau's conversation method,
Greek grammar, Greek testament, Anabasis, Ger-
man Principia (Part I), Studien and Plaudereien,
practical elocution. Senior-Tacitus, Cicero, Latin
prose composition, remnants of early Latin (Al-
len), Greek grammar, Homer, Greek testament.

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[blocks in formation]

tory of Rome
Greece (Sewell).
of England (Mont-
gomery), physical
geography (Apple-
ton), history of
United States

Sophomore-Chem- Freshman-History

istry (Clark).
Junior Physics
(Gage), botany
(Wood). Senior-
Physical geogra-
phy (Appleton).
geology (LeConte).

of United States
(Derry). Sopho
more-History of
England (Mont-
gomery). Jun-
for-Modern his-
tory (Myers).

[ocr errors]

(McCosh), moral
science (Seelye's
Hickok), evidences
of Christianity. Bi-
ble studies through-
out the course.

Junior-Logic (Mc-
Cosh), political
economy, civil
government. Sen-
for-Mental phi-
losophy (Porter),
moral philosophy,
Christian evi-

Junior-Moral phi-
losophy (Peabody).
(Jevons-Hill), po-
litical economy
(Chapin), mental
philosophy (Ha-
ven), Christian evi-
dences (Fisher).
Study of the Bible
throughout the



4. Rockford Seminary, Rockford, Ill.

5. Logan Female College, Russellville, Ky.

6. Silliman Collegi-
ate Institute,
Clinton, La.

French tragedy and versification, Gastineau's con-
versation method, selections from best German
writers, German composition, English literature,
Milton's Paradise Lost, Lycidas, Life of Thack-
eray, English humorists (Thackeray), Henry Es-
mond, Shakespeare's Hamlet and Merchant of
Venice, practical elocution, composition.
Freshman-Livy, Horace. Latin prose composition,
Homer, Herodotus, Xenophon, Hermann und Dorothea
or Iphigenie auf Tauris, Deutsche Grammatik (Gurke),
Wallenstein's Tod, Nathan der Weise, Littérature
Classique to the Seventeenth Century, Le Cid, Athalie
und Iphigenie, Le Misanthrope, Tartuffe, rhetoric,
elocution. Sophomore-Tacitus, Cicero, Horace,
Juvenal, Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Faust (Part 1), Ge-
schichte der deutschen Literatur, Otto, Littérature
Française from the Seventeenth Century, selections
from French authors, English literature (Shaw),
rhetoric, elocution. Junior-Rhetoric, elocution,
Cicero, Thucydides. Faust (Part II), Corneille et son
Temps, Horace, Italian grammar and prose composi-
tion, Primo Libro di Le'tura, Plautus, Eschylus,
Causeries historiques et littéraires (Souvestre), Pen-
sées (Pascal), Terence, Aristophanes, selections from
Italian classics, history of Italian literature. Sen-
ior-Rhetoric, elocution, Tacitus, Plato. Aristotle,
Nibelungenlied or Parzival und Titurell. Mme. de
Staël, Vita Nuova, L'Inferno. Lucretius, Bernardin
de St. Pierre, Cousin, Il Purgatorio, old and middle
English, history of ancient literature, later Latin
writers, Victor Hugo, Il Paradiso.
Freshman--Cæsar. Latin prose composition,
rhetoric (Kellogg), elocution. Sophomore-Cic
ero, Virgil, Latin prose composition. history of
literature (Shaw). Junior-Livy, Latin prose
(Daniels). studies in English (Smith), Shake-
speare. Senior-Horace.

Higher lessons in English (Reed and Kellogg), elo-
cution (Kidd), analysis (Green), English classics,
outlines of history, composition, English litera-
ture (Kellogg), rlietoric (Kellogg), essays, Latin
grammar and reader (Bingham). Cæsar, Virgil,
Cicero, Horace, Chouquet's First French lessons,
French grammar (Pinney and Arnoult), French
reader (Collot).

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TABLE 3.-Courses of study leading to the degree of A. B. in 15 colleges and seminaries for women-Continued.

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Freshman-Cicero, Latin prose composition (Dan-
iel), lectures on Roman law (Hadley), Livy,
Xenophon, Greek prose composition, Lysias,
study of words (Trench), English composition,
elocution. Sophomore-Demosthenes, Plato, Thu-
cydides, Herodotus, Horace, rhetoric (Whately),
history of rhetoric, composition. philosophy of
style (Spencer), analyses of orations, etc.; Ger-
man grammar (Whitney), Im Zwielicht, Der Neffe
als Onkel, or French grammar (Keetel), Petites
Causeries (Sauveur), La Fontaine's Fables, Le
Roman d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre (Labiche), Le
Cid; Grecian literature, elocution, Roman litera-
ture. Junior-Critical study of English authors,
English language and literature (Kellogg), Ameri-
Can literature, Tacitus, Pliny, Plautus, Latin
thesis, Euripides, Sophocles, Greek testament,
German grammar, Wilhelm Tell or Athalie (Ra-
cine), Le Misanthrope, composition. Senior-
Linguistic science (Whitney), history of literature
or history of art, Homer.
Freshman-Higher lessons in English (Reed and
Kellogg), rhetoric (Hart), Latin grammar and
reader (Bingham). Sophomore-History of En-
glish literature (Shaw), choice specimens of En-
glish literature (Shaw), longer English poems
(Hale), rhetoric (Hart, Kellogg), Latin grammar
and prose composition, Cæsar, Cicero. Junior-
Anglo-Saxon primer (Sweet), Anglo-Saxon
reader (March), history of English language
(Lounsbury), rhetoric (Kellogg), Latin grammar
and prose composition. Virgil, Horace. Senior-
Selections from Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare,

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Freshman - Gram-
mar-school arith-
metic (Went-
worth). Sopho-

ary algebra (Wil-
son), bookkeep-
ing (Groesbeck).
Junior Algebra

(Wentworth), bookkeeping. Senior-Geome

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