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to those who are not familiar with that language by Rev. Reinert August Jernberg, a native of Norway, a graduate of Yale College and of Chicago Theological Seminary.

The Slavic department of the Oberlin Seminary was opened at the instance of the officers of the American Home Missionary Society, and has for its object the training of young men of Slavic descent for missionary work among their countrymen in the United States. The course of study now occupies three years, and is pursued in English and Bohemian. In Bohemian, the students are taught by a native teacher the correct use of the language, and are drilled in the preparation and delivery of such addresses as are likely to be required of them. The students for this department are obtained through the instrumentality of the superintendent of missionary work among the Slavic people.

Quite as near to national sympathy, and, in a certain sense, still more deserving of it, are the descendants of those who occupied the territory now covered by a European civilization and also of those who were brought here for the purpose of being sold into perpetual slavery. An interpretation of the Constitution' has made the Indian a peculiar kind of foreigner in our imperium, and an amendment to the Constitution has made the negro a member of our body politic. The General Government cares for and educates the first, while the other has been launched into the struggle for existence without further provision than the constitutional provision referred to, and an education in the public schools of his native State. The improvement effected in the social condition and enlightenment of these two races is largely, if not entirely, due to religious enthusiasm. There is not an American denomination of wealth or power that has not distinguished itself in this work, and it would be invidious to make distinction further than to say that the Protestant churches have operated largely in the South as well as in the West, and that the Roman Catholic Church has also been eminently successful in missionary work among the Indians.

If we bear in mind the injunction of the German Theological School and the practice of the foreign departments of certain seminaries, one Indian school especially calls for our attention. The Santee Normal Training School was established in 1870 for the purpose of educating native teachers, preachers, interpreters, and business men for the Dakota or Sioux Nation. The great object of the work is to prepare a native agency which shall work the regeneration of a race "which is so thoroughly controlled in all their ideas and customs by their own religion that no change of life is possible except through the substitution of another." Hence, while the students are fitted for citizenship, care is taken to maintain their common interest in, and sympathy with, their own race. This gives law to the methods and makes it needful to use two languag s in order to make the student a competent instructor among his own people. The very idea of education had to be planted in the Indian mind, says Dr. Riggs, the principal. The following are the studies pursued:

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Worcester vs. State of Georgia, 6 Peters. The Rev. Samuel A. Worcester, having been seized while performing, under the sanction of the chief magistrate, the duties of a minister of the gospel among the Cherokees, and having been condemned for thereby violating as an intruder a law of Georgia, to four years' hard labor, appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which declared the Cherokees a nation, over which Georgia had no control, Chief Justice Marshall delivering the opinion.


can negro being English and as he is no longer struction of the colored theological school is to

as well as train him as a minister. Thus it folmajority of the theological institutions or departcontined in its religious branches to the study of the Of the seminary type, however, is the course the Mary and that of the theological department of Howard ever, Hebrew and Greek are optional. In regard to ares the dean of the latter institution informs the Buose who have had the advantages of a college educas take the English course of study."

which might as well have been headed "missionary" s project of the Boston University to enlarge the usual to à distinct course, is to be mentioned. In its scienht be called a department of the philosophy and comSpecial reference to missionary labor. As sketched the


‚Æ the conflict between science and those who believe in s to be the foundation and endowment of new chairs in with the view of studying the matter, which may parlance, as carrying the war into Africa. The theobia, S.C., has a Perkins, professor of natural science estion and Christian apologetics; the seminary at Start, professor of the relations of philosophy and religion; the San Francisco Seminary has a Montgom

es and missions, while the seminary at Oberlin Sap on the relations of science and religion, and

The scope of this instruction, as might be exconnected with apologetics. At least this is the case Seminary, whose course in the department of natural A revelation and Christian apologetics, is concerned philosophy or basis of religion, in its second with the study of the forms in which theism has manifested y with the connection of science with revelation.


on the standpoint of Christianity as a revealed reThe science of religions, if such a term be allowed, is the religions of the world. The great enterprise of sacred books of Oriental peoples, the remarkable in

an, and Teutonic mythology and folklore, a revival, as of later Hellenic writers,' the work of Sanskrit Assyriologists in France, Germany, and England, in the direction of inquiry into the scientific basis its way into the professional schools of Christian is apologetic only so far as it brings out in strong 'es of Europe against the background furnished by ve peoples of the Orient. The work of the Diviny will illustrate a course in

Suction to the history of religion, comparative of religion; special examination of the ChaldæoMan, Indo-Aryan, Chinese, Greek, and Teutonic Agy and mythical geography of the most ancient

seminaries at Princeton and San Francisco od as yet with theism and anti-theistic theories. www x4 seem to be definitely fixed. The dean of the bard University informs the Bureau that the prominence to the relations subsisting between Course of the department of the seminary at Co

bert Lectures for 1888, Lecture III.


The instruction in this department is given by means of lectures and recitations. Νο text-books are prescribed, but books of reference are recommended. Oral and written exercises are regularly required in the class


Each year a course of lectures is given to the several classes in the seminary. In these courses the ground of Christian apologetics is covered in a general way. In all the courses attention is directed to the scientific aspects of the various topics under discussion; and during the senior year special attention is given to the relations of natural science and revelation.

1. Junior year. The nature, scope, spirit, and aim of apologetics; the theory of knowledge, and the relations of knowledge and belief: the nature of the religious consciousness and theistic belief; the various theories to explain the origin of religion; theistic arguments in detail, and their precise import; antitheistic theories: Atheism, agnosticism, positivism, materialism, and materialistic evolution, pantheism and idealistic evolution, deism, socialism, secularism. Other topics required from time to time in defense of Christianity will be taken up.

2. Middle year.-Comparative religion: Islam, religions of Egypt, Canaan, Phoenicia, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome, Persia, India, China, Japan, Western Europe, and savage tribes. The supernatural in its historical manifestation. Revelation as historical: Higher criticism and false historical theories of the Scriptures. The Miracle: Its historical evidence and import. The Christ of history: Discussion of false historical views of Christ and the Gospel narratives. The supernatural in a kingdom: The church historically considered. The evidences in general, external, internal, and experimental.

3. Senior year. The connection of science with revelation: Several preliminary questions considered. The field of scientific inquiry will be reviewed and results compared with the Scriptures at various points of contact. Physics: Matter and force briefly considered. Biology: Nature and origin of life. Origin of species by the theory of descent: Anhropology, relation of man to the brute creation, the races of men, the unity and antiquity of the race, man's primitive condition, the pre-Adamite theory. Geology: Specially in its bearing on Genesis. The Deluge: Astronomy and chronology as they relate to the Bible, creation and evolution.

At New Haven a university professorship of music has been created, which is for the divinity school as well as for other departments of Yale. In fact music, elocution, and physical culture appear to have been assuming considerable proportions as concurrent theological studies or exercises.


Through a committee, the National Bar Association has for nearly a year been making an investigation of the condition of instruction in jurisprudence, not only in America, but the world over. By the agency of this Bureau a circular of inquiry has been distributed, the answers to which are now receiving the attention of the committee. In a few days their report will be given to the public, and there is therefore no necessity of instituting for the law schools such a far less pretentious and thorough study as has here been made for the schools of medicine and theology.

[NOTE. As these pages go through the press it can be definately stated that the final report of the committee will appear as a part of the annual repor of this Bureau for the school year 1890-91, and also, at an carlier date, in phamplet form. The report as thus presented will contain the results of the very thorough study which the committee made of the methods in vogue in a number of our representive schools of law, and a supplementary series of essays dealing with the study of jurisprudence in European schools, the curricula (in tabular form of the American schools of law, and with the study of law in collegiate institutions and commercial schools.]



The colleges and departments endowed with the national land grant of 1862 may be divided into two classes when taken with reference to their requirements of admission. One class-not quite half of the whole number-is composed of those who require nothing more than proficiency in the studies of the grammar grade of the public schools, while the other class requires in addition the elements of algebra and geometry. In several cases, however, algebra to quadratic equations and plane geometry are deemed sufficient, while in one case, to algebra and geometry completed is added trigonometry. Botany, chemistry, or physics is required in several schools and in one Latin and in another French. As about half of the schools have preparatory departments, it would seen that any deficiency on the part of the candidate might there be made good before he entered upon his course in the collegiate department. The arrangement of the University of Minnesota in this respect is unique; it has a preparatory department, but even that is an agricultural course. In the catalogue for 1891-92 the reasons for the institution of two agricultural courses are given with considerable force, as follows:

"Observation and experience have shown that all the facilities afforded by the regular colleges of the country for agricultural education have failed to attract any large number of farmers' sons. The requirements for admission are such as to compel the boy to leave home for one or two years to secure such preparation, and this, together with the four years necessary to complete a full course, entails an expenditure of time and money which comparatively few can afford, and the education thus received, while valuable in itself, fails in many respects to furnish the training and knowledge needed by young men for the practical duties of the farm. In order to meet this want the board of regents of the university has established a "school of agriculture" with a full equipment of buildings and instructors on the experiment farm, where students live, work, and study during the three years devoted to this department. * Students will be received without examination in subjects on which they can furnish the certificates of high schools or of county superintendents."

* *

Graduates of the School of Agriculture are admitted to the college. In the catalogue above cited the number of students in the College of Agriculture is given as 5, all freshmen; in the School of Agriculture, 104. In two or three institutions a shorter course is provided, generally of two years, which serves the purpose of the school of agriculture of the Minnesota University.

Turning now to the technological schools not endowed with land grant the same subjects are required as in the case of the schools endowed with the land grant. At the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard, the John C. Green School of Princeton, the Chandler Scientific School of Dartmouth, the Towne Scientific School of the University of Pennsylvania, the Polytechnic School of Washington University, and the Lehigh University, it is no surprising that the requirements in mathematics should be uniformly high; but the distinguishing feature between the school attached to a school of belles lettres and the isolated institution for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts is the demand for literary culture, as shown by the requirement of a foreign language by the departments of colleges and universities. The Sheffield School of Yale and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology show the same characteristic as the nonendowed departments just named. Cornell, endowed with the national land grant, does not require a foreign language in the preliminary examination unless the candidate enters for a degree.

There is a requirement of the Lawrence Scientific School that merits attention. In physics the candidate is examined "either in (1) astronomy (Lockyer's elementary lessons) and physics (Avery's elements of natural philosophy or Gage's elements of physics); or (2) a course of experiments in the subjects of mechanics, sound, light, heat, and electricity, not less than forty in number, actually performed at school by the pupil. These experiments may be selected from A. M. Worthington's Physical Laboratory Practice or from the New Physics, by John Trowbridge, or from any similar laboratory manual."

Literary astronomy and physics call for no particular mention, but a course of forty experiments in the subjects of mechanics, sound, light, heat, and electricity, actually performed at the school by the pupil, is an important innovation. The principal difficulty in the way of this kind of instruction has been very ably expressed by Prof. Trowbridge, of Harvard, in the preface to his "New Physics," as follows:

"The teacher may grant the comparatively small result which is obtained from the study of physics by the method of lectures and recitations; but he will immediately ask, 'How can we obtain the time for laboratory work in physicscrowded as we are with so many studies?' Moreover, the subject of physics is unlike that of chemistry or botany. In these subjects the cost of the apparatus and material is comparatively small."

It would be interesting to know how many of those applying for admission to Harvard have availed themselves of this election, but efforts to ascertain the fact have failed.'

In almost every school there is a "formal" examination for admission.

The selection of the beneficiary varies considerably among the institutions endowed with the land grant. In some cases it is the county judge, court, or superintendent that selects the pupil, in others the appointment is in the hands of the members of the legislature, and sometimes the selection is made by means of a competitive examination. In the Georgia School of Technology there is a scholarship for every member of the House of Representatives, filled by competitive examination. The State board of education fills the scholarship at the Worcester Free Institute, and the city school board of Philadelphia the 31 city scholarships of the Towne Scientific School of the University of Pennsylvania.



Perhaps the only thing that is absolutely agreed upon as an essential for the successful practice of the profession of civil engineering is a general culture of the mind. For it seems to be thought that this general culture will give the ability of forming general ideas and of speculating upon things, the prerequisites of a scientific method.2

The conception of Gen. Thayer in founding the postgraduate school of Dartmouth College, which bears his name, as to what this general culture should be was more technical. He required for admission knowledge of mathematics that could only be obtained at a college or a high class technological school, and the pupil when once entered upon the course of study has his attention confined to 'surveying in general," "construction in general," and special applications. (See Table A.)

The civil engineering course of other American high-class technological schools is arranged upon an entirely different plan, being, in a word, a compromise. Instead of the two years of concentrated work on this specialty as at the Thayer school, the compromise course is lengthened to four years, its admission requirements are lowered to admit the high school graduate, and the first two years of the course are partly given to laying a foundation for general culture and partly for a specialty.

Turning to Europe a different condition of affairs is shown. In Germany there are 10 technical universities, called generically the Technishe Hochschulen. Admission to these technical universities is obtained under the same condition as that to the literary institutions called universities, the possession of the Reifezeugniss of a gymnasium or of a realgymnasium. An examination of the programme of the civil engineering course of the Technical University of Hanover given in Table B will show that nothing of a literary nature is there taught, for the general culture of the intellect is supposed to have been accomplished by the course in the gymnasium and to be certified to by the certificate of maturity or Reifezeugniss, which gives the student admittance to the university. What that general culture is will be shown by the courses of the Gymnasien, which are given beside the civil engineering course of the technical university. It is perhaps too much to say that the course of these Gymnasien is equal to the course of our colleges; but the programmes that follow fully explain themselves. (Table B.)

1At a recent meeting the Association of Colleges in New England "invitel the attention of the public" to the advisability of making the following change in the programme of the New England grammar schools:

2. The introduction of elementary physics into the later years of the programme as a substantial subject to be taught by the experimental or laboratory method and to include exact weighing and measuring by the pupils themselves."

Discussions on technical education at the Washington meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and at a joint meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Institute of Mining Engineers.

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