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portion of the College fees. In 1853 it was incorporated by Royal Charter.

Each class was opened with a lecture, in which the lecturer introduced and almost apologised for his subject, and for his share in the inauguration of the new movement.

Thus Professor Maurice apologised for using the word "College" and somewhat rashly made a forecast about the capacity of women to learn mathematics.

"We are aware that our pupils are not likely to advance far in mathematics, but we believe that if they learn really what they do learn they will not have got what is dangerous but what is safe." He saw that this is the root of the whole matter, "if they learn really what they do learn."-And again, "I cannot conceive that a young lady can feel her mind in a more dangerous state than it was, because she has gained a truer glimpse into the conditions under which the world in which it has pleased God to place her, actually exists."

Latin was to be taught not for its own sake but "as one road, and perhaps the shortest, to a thorough study of English." Miss Zimmern, who gives a very full account of these times in her book, remarks: "These explanations strike us quaintly now-it is hard to realize how great was the terror of learned ladies which in those days it was fashionable to assume."

I am not at all sure that the fashion of assuming this terror of "learned ladies" has died out even at the present time.

Next came Bedford College, for the first ten years of its life a school rather than a college-its beginning in classes held at her own home by the founder, Mrs Reid.

Her name is perpetuated through the Reid Exhibitions, and Scholarships awarded in connection with the London University Examinations.

To Queen's College-to which, then as now, a school was attached--came as pupils the first and greatest of the Public School Mistresses, Miss Frances Buss and Miss Beale, whose names are always to be had in reverence by all who belong to the profession of teachers, and by all who have in any way benefited by the educational movement in which they were such notable pioneers.

In the conception of their work, and what it meant and involved in its developments, as well as in the performance of its duties and details, they stand forth in the lengthening roll of those who have done great service educationally to the girls and women of England.

In 1856 Miss Beale was appointed Principal of Cheltenham Ladies' College, which had been opened five years previously as a Proprietary School to provide for the girls in the town the same privileges as those enjoyed by the boys at Cheltenham College. The subjects taught in these early days were Liturgy, history, grammar, arithmetic, French, music, drawing, and needlework. There is no mention of mathematics or science or classics, or of physical training.

While Miss Beale was working at Cheltenham Miss Buss was building up the School which now bears her name, and which was to a greater degree than Cheltenham College typical of the first High Schools.

The North London Collegiate School was at first a private school.

In 1872 Miss Buss, seeing that public recognition and public support give the best security for the permanence of Institutions, placed the School in the hands of Trustees, and it became a Public School.

It was subsequently endowed with lands and tenements by the City Companies of Brewers and Clothworkers.

The schools having been started, the next step was to obtain University recognition for them, and here Miss Beale and Miss Buss had the valuable co-operation of Miss Emily Davis, the founder of Girton.

Miss Beale invited University Examiners to inspect and report on the Ladies' College.

In 1862 a small Committee, with Miss Davis as Secretary, obtained permission for girls to be examined informally, "as an experiment," on the papers set for the boys in the Cambridge Local Examinations started for them four years previously.

In this informal examination 30 out of 44 seniors failed in Arithmetic.

A memorial was next sent to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge from about 1,000 persons engaged and interested in education praying for the formal admission of girls to the Local Examinations. This was granted; and in 1865 the examination was held in six towns, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Manchester, London and Sheffield. 127 Senior Candidates entered, 90 passed and only three failed in Arithmetic. A great change was working-the evils of the want of education, the abuses of the cheap day schools and the miserable provision made for teaching were not only recognised, but were beginning to be remedied.

In 1865 a Royal Commission was making enquiries into the condition of Boys' Secondary education. There was still no mention of, or thought for the girls. Another memorial was drawn up praying that girls' schools might be included in the enquiry.

This too was granted, and among the ladies invited to give evidence before the Royal Commissioners were Miss Davis, Miss Beale, and Miss Buss. The Royal Commission was followed by the appointment of eight commissioners who visited selected districts to report on the Girls' Schools. Great difficulties were experienced in getting information. What was collected came presumably from the best Schools. How bad must have been the worst!

The Report issued in 1867 brings the indictment which has become familiar, from its place for so many years on the prospectus of the Girls' Public Day School Company :

"Want of thoroughness and foundation; want of system; slovenliness and showy superficiality; inattention to rudiments; undue time given to accomplishments and those not taught intelligently or in any scientific manner; want of organization."

How could it be otherwise when the teachers were neither taught nor trained, and when the majority of the "establishments for young ladies" were kept by persons who had not even a rudimentary knowledge of the duties they professed to undertake?

School Text Books, including Miss Richmal Mangnall's Questions, are universally condemned. The teaching is said to be poor, and there is no external standard to act as a stimulus to the learner and help the teacher. But there is also in the Report a general recognition of the latent capacities of the girls and a lament over the want of opportunity and encouragement to develop them.

The crying needs were for better schools, for endowments and for more competent teachers.


Government had enquired but would do no more. remedy was left to private enterprise; and, most happily for those who have come after, the women and the men with the brains to understand what was wanted, and the capacity and courage to carry out the reforms, were at hand, and through their splendid work "Knowledge is now no more a fountain sealed."

The report of the Commission was published. Meetings were held, speeches made, notably by Mrs Grey, and in 1871 the next great step onwards was taken when Mrs Grey with the late Lady Stanley of Alderley, Miss Gurney and others, founded the "National Union for Improving the Education of Women of all Classes."

Among the objects the Union had in view two were specially mentioned.

I. To promote the establishment of good and cheap day Schools for all classes above those attending the elementary schools, with boarding houses in connection with them, when necessary, for pupils from a distance.

2. To raise the social status of female teachers by encouraging women to make teaching a profession, and to qualify themselves for it by a sound and liberal education, and by thorough training in the art of teaching, and to secure a test of the efficiency of the teachers by examinations of recognised authority and subsequent registration.

The initial work of the Union was the foundation of the Girls' Public Day School Company.

This Company was inaugurated at a public meeting at the Albert Hall in 1872, and was formed with the object of obtaining capital to provide properly equipped schools.

The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, signed the circular explaining the object of the Company, and became its "Patroness." Her interest in the Schools has never ceased, and has been shewn in many practical ways.

Among the promoters were Lady Stanley of Alderley, Miss Shireff, Mr Stone and Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B., who have all passed away; Mrs William Grey, Miss Gurney, and Mr C. S. Roundell. To them and to those who worked with them, and who are now carrying on the work, England owes a great debt of gratitude.

The Council of the Girls' Public Day School Company inaugurated and developed the scheme of a network of schools all governed by the same Council, and yet each left to a certain extent free to grow and develop on its own lines in accordance with the individuality of its head and the requirements of the neighbourhood in which it is placed. The education supplied for girls was to be the best possible education; it was to correspond with that provided for boys in the great public schools; it was to be given at a moderate cost. The position of the Heads and Assistants and their relation to the Council was clearly defined. The Council chooses and appoints the Head Mistresses; the Head Mistresses select, and the Council appoint, the Assistants. The Assistants serve for a probationary term during which they can

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