THE WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, BARON OF VERULAM, VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN, AND LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, J. CUTHELL, T. EGERTON; J. NUNN; CLARKE AND SONS: 265. i. 576. Of the compression of liquors, ibid. Of the working of water upon air contiguous, ibid. Of the nature of air, 30 Of the eyes and sight, ibid. Of the colour of the sea, or other water, 32 Of the dulcoration of salt water, 35 Of the return of saltness in pits upon the sea-shore, ibid. Of maleficiating, ibid. Of the rise of water by means of flame, ibid. Of the influences of the moon, 38 Of vinegar, 40 Of creatures that sleep all winter, 41 Of the generating of creatures by copulation, and by putrefaction, ibid. CENTURY X. Of the transmission and influx of immateriate virtues, and the force of imagination, Of the emission of spirits in vapour, or exhalation, Of emissions of immateriate virtues, from the minds and spirits of men, by affections, imagination, or other impressions, 56 Mr. Bacon in praise of knowledge, Valerius Terminus of the interpretation of nature: a few fragments of the first book, Filum Labyrinthi, sive Formula inquisitionis, 167 ibid. |