Rosa spinosissima. On the sand, clay-slate and greywacke, very com mon. Forbes, cat. tomentosa. On the sand and clay-slate, very common. Forbes cat. Rubus carpinifolius. On the clay-slate, very rare. Forbes, cat. Koehleri. On the clay-slate and sand, very common. Forbes, cat. saxatilis. On the clay-slate, very rare. Forbes, cat. COMARUM palustre. On the peat and clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat. SEDUM anglicum. Very common. Forbes, cat. COTYLEDON Umbilicus. On the clay-slate, very common. Forbes, cat. Isle of Man. W. Brand, sp. (probably received from Mr. Forbes.) RHODIOLA rosea. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat. SAXIFRAGA aizoides. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat. * CARUM Carui, Isle of Man, but not observed by myself. Forbes, cat. verticillatum. Near Ramsey. Contr. ENANTHE pimpinelloides. On the limestone, very rare. CRITHMUM maritimum. On the greywacke, scarce. Forbes, cat. Forbes, cat. Isle of Man. (Mr. Forbes.) W. Brand, sp. † FENICULUM vulgare. On the sand, rare and doubtfully indigenous. Forbes, cat. Forbes, cat. † MYRRHIS odorata. On the clay-slate, scarce. Forbes, cat. ONOPORDUM Acanthium. On the sand, very rare. ARTEMISIA maritima. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat. † GNAPHALIUM margaritaceum. On the sand, very rare and apparently wild. Forbes, cat. and sp. (On the map the locality is marked about midway between Ramsey and the Point of Ayr.) Forbes, cat. PYRETHRUM maritimum? On the greywacke and limestone, common. CAMPANULA hederacea. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. On the sand, very rare. Forbes, cat. and sp. (In the map, the locality is marked at a spot about two-thirds of the distance from Peel towards Surly Point.), MYOSOTIS cæspitosa. Very common. Forbes, cat. Forbes, cat. collina. On the sand, scarce. Forbes, cat. Forbes, cat. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. PINGUICULA lusitanica. Isle of Man. (Mr. Forbes.) W. Brand, sp. CENTUNCULUS minimus. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. STATICE Armeria. On the greywacke and limestone, very common. Forbes, cat. PLANTAGO maritima. On the greywacke and limestone, common. Forbes, cat. Glaux maritima. On the sand and limestone, scarce. Forbes, cat. SALSOLA Kali. On the sand, common. Forbes, cat. CHENOPODIUM murale. On the sand, common. Forbes, cat. BETA maritima. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. Euphorbia Paralias. On the greywacke, very rare. Forbes, cat. portlandica. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. EMPETRUM nigrum. On the clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat. SALIX pentandra. On the clay-slate, rare. Forbes, cat. TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat. LISTERA cordata. On Snafield. Contr. SCILLA verna. On the greywacke, sand and limestone, common. ? Forbes, cat. and sp. autumnalis. (This is mentioned as a Manx plant, in my Outlines of the Geographical Distribution of British Plants, on the authority of Mr. Macnab's Catalogue. The species intended, however, was S. verna, the mark being accidentally attached to the wrong name, in checking off a list. ) SCIRPUS Savii. Isle of Man. Forbes, sp. ELEOCHARIS acicularis. On the clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat. CAREX arenaria. On the sand, scarce. Forbes, cat. extensa. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. Ederi. On the clay-slate, common. stricta? Isle of Man. W. Brand, sp. Forbes, cat. PHLEUM arenarium. Isle of Man. Forbes, sp. TRITICUM loliaceum. Isle of Man. Forbes, sp. LIV. WIGTONSHIRE. GLAUCIUM luteum. East side of the Mull of Galloway. G. Маспав, LEPIDIUM Smithii. Road-side near Newtown-Stewart. G. Маспав, mss. mss. CRAMBE maritima. At West Tarbet. G. Macnab, mss. sp. RAPHANUS maritimus. Near Kirkmaiden, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Mull of Galloway, abundant. G. Macnab, sp. Beach, three miles from the Mull of Galloway. Eng. Fl. HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Near Portpatrick. J. H. Balfour, sp. HYPERICUM elodes. Near Port Logan. J. H. Balfour, sp. Ditch by the road-side between Newtown-Stewart and Glenluce, about six miles from Glenluce. Fl. Scot. ERODIUM maritimum. Northward of Port William. Excurs. Oxytropis uralensis. Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. At West of Loch-Naw. Excurs. CRITHMUM maritimum. Near the Point of Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab, mss. Kirkmaiden; between Mull and Kirkpatrick. Fl. Scot. G. APIUM graveolens. Near the Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. FEDIA dentata. Galloway. Excurs. Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab, sp. Mull-Head of ARTEMISIA maritima. In various places Eastward of Burrow Head, particularly near Cragleton Castle and at St. Mary's Isle. Excurs. PYRETHRUM maritimum. Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Port William. Excurs. BARTSIA viscosa. Between Port William and Glasserton. Excurs. Lycopus europeus. Loch-Naw. J. H. Balfour, sp. Along the shores southward and eastward of Glenluce. Excurs. STACHYS ambigua. Near Stranraer and Portpatrick. J. H. Balfour, sp. LAMIUM intermedium. Near Sandhead. Excurs. STATICE spathulata. Near the Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Near the Point of Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab, mss. ATRIPLEX portulacoides. Mull of Galloway J. H. Balfour, sp. POLYGONUM maritimum. South shore of Galloway, abundant. Ex curs. EUPHORBIA portlandica. Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour and G. Macnab, sps. SALIX cotinifolia. Road-side between Newtown-Stewart and Glenluce. Fl. Scot. ALISMA natans. Black Loch, six miles from Stranraer. Br. Fl. ORCHIS pyramidalis. E. side of the Mull of Galloway; near Port patrick. Excurs. HABENARIA chlorantha. Galloway. Excurs. LISTERA cordata. Wigtonshire. Boué, Inaugural, Dissertation. MALAXIS paludosa. Mull of Galloway. Fl. Scot. JUNCUS maritimus. West Tarbet, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Many places on the coast. Excurs. Excurs. SCIRPUS Savii. East Tarbet, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Near Drummore, and other places on the south coast. ? CLADIUM Mariscus. Galloway. Br. Fl. Doubtful. Excurs. CAREX extensa. Mull of Galloway, pretty abundant; at West Tarbet. G. Macnab, sp. Damp spots in the steep bank overhanging the coast on the W. side of the Mull of Galloway. Excurs. BROMUS velutinus. Near Sandhead. Excurs. TRITICUM loliaceum. South shore of Galloway, from Drummore, eastward. Excurs. LV. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. As both the present and preceding counties were included, in part at least, under the district of Galloway, I have been rather at a loss, in a few instances, to which county certain plants should be referred when " Galloway" has been indicated for them, without any more precise localisation. THALICTRUM majus. Banks of the Dee, Kirkcudbrightshire. G. N. -- minus. Lloyd, mss. CRAMBE maritima. Coast of Balmae and Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd, DROSERA anglica. Kirkconnel Moss, six miles from Dumfries. Fl. mss. Scot. HYPERICUM elodes. Ditches on the road-side near Loch-Crie. G. Macnab, sp. ALTHEA officinalis. Near Arbigland, on the Solway Firth. Fl. Scot. ULEX nanus. Galloway. G. N. Lloyd, sp. * LATHYRUS latifolius. Woods near Kirkcudbright. Fl. Scot. Abundantly in the woods at St. Mary's Isle, introduced. Excurs. RUBUS saxatilis. On rocks in the bed of the Dee, near Tongueland Bridge. G. N. Lloyd, mss. SANGUISORBA officinalis. Banks of the Nith at Kirkconnel*, Stew artry of Kirkcudbright. Fl. Scot. ERYNGIUM maritimum. Brig-house Bay, Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd, mss. CRITHMUM maritimum. On rocks along the coast, from Balmae to MEUM athamanticum. Carsphairn. G. Gordon, mss. sp. ENANTHE peucedanifolia? Coast of Balmae, and marshy ground at Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd, mss. (See the remarks to this and the preceding species, under WIGTONSHIRE.) pimpinelloides. Kirkcudbrightshire. G. Gordon, mss. GALIUM boreale. On rocks in the bed of the Dee, near the Fisher man's house. G. N. Lloyd, mss. HIERACIUM umbellatum. Kirkcudbrightshire. G. Gordon, mss. at St. Mary's Isle, with A. gallica. Fl. Scot. Near Cragleton Castle; and in various places eastward of Burrow Head. Excurs. LIMBARDA crithmoides. Arbigland, in the county of Galloway. Fl. Scot. SENECIO viscosus. Kirkcudbrightshire. G. Gordon, mss. saracenicus. Between Castle-Douglas and near New Galloway. Fl. Scot. ? ANTHEMIS maritima. Coast of Balmae, and St. Mary's Isle. G. N. Lloyd, mss. (I fear this may prove to be only Pyrethrum maritimum. H. W.) PYRETHRUM maritimum. Brig-house Bay, Galloway. Fl. Scot. CENTAUREA Jacea. Between Parton and Crossmichael. G. Gordon, mss. LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch N. W. from New-Abbey. G. Gordon, mss. ANDROMEDA polifolia. Kirkconnel Moss.* Fl. Scot. * There are two places named Kirkconnel, on the river Nith, one near the mouth of the river, in Kirkcudbrightshire, the other near its head, in Dumfrieshire. 1 presume the former to have been intended, in the Flora Scotica. |