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ton; banks of the Calder, abundantly. Glot. Banks at Bothwell Castle; burn-side at Grove Mount.

+ SCROPHULARIA vernalis. Walls of Bothwell Castle.

VERONICA polita. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.


Buxbaumii. Near Glasgow. Br. Fl.



LYCOPUS europeus. Lanarkshire, and in several places near the Clyde.

J. Hooker, sp. (Not mentioned by Patrick.)

† Leonurus Cardiaca. About Craignethan Castle, and near Cor

house, Lesmahagow. Lan.

MENTHA rubra. On the Clyde below Ross wood. Lan.
LAMIUM incisum. Found occasionally near Glasgow. Glot. About


Jerviston, abundant. Lan.

maculatum. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.

GALEOPSIS versicolor. Frequent. Glot.
SCUTELLARIA minor. Banks of the Clyde at Rosebank. Fl. Scot.
LATHREA squamaria. Cart-side near Glasgow, and about Cathcart
Castle. Fl. Scot. (Perhaps not within the present county,
since Patrick omits it.)

UTRICULARIA intermedia? In a marsh at Possil and Robroyston. Fl.

Scot. (U. vulgaris of the Flora Glottiana.) LYSIMACHIA thyrsiflora. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Bay in the Forth and Clyde Canal, at Castle-Cary bridge, about sixteen miles from Hamilton. Lan. Canal-side near Possil. Fl.



ANAGALLIS cærulea. Said to grow in the fields about Lanark. CENTUNCULUS minimus. Marsh near Langside; in Kenmuir bog.


PLANTAGO maritima. Road-side at Gour's Brae-head, Avondale, and near the entry of the avenue into White-moss, Kilbride. Lan.

LITTORELLA lacustris. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.

Edges of

Frankfield, Huggenfield, Bardowie, and Bishop lochs.
Glot. Lochs in Old Monkland, &c. Lan.

RUMEX pulcher. On an embankment of stones by the Avon, between

Barncluith and Hamilton wood.


* EUPHORBIA Lathyris. In the garden at Barncluith, now become a

troublesome weed. Glot.

EMPETRUM nigrum. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Moors, Cathkin,

Kilbride, and Crawford. Lan.

† CARPINUS Betulus. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.
* CASTANEA vulgaris. Abundant, especially about Hamilton. Lan.
BETULA nana. At Bertram, about a mile from Carnwath. Glot.
SALIX pentandra. Marsh near Kenmuir; banks of the Clyde at
Dalbeth. Glot. Banks of the Clyde below Hamilton
bridge. Lan.

Helix. Frequent on the banks of the Clyde, as at Cambusne-
than, &c. Lan.
Russeliana. In plantations. Lan.

vitellina. Frequent on the banks of the Clyde. Glot. At
Jerviston. Lan.

SALIX petiolaris. Possil Marsh, north side of the canal. Fl. Scot.


cinerea. Banks of the Avon, above Barncluith, &c. aquatica. Banks of the Clyde above Hamilton. Glot. bicolor. Banks of the Clyde, a little above Glasgow. Fl. Scot. * PINUS sylvestris. In the woods, Lanark. Glot. Cultivated for

timber. Lan.

HABENARIA albida. In a hilly pasture above Castlemilk. Glot. By the water of Briech, south from Whitburn. Lan.

LISTEBA cordata. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.

Tinto. Lan.

Said to grow in

• GALANTHUS nivalis. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Plentifully on

the banks about Castlemilk. Lan. Ruscus aculeatus. In the woods, Bothwell. Glot. Convallaria majalis. Bothwell. J. Hooker, sp. In the woods at the Falls of the Clyde. Glot. Waste places about Barncluith. Lan.

multiflora. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Woods at Bothwell. Lan.

* ORNITHOGALUM umbellatum. Border of a field at Barncluith; Mount at Chatelherault. Lan.

† ALLIUM Schænoprasum. Occasionally in the neighbourhood of gardens; old quarry at Coalshill, near Holy-town. Lan. * TULIPA sylvestris. In a field near Hamilton. Glot. Field at Smiddy croft; orchard at Orbiston; about Blantyre Priory; but in each of these places becoming scarcer annually. Lan.

SPARGANIUM natans. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Frankfield Loch, abundantly. Glot. Lochs, to the north of Old Monkland. Lan.

POTAMOGETON rufescens. Near Glasgow. Br. Fl. Clyde at Dalbeth, and between Blantyre Mills and Bothwell bridge.


gramineus. In the Clyde. Glot.

RHYNCOSPORA alba. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Not common ; Lochrigg Shotts; Glengivel Water, Avondale. Lan. ERIOPHORUM vaginatam. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Bog between

Boghead and Chapelton. Lan.

? CAREX pauciflora. Near Glasgow. (Hudson.) Glot. (Not men

tioned by Patrick.)

- teretiuscula. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. In a bog on the Clyde, two miles from Hamilton. Glot. Deadwaters, Allington Farm. Lan.

speirostachya. Marshes, Mugdock Castle, and on the hills of Lanarkshire. Eng. Fl.

binervis. Hill by the road, approaching Frankfield Loch ; bills at Walston. Lan.

stricta. In the bog at Dunsire; at Kenmuir; near Daldowie. Lan.

lævigata. In a marsh near Glasgow. (Mackay.) Glot. Wet woods east of Mugdock Castle. Lan. (I have given the plants of Mugdock Castle and its vicinity under the county of Stirling, concluding the castle to be in that county, though Patrick does twice name it, under this genus, as if in Lanarkshire. H. W.)

POA aquatica. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.
FESTUCA calamaria. Kenmuir Bank, Glasgow. Fl. Scot.
BROMUS arvensis. Between Dalbeth and Clyde Iron Works, and

about Cathcart. Fl. Scot.

BROMUS racemosus. Between Glasgow and Frankfield Loch. Fl.


? DIGITARIA sanguinalis. A single plant found at Dalbeth. Glot.


VIOLA lactea? Peebles. R. Maughan, sp. (I think the specimen from Mr. Maughan ought to be called V. flavicornis. H. W.)

OROBUS sylvaticus. Near West Linton. G. Macnab, sp.
GALIUM pusillum. Moors on the Tweed below Peebles.


PYROLA rotundifolia. Peebleshire. Fl. Scot.
PRIMULA farinosa. Bog near West Linton. G. Macnab, sp.
BETULA nana.

In Tweed-dale. Eng. Fl.



HIERACIUM denticulatum. In Harewood, near Selkirk. Eng. Fl. ↑ GNAPHALIUM margaritaceum. Banks of the Yarrow, among willows, about three miles from St. Mary's Loch. Excurs.

TRIENTALIS europæa. Blackhouse heights. Fl. Scot.



Duncan, cat.

Catalogue of Plants observed near Jedburgh.
Rev. James Duncan.

THALICTRUM majus. Makerston. Duncan, cat. TROLLIUS europæus. Marshy place near Huntlaw. Duncan, cat. ? GLAUCIUM luteum. Banks of Denholm Cauld. Duncan, cat. (This is a sea-side plant, and unless there be some error, we must suppose it to have been introduced here.)

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Yetholm. G. Macnab, sp. * COCHLEARIA officinalis. In Melrose churchyard. Duncan, cat. * IBERIS amara. On a sandy bank of the Tiviot, a little to the east

of Denholm, probably an outcast from some garden. Duncan,


VIOLA lutea. Minto Hill; Bowden Muir; Lanton Hill. Duncan, cat. Hills above Yetholm. Flora of Berwick. DIANTHUS deltoides. Minto Rocks; rocks at the side of Kirkton Burn; Makerston; Chester's Craig; rising ground south of Midlem. Duncan, cat.

CERASTIUM arvense.
Fl. Scot.

Foot of walls near Wark, by Kelso, abundant.

GERANIUM sylvaticum. Denholm Dean. Duncan, cat.
PRUNUS Padus. Near Jedburgh. Duncan, cat.
SANGUISORBA officinalis. Old road-side leading from Lillieslief to

Shaw Burn; ground west from Hollindean Parks. Duncan,


* SPIREA salicifolia. Minto Wood. Duncan, cat.
RUBUS Chamamorus. Cheviot, very plentiful. Duncan, cat.
COMARUM palustre. (Five localities appear to be given for this in
Mr. Duncan's MS. catalogue, but I am not able to make out
the names of any of the places. H. W.)

SILAUS pratensis. Road sides, near Kelso. Fl. Scot.
CICUTA virosa. Yetholm Lock. Duncan, cat.

FEDIA dentata.


Cornfields to the west of Denham Dean. Duncan,

LACTUCA virosa. Melrose. Br. Fl.

HIERACIUM pulmonarium. On rocks on the hill above Yetholm.

Winch, add.

sylvaticum. Denholm Dean. Duncan, cat.

paludosum. Denholm Dean. Duncan, cat.

CNICUS heterophyllus. Denholm Dean; Midshiel's Haugh. Duncan,


ONOPORDUM Acanthium. Near Melrose. Fl. Scot.
GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Ruber's Law. Duncan, cat.

CAMPANULA latifolia. Denholm Dean; Minto Bank; wood below

Bedrule Mill. Duncan, cat.

VACCINIUM Vitis-Idea. Cheviot; hills a few miles south-east of

Greenhill. Duncan, cat.

PYROLA minor? Fir-wood south from Denholm; Well's Woods.

Duncan, cat.

Lycopus europeus. Prinside Loch. R. Embleton, mss.
MENTHA piperita. In the plantations of Eildon Hall, footpath lead-

ing to Melrose. Duncan, cat.

rubra. Banks of Tiviot, frequently. Duncan, cat.

GALEOPSIS versicolor. Not unfrequent. Duncan, cat.
EUPHORBIA Esula. Banks of Tiviot, opposite Minto. Duncan, cat.
EMPETRUM nigrum. Hills to the south-east of Greenhill, plentifully.

Duncan, cat.

SALIX purpurea. No bank of the Tweed, opposite Melrose. Fl.


* GALANTHUS nivalis. Wilton Manse; about a quarter of a mile above

Melrose. Duncan, cat.

Bromus secalinus. Near Jedburgh. Duncan, cat.
AVENA fatua. Near Jedburgh. Duncan, cat.

LOLIUM temulentum. In fields, and the gravelly bank of the Tiviot,

occasionally. Duncan, cat.



Berw. A Flora of Berwick-upon-Tweed. 1829 and 1831. G. Johnston. (Berwickshire and the borders of adjacent counties.) Club. Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 1832 and 1835.

THALICTRUM minus. Tweed banks opposite Spring Gardens; Spittal Links, and banks beyond Hudshead; common on the coast. Berw.

majus. Rocky and woody banks of the Eye at Netherbyres. Berw. TROLLIUS europeus. Not uncommon; Haidendean, abundant; Felkington Bog, sparingly; Buncle Wood; banks of the Leet at Swinton; in the marshy field near Edington Moor; Lamberton Moor. Berw.

† HELLEBORUS viridis. Dunglass Glen. Fl. Scot. (within Haddingtonshire?) GLAUCIUM luteum. Sandy sea-coast at Coldingham; shore between Dunglass Dean and the Coves, plentiful. Berw.

CORYDALIS claviculata. Rocks in Longridge Dean, plentiful; Pease Bridge Dean, on stony spots between the Forrester's houses, plentiful. Berw.

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. In the gravelly vale between Middleton and

Langley Ford, plentiful. Berw.

COCHLEARIA officinalis. Plentiful on our sea-coast; also on dykes near the Magdalen-field farm-house. Berw. danica. On the Pinnacles, one of the Fern Islands.


CAKILE maritima. Frequent. Berw.

CRAMBE maritima. On the shore by Fastcastle. (Dr. Parsons.)



LEPIDIUM Smithii. Road-side near Whitekirk. CARDAMINE amara. Banks of the Eye about Netherbyres; in wet places about the base of Cockburn Law, plentiful; about the

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