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head of Langton Wood; in the Pease Glen, and in Dunglass

Dean. Berw.

NASTURTIUM sylvestre. River-side a little above West Ord; about the Union Bridge. Berw.

+ SISYMBRIUM Irio. On the walls of Berwick. R. Embleton, sp.

Most abundant at the Pier-gate. Berw.

+ BARBAREA præcor. Hedge side between Wooler and Earl. Berw. SINAPIS tenuifolia. Walls of Berwick. Berw.

† HESPERIS matronalis. In the bed of a rivulet between Burnhouses and Reston-mill, to all appearance truly wild. Berw. VIOLA lutea. About two miles south of Fastcastle; plentiful on the banks just above Fastcastle; on the summit of Cockburn Law. Berw.

DROSERA anglica. Coldingham Moor between Renton-Bell and the

old post road to Edinburgh. Berw.

DIANTHUS deltoides. Hedge-banks between Wooler and Earl ; Chapelhill, Belford; craigs by Craig-mill; frequent in the vicinity of Wooler; very common in the west of Berwickshire, but rare on its eastern side; where, however, it occurs in tolerable abundance at St. Helen's Church, and in Lumsden Dean. Berw. Plentiful near Coldstream. R. Embleton, mss. SILENE maritima. Common on the coast; Farn Islands. Berw. SAGINA maritima. By the side of the Canal below New-Water Haugh; on rocks in Holy Island, between the Heugh and the Castle, Farn Islands. Berw.

Spergula subulata. Amongst the craigs at Easington; and at Spindlestone, plentiful; Coldingham Coldingham Moor. Berw. ARENARIA peploides. Lamberton Shields; Spittal sands and coast to

the southward. Berw.

marina. Sea-coast; sides of the Tweed above the bridge.


verna. On St. Abb's-head, plentiful; in a deep glen about a mile south of Fastcastle; Spindlestone Craigs.


CERASTIUM arvense. Near King's Mount Bastion; Castlebanks; Spittal and Scrammerston Links, &c. Berw.

tetrandum. On the links at Bamborough and Holy Island; Spittal Links, and southward. Berw.

RADIOLA millegrana. Ancroft Moor. Berw.

* TILIA grandifolia. In the park at Nenthorn, naturalised. Berw. * HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Formerly found in Birgham Haugh; and seen in other parts of Berwickshire, but in every place too obviously the outcast of gardens. Berw.

GERANIUM sylvaticum. Woods about Houndwood and Renton; banks of Wooler Water above and below Langley-ford.



phæum. Banks of the Eden, near Stitchell. Berw. sanguineum. On the links of Holy Island; sea-banks at Hudshead; links from Scrammerston southwards, abundant. Berw.

OROBUS sylvaticus. On a bank facing the Tweed, on the north side,



about a quarter of a mile below the public house at the Bield (Lightfoot); near Longformacus. Berw. LATHYRUS sylvestris. Banks of the Whiteadder, at Hutton Mill.

R. Embleton, sp.

VICIA lathyroides. Heugh, Holy Island; Chapel-hill, Belford, and other basaltic heights between it and Bamborough; on the precipitous and dry rocky banks of Ale-water. Berw. ASTRAGALUS glycyphyllus. Brow of Cockle-hill at Learmouth; banks of Tweed by the road to Carbam; hilly pastures at MoneyLaws; in the ravine above Burnmouth. Berw. In several places between the Siccar Point and the mouth of the Pease Burn. Club.

hypoglottis. Links of Holy Island; Spittal Links, and the links beyond Scrammerston; sea-banks below Redheugh. Berw.

MELILOTUS leucantha. Old Limestone quarry at Saterpath Haven;
New-Water Haugh Wood; Coupland plantations near
Wooler. Berw. (Trifolium officinale. Fl. Berw.)

TRIFOLIUM scabrum. Rocks in Holy Island. Berw.
Lotus tenuis. St. Abb's Head. R. Embleton, sp.

Cultivated fields

between Coldingham Lough and the sea. Club. * MEDICAGO sativa. Field above the quarry on Sunnyside; corn

field near Gunsgreen-hill. Berw.

PRUNUS Padus. Woods about Houndwood and Renton Inns; in a

dean about a mile south of Fastcastle.



+ SPIRÆA salicifolia, Marchmont woods, apparently quite wild.

Rosa spinosissima. Common; the only species found wild in Holy

Island. Berw.
tomentosa. Common. Berw.

(scabriuscula). Banks of the Tweed above the Union Bridge, plentiful; and occasionally in hedges. Berw. canina (sarmentacea). Frequent. Berw.

(dumetorum). Not rare; side of the road between New Farm and the Old Lamberton Toll; below Lamberton Shields; on banks between Middleton and Langley Ford. Berw. (This is the R. dumetorum of Smith, not of English Botany, according to the author of the Flora of Berwick.) (Forsteri). Ancroft Dean. Berw.

casia. On the bank at the road-side above Whiteadder Bridge.


RUBUS Koehleri. Hedges, not rare.


macrophyllus. Near Houndwood. Berw.

saxatilis. Lees' Cleugh, a wooded ravine near Langton Lees

farm-house, plentiful. Berw.

Chamæmorus. On Cheviot, plentiful. Berw.

POTENTILLA argentea. Road-side west of Stitchell. Berw.

verna. Spindlestone Hills, Northumberland. Berw.

COMARUM palustre. Below Murton Craigs; Haiden Dean; below

Shoreswood-hall; Longridge Dean. Berw.

SANGUISORBA officinalis. Bradford Dean. Club.

EPILOBIUM alsinifolium. In rivulets on the sides of the Cheviot Hills,

as mentioned by Ray. Berw.

SEDUM anglicum. Heugh, Holy Island; and about the Castle.


villosum. By rivulets and in bogs at the foot of Cheviot; basaltic heights between Belford and Bamborough; boggy spots between Whitchester and Longformacus; and at the top of a hill, at the road-side, about half way between Dunse and Longformacus. Berw.


On Fastcastle; on rocks between Lamberton and Burnmouth; at the foot of a deep glen about a mile south of Fastcastle. Berw. Cliffs at St. Abb's Head. R. Embleton, sp.

* RIBES rubrum and nigrum. In deans, on the sites of deserted mills and cottages. Berw. SAXIFRAGA stellaris. On and about the Cheviots. Berw.

Hirculus. Near Langton (Dr. Johnston.) R. Bowman, sp. Moor south of Langton Lees farm-house. Br. Fl. Near Langton Wood. Club. (Perhaps these all intend the same locality?)

hypnoides. Dunsdale and Henhole Hopes, part of the Cheviots. Club.

CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Langton woods; at Longformacus; near Cockburn Mill; Dunglass Dean. Club.

CICUTA virosa. "Prinside Loch, Berwickshire." Berw. (Rox


* MYRRHIS odorata. Pinnacle-hill near Kelso; borders of Colding

ham Moor, yet scarce run wild. Berw.

ENANTHE Phellandrium. Ferneyrig Marsh, sparingly. Berw. SMYRNIUM Olusatrum. On the sea-coast at Dunglass, on the edge of

[blocks in formation]

LIGUSTICUM scoticum. Sea-shore at Lamberton Shields; shore at Eyemouth; on rocks between Fastcastle and Redheugh.


SISON Amomum. Hirsell Lough. R. Embleton, sp. Near Coldstream.
Br. Fl.
SILAUS pratensis. Common in Berwickshire; and not rare in the

north of Durham. Berw.

VIBURNUM Lantana. At Sir John Hall's, in Dunglass Glen. Berw. CORNUS suecica. On Cheviot, close to the spring where those ascend

ing generally rest themselves. Berw.

GALIUM boreale. Gateheugh; bog south of Hardacres, near Eccles; road-side, north of Hatchetneze, Coldstream; road-side half way between Fishwick and West Fishwick. Berw. * DIPSACUS Fullonum. In the hedge of a cottage garden near Netherbyres, and in the edge of the field adjoining. Berw. TRAGOPOGON major. Frequent on the banks of the Tweed at Birgham and Lennel, and in fields near Eccles; frequent all over the east and north of Berwickshire and North Durham. Berw. LACTUCA virosa. Banks of the Tweed, near the Chain bridge. R. Embleton, sp. Near Twizel House; lane west of Old Ladykirk; banks of the Tweed from the Chain bridge to Norham, most abundant; Ayton road, near the six-mile stone; Twizell Toll. Berw.

HIERACIUM sylvaticum. On the Old Castle; banks between the Foundry and Spittal. Berw.

paludosum. Castle-hills; boggy ravine east of West Ord, &c. Berw.

umbellatum. Haiden Dean, on the site of an old Roman Station. Berw. Near Woodend, in the parish of Langton. Club.

prenanthoides. Wooded bank, opposite Bank-house, Berwickshire; banks of the Dye at Lonformacus; Pease Bridge Dean. Club.

- molle. Langton woods, plentiful; wood opposite Bankhouse, near Renton. Br. Fl.

CNICUS heterophyllus. At the foot of Cheviot; Langton Lees' Cleugh; banks of the Whiteadder above Claribad Mill. Berw.

? Onopordum Acanthium. To be expunged from the Flora of

Berwick. Johnston, mss.

ARTEMISIA maritima. Coast beyond Goswick; on the Emblestones; the variety gallica, on St. Cuthbert's, Holy Island, sparingly.


GNAPHALIUM dioicum. St. Abb's Head. R. Embleton, sp. Etal Moor, by the road to the Coal-works; Lamberton Moor; moors above Kyloe. Berw.

ERIGERON acris. Links at Holy Island, in a direction north from the Castle. Berw.

Senecio viscosus. About the riding-stable at Easington, plentiful;
Magdalen fields, at the Cow-port; in the wood above
Netherbyres; near Lumsden, and other places in Berwick-
shire. Berw.

ASTER Tripolium. Sides of the Tweed above the bridge; and coast
beyond Goswick Links, plentiful. Berw.
PYRETHRUM maritimum. Sea-banks about the Needle-eye, but in in-

accessible places.

* ANTHEMIS nobilis. About Chirnside Bridge, not wild. Berw. CAMPANULA latifolia. Wood southwest of Polwarth Church, and Castle-law woods; Langton Wood and Lees' Cleugh, plentiful; woods above the Pease Bridge, abundant. Berw.

VACCINIUM Vitis-Idea. Higher parts of Cheviot; on the wooded rocky hill above Hepburn at Chillingham; banks of the Whiteadder, above Abbey St. Bathans, sparingly; on Hedgehope, abundant; about the top of Dirrington Law, plenti

ful. Berw.

Oxycoccos. Moors between Belford and Wooler, plentiful; Haiden Dean; bog below Shoreswood Hall. Berw. ARBUTUS Uva-ursi. On the west side of Dirrington Law, plentiful.


PYROLA rotundifolia. In the dean below Allerton Mill, plentiful, about midway between the mill and the lime road; Haiden Dean, abundant. Berw.

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PYROLA media. On the wooded and heathy bank above the Schoolhouse at Abbey St. Bathans, most abundant; Lumsden, Ancroft, Haiden, and Longridge Deans. Berw. minor. Wood at Orange-lane; plantation to the north of Loch Lithtillum, abundant; Langton Wood; Blackadder plantations, abundant; wooded banks of the Dye above Longformacus, a single specimen. Berw.

secunda. Yevering Bell Hill (Dr. Johnston). R. Embleton,


ERYTHREA littoralis. On the Links south of Bamborough Castle, and on Holy Island, plentiful. Berw.

* POLEMONIUM cæruleum. Sometimes escapes from gardens. Berw. MYOSOTIS cæspitosa. In the lane below Unthank Colliery; not un

common in watery places. Berw.

repens. In the vale below Langley Ford, Northumberland; Horncliff Dean, North Durham; in the wooded dean above the Pease Bridge, near the burn, Berwickshire. Berw. sylvatica. Langton Woods. Club.

LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. On the shores at the mouth of the Peaseburn; Lumsden shore, plentiful. Club. Den of Dunglass. Fl. Scot.

* ANCHUSA sempervirens. In a hedge behind Ramsay's Barn; bank in front of Netherbyres House; near the Grieve's House; On hills of columnar greenstone to the north of Hume Castle. Berw.

SYMPHYTUM tuberosum. Side of the Whiteadder, half way between its mouth and the bridge, rare; Westruther. Berw. ASPERUGO procumbens. In the Holy Island (Ray); on Bamborough

Castle, confined to a small spot. Berw.

* PULMONARIA officinalis. In gardens frequent, and occasionally cast out with the rubbish, to flourish by a hedge side for a season or two. Berw.

+ VERBASCUM nigrum. Waste ground at Ord, probably an outcast of the garden, but observed there for many successive years.


+ ATROPA Belladonna. On the banks of Wooler Water, near Wooler; by a rivulet which enters the Tweed above Horncliff. Berw. RHINANTHUS major. Found by Richardson, in 1723, amongst the corn near Westnewton in Northumberland, on the borders of Scotland. Berw.

MELAMPYRUM pratense (montanum). On the south-east side of Cheviot. Berw. (I suspect this to be rather a common mountain-form of M. pratense.)

-- sylvaticum. Banks of the Dye above Longformacus.


VERONICA polita. Cultivated grounds; near Gavington, plentiful.



- Buxbaumii. In the shrubbery in front of the house at Whiterig, Berwickshire. Berw.

MENTHA sylvestris. In the neighbourhood of Blanerne, abundant.


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