* MECONOPSIS cambrica. Pasture ground near Woodhall, introduced. W. Brands, sp. Banks of the Water of Leith, near Woodhall; Braid Woods. Edin. GLAUCIUM luteum. Gravelly bed of the Water of Leith, beyond Coltbridge. Edin. ? EPIMEDIUM alpinum. Hunter's Tryste. Edin. (No longer found there, and, in all probability, an introduced plant originally.) CORYDALIS claviculata. Ravelston Quarry. Edin. CAKILE maritima. Shore near Caroline Park. H. W. sp. Leith Sands; between Newhaven and Caroline Park. Edin. LEPIDIUM Smithii. Woods near Rosslyn; in a corn-field at Bell's Mills. Edin. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Inchkeith; Cramond Island; sea-shore be- Firth of Forth, probably from Cramond Island. ? DRABA muralis. Field behind the old Botanic Garden; near Bellevue. Edin. † CAMELINA sativa. Banks of the Esk, above Inveresk. R. Maughan, sp. Field, Lochend, near Edinburgh. G. Macnab, sp. Calton Hill. Edin. ? DENTARIA bulbifera. Banks of the Esk, below Dalkeith. Br. Fl. (Not admitted by the Botanical Society.) CARDAMINE amara. Water of Leith, above Currie. H. W. sp. Marsh about a mile west from Lasswade; Water of Leith near St. Bernard's Well; near Bell's Mill and Kevock Mill; banks of the Esk above Dalkeith. Edin. + BARBAREA præcox. In the bed of the Water of Leith, near St. Bernard's Well. Edin. NASTURTIUM sylvestre. By the Water of Leith. W. Brands, sp. * HESPERIS matronalis. Fields near the Hunter's Tryste. W. Christy, sp. Debris of Salisbury Craigs; banks of Glencorse Burn; Colinton and Auchindenny Woods; banks below Arthur's Seat; banks of the Water of Leith. Edin. † BRASSICA oleracea. Inchkeith. campestris. By the side of the road leading from Leith to Queensferry, near Bangholm. Edin. RESEDA lutea. Debris of Salisbury Craigs. Edin. VIOLA lutea. Woods near Ravelrig Toll, and observed on Dalmahoy, Braid, and Pentland Hills. H. W. sp. Arthur's Seat; Blackford Hills; Corstorphine Hills. Edin. VIOLA flavicornis. Several stations near Edinburgh. Excurs. DIANTHUS deltoides. Blackford Hill, and above the railway on Arthur's Seat, as well as on the northern side of the latter hill. H. W. sp. Banks of Lochend; Pentland Hills. Edin. barbatus. Rosslyn Wood; banks of the Water of Leith, between Coltbridge and Saughton-hall; Colinton Woods; near Maleny. Edin. * LYCHNIS Viscaria. Blackford Hill. W. Brands, sp. On the rocks, called the "Basaltic Columns," above the railway under Arthur's Seat. H. W. sp. Rocks by Braid Hermitage; Dundas Hill [Linlithgowshire?]. Edin. SILENE maritima. Cramond Island; Inchkeith; rocks near Caroline Park. Edin. Sagina maritima. Cramond Island. J. H. Balfour, sp. Other islands and shores of the Firth of Forth. H. W. sp. Near the wet-dock at Leith. Edin. SPERGULA subulata. Dalmahoy Hill. W. H. Campbell, sp. Corstorphine Hill; and on a little bank by the road-side shortly before reaching Ravelrig Toll, from Edinburgh. H. W. sp. On a wall near Ravelrig Toll. Edin. STELLARIA nemorum. Rosslyn Woods. battle Woods. Edin. H. W. Arniston and New ARENARIA peploides. Between Newhaven and Cramond, in various parts of the shore of the Forth. H. W. sp. Leith Sands; Fisherrow and Musselburgh Links. Edin. ? verna. Plentiful on Salisbury Craigs and Arthur's Seat, and occasionally on the Pentland Hills. H. W. sp. Blackford Hill. Edin. tenuifolia. Cramond Island. Edin. (I much suspect that Sagina maritima is the plant to which this name has been applied. H. W.) CERASTIUM tetrandrum. Frequent on Arthur's Seat, and on walls and banks about Edinburgh. H. W. sp. Fisherrow Links; Braid Hill; Calton Hill; Inchkeith. GERANIUM sanguineum. Rocks on Arthur's Seat, above the railway. H. W. sp. Salisbury Craigs. Edin. * sylvaticum. Rosslyn and Auchindinny Woods. H. W. Colinton and Arniston Woods. Edin. phœum. Colinton and Granton Woods. Edin. pyrenaicum. By the road under Salisbury Craigs, at the end towards Duddingston. H. W. sp. Near Craigmillar Castle; near Bell's Mills; in a lane leading from the southeast part of Edinburgh to the King's Park, abundantly. Edin. * STAPHYLEA pinnata. Colinton Woods, evidently introduced. H. W. sp. ? ULEX nanus. Pentland Hills. Edin. (Not recognised as an Edinburgh plant, by the Botanical Society, and a BraidHill specimen, which I have seen under this name, is merely U. europæus.) ONONIS spinosa? Fisherrow Links. Edin. OROBUS sylvaticus. Sparingly at the end of Braid Hills towards the high-road leading thence to the Pentlands. H. W. sp. Woods near Currie. Edin. † LATHYRUS sylvestris. Debris of Salisbury Craigs, on the north side. * Edin. sp. Aphaca. In a wheat field near Edinburgh. J. Graves, VICIA angustifolia." Arthur's Seat. W. Brands, sp. Near Duddingston Loch, on the sloping bank above the Railway; Dalmahoy Hill, on the side towards Bavelrig Bog; Cramond Isle. H. W. sp. -lathyroides. Side of Arthur's Seat above the Railway; and isles in the Forth. H. W. sp. Blackford Hill; fields east of Portobello; Leith gravel-pit. Edin. ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Slope of Arthur's Seat, above the Railway, and on the shore of the Forth between Newhaven and Cramond. H. W. sp. glycyphyllus. Coryton Woods; banks of the Water of Leith, between Coltbridge and Saughton-hall. Edin. MELILOTUS leucantha. In a deserted quarry on the banks of the Union Canal, near Edinburgh. Excurs. TRIFOLIUM ornithopodioides. Musselburgh Links. G. Macnab, sp. In a field near Maitland Bridge, between Edinburgh and Musselburgh; Fisherrow Links; Figget Whins. Edin. scabrum. Near Edinburgh. G. Lloyd, sp. King's Park; dry soils by the sea-shore near Edinburgh. Edin. Lotus tenuis. Edinburgh. G. Lloyd, sp. * MEDICAGO sativa. Figget Whins. Edin. Prunus Padus. Colinton Woods. H. W. sp. Rosslyn Woods; Banks of Bevelaw Burn; Auchindinny and Arniston Woods. domestica. Craigmillar Castle; Colinton Woods. Edin. SPIREA salicifolia. Arniston Woods; Cragie-hall and Cramond Bridge. Edin. PYRUS Aria. Rocks in the King's Park, near the Powder Magazine; wood on the Dalkeith road; wood near Craiglochart. Edin. Rosa spinosissima. Newbattle Marsh. H. W. sp. Arthur's Seat; road-sides between Duddington and Musselburgh. Edin. Sabini (Doniana). Banks of the Water of Leith near Colinton. Edin. - tomentosa. Banks of the Water of Leith, at Bog's Mill, near inodora. Near Edinburgh. Edin. Rosslyn Woods; Hill, one of the POTENTILLA argentea. Blackford Hill, on the rocks and debris. H. W. sp. Craig Brae near Dundas Castle; Binny Craig. Edin. verna. Arthur's Seat. W. Brands, sp. South-west side of Arthur's Seat; rocks and walls at Craiglochart. Edin. COMARUM palustre. Near the Braid Hills. H. W. sp. Hunter's Bog; in a marsh on the east side of Arthur's Seat; Duddingston Loch; Braid Hill Marshes; Pentland Hills; Ravelrig Bog. Edin. ? CIRCEA alpina. West side of Arthur's Seat. Edin. CERATOPHYLLUM demersum. Cannonmills Loch, 1809, abundant. Edin. submersum? Duddingston Loch. W. Stables, sp. † SEDUM dasyphyllum. Colinton Woods, on a dry bank. W. Brands, sp. villosum. Penecuik Moor. W. Brands, sp. Wet places in fields at the base of the Pentland Hills, near Currie. H. W. sp. By the sides of rivulets on the Pentland Hills. Edin. RIBES alpinum. Dalhousie. W. Brands, sp. In an old quarry, in * Auchindinny Wood. H. W. sp. nigrum. By the side of the stream in Auchindinny Wood, scarcely to be called indigenous there. H. W. sp. - rubrum. Woods on Corstorphine Hill, and other places, probably sown by birds. H. W. * SAXIFRAGA umbrosa. Rosslyn, Colinton, and Auchindinny Woods; Corstorphine Hill; banks of a stream above Newbattle. Edin. hypnoides. Very sparingly on Arthur's Seat, among some loose stones above the Basaltic Columns, perhaps planted; more plentiful on Dalmahoy Hill. H. W. sp. CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Woodcock Dale. W. H. Campbell, sp. Rosslyn Woods. H. W. sp. On wet rocks opposite Hawthornden; banks of a small stream near the New Bridge in Rosslyn Woods; banks of the Water of Leith, about two miles above Currie; St. Bernard's Well; Bilston Burn; Newbattle, Arniston, and Auchindinny Woods. Edin. ERYNGIUM maritimum. Fisherrow and Musselburgh Links. Edin. ? CRITHMUM maritimum. Islands in the Forth of Firth; not found in the present day. Edin. ENANTHE Phellandrium. Ditch opposite Beech Wood, near Corstorphine. R. Maughan, sp. PEUCEDANUM palustre. Marsh near Colinton. Edin. * Ostruthium. Under Borthwick Castle. H. W. sp. LIGUSTICUM scoticum. Back of the Glassworks at Leith. Edin. SILAUS pratensis, Marsh near the Roman Camp at Newbattle. H. W. sp. Borders of corn-fields near Oxenford Castle. Edin. SIUM latifolium. Duddingston Loch. Edin. errow. Edin. CICUTA virosa. Lochend. Edin. MYRRHIS odorata. By the Firth of Forth, under the wall of Caro line Park. H. W. sp. Near Mavisbank; by the Water of Leith, two miles above Currie; Arniston Woods; foot of the Castle-bank, to the north-east. Edin. + CHÆROPHYLLUM aureum. Near Corstorphine. Edin. PETROSELINUM sativum. Salisbury Craigs; Craigmillar Castle; old walls at Inverleith; on an old wall at Coltbridge; by the road-side between Colinton and Dreghorn. Edin. * CARUM Carui. Rocks on the west side of the Castle. Edin. Fl. Scot. (This locality is inserted in the Flora Scotica, on the authority of Dr. Greville. Some mistake there must be, for no other person appears to have found the plant here.) * ANTHRISCUS Cerefolium. Shore near Caroline Park, introduced with rubbish from the garden, but now thriving luxuriantly. Excurs. 1835. + VIBURNUM Lantana. Rosslyn Woods. Edin. APIUM graveolens. Ditches behind Musselburgh. Edin. LONICERA Caprifolium. Colinton Woods, and Corstorphine Hill. R. Maughan, sp. ? CORNUS suecica. Pentland Hills, as reported, but there would seem to have been some mistake. LINNEA borealis. Banks of the Esk at Dalhousie. Br. Fl. (This locality is erroneous; but we learn from the Excursions that there is another; and however averse to the concealment of botanical stations in general, I must allow it to be justifiable when the herbivorous rapacity of Dr. Graham's regiment of botanists comes in question. H. W.) ? GALIUM erectum. Fish-wife's Causeway, near Portobello. Edin. pusillum. Habbie's How, on the Pentland Hills. Edin. * VALERIANA rubra. Old walls at Inverleith. Edin. * pyrenaica. Dalhousie Woods. W. Brands, sp. Co FEDIA dentata. Near Crossgate Toll, three miles south of Musselburgh; fields between Newhaven and Caroline Park; Water of Leith, &c. Edin. Fields near the northern end of the Pentland Hills. H. W. sp. W. sp. TRAGOPOGON major? Shore of the Forth, near Caroline Park. H. LACTUCA virosa. Arthur's Seat. G. Macnab, sp. Debris of Salisbury Craigs. H. W. sp. Below the Basaltic Columns in the King's Park. Edin. ? SONCHUS palustris. Lochend. Edin. (Is it still there?) HIERACIUM sylvaticum. Habbie's How, on the Pentland Hills; Braid Hills; Arthur's Seat. Edin. paludosum. Arniston Woods, by the banks of the South Esk, at Temple, about a mile above Arniston; Rosslyn Woods, abundantly. Edin. prenanthoides. Near Cramond Bridge. Edin. |