The common in the North of Scotland. Several of the localities are given from my own personal observation; and I have experienced considerable difficulty here, as well as in other parts of Britain, from being unavoidably ignorant of the local names of hills, streams, &c., which might have facilitated others' search of the plants. As a good deal of attention was also paid to the altitude at which the species were found, some explanations on both these points may be useful. Invercauld Castle, in Braemar, is said to be 1070 feet above the sea-level. bed of the Dee is a few feet lower, and Castleton a few feet higher. All the plants mentioned to grow about the latter may be considered as at least 350 yards above the sea, and, generally speaking, below 500 yards. "Braemar Moors" will intend the low moory hills round Castleton, and the plants may be said to grow between 500 and 700 yards of elevation. "Mountains above Loch Callater" will indicate the rocky heights which form the boundaries of Forfar and Aberdeen shires, southward of the loch. They extend from 700 to 900 yards, or upwards. "Avon Hills" will signify the south or south-eastern declivities of Ben-na-muick-dhu, Ben-na-Buird, and other parts of the lofty range extending south and east from Cairngorm, and lying several miles north of Castleton. The altitudes are from 800 to 1400 yards. Mr. Dickie, of Cherry Vale, was kind enough to send me a list of plants, observed within thirteen or fourteen miles of Aberdeen. These are distinguished as species "near Aberdeen." Some of them may belong exclusively to Kincardineshire; but, if so, I have not the means of distinguishing such; and it is by no means improbable that some of the localities taken from the Northern Flora may be thus misplaced. AUTHORITY. Dickie, cat. -Catalogue of Plants observed within Fourteen Miles of Aberdeen. Communicated in April, 1836. THALICTRUM alpinum. Avon Hills. H. W. minus. Links of Rattrey. Fl. Scot. majus. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. TROLLIUS europæus. Dickie, cat. About Castleton. H. W. Near Aberdeen. CORYDALIS claviculata. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. CAKILE maritima. East coast from Aberdeen to Fraserburgh. Fl. Scot. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Avon Hills H. W. sp. danica. Sands at Peterhead. Fl. Scot. grænlandica. Loch-na-Garr. Eng. Fl. LEPIDIUM Smithii. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Teesdalia nudicaulis. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Sandy hills at Peterhead. Fl. Scot. * KONIGA maritima. Near Aberdeen. Eng. Fl. DRABA rupestris. Rocks on the summit of Cairngorm. Fl. Scot. SUBULARIA aquatica. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Loch Callater. Hooker, sp. In the small lake under the rocks where Carex H. W. sp. moors under Ben-na-Buird. H. W. sp. Fl. Scot. Banks of the Dee. NASTURTIUM sylvestre. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. VIOLA lutea. Greystone, in Alford, but in small quantity; much more abundant in Towie and Glenbucket; on Deeside, in the vicinity of Pananick; Glenmuick; and all the way between Abergaldy and Castleton. North. Fl. Castleton, and Braemar Moors. H. W. DROSERA anglica. Near the base of Ben-na-muick-dhu, ascending from Castleton. H. W. sp. SILENE nutans. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. maritima. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. SAGINA maritima. At Aberdeen, on the Old Town Links, between the brickwork and the sea; New Pier; Inch; between Craiglug and the sea, on the south side of the river; rocks at Buchanness; Ythan mouth, and coast of Buchan. SPERGULA subulata. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Spellaria cerastoides. Ben-na-Buird. W. Brands, sp. On the rocks near the summit of the hill, and above a small lake. H. W. CERASTIUM tetrandrum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. arvense. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. latifolium. Ben Avon, cleft in a rock on the south side of Loch More. M. Barry, sp. RADIOLA millegrana. Near Aberdeen, in the vicinity of the coast, occasionally all the way from the Cove to Belhelvie; also near Park Inn, upon Deeside; in the neighbourhood of Loch Auchlossan, Lumphanan; at Aberdeen, on the Links; Heugh of Crimond, and not uncommon in the district of Buchan. North. Fl. GERANIUM sylvaticum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Castleton; Braemar Moors; Avon Hills. H. W. sp. phæum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. sanguineum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. VICIA angustifolia. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. lathyroides. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Links of St. Fergus. Fl. Scot. glycyphyllos. Boyne Castle. G. Gordon, sp. MEDICAGO denticulata. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. PRUNUS Padus. Castleton. H. W. RUBUS suberectus. Highlands of Aberdeenshire. Fl. Scot. saxatilis. Braemar Moors. H. W. Chamæmorus. Braemar Moors, and Avon Hills. H. W. Ben na-chie. G. Gordon, mss. COMARUM palustre. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. POTENTILLA alpestris. In a fir-wood above the Castle at Castleton and the mountains above Loch Callater. H. W. sp. SIBBALDIA procumbens. Mountains above Loch Callater; Avon Hills. H. W. ALCHEMILLA alpina. At Aberdeen, both above and below the Bridge of Dee, and occasionally in small quantity upon the Inch; Deeside above Charlestown, Lochmuick; Loch-na-Garr; and abounding in the Alpine tract adjacent to the highest parts of Dee; Gairnside; Inch More, near the source of the Don; and on the moors adjacent to that river, as low as Candacraig. North. Fl. Braemar Moors, and Avon Hills. H. W. sp. ROSA spinosissima. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Near Castleton, on the ascent to Ben-na-Buird. H. W. rubella. Banks of the Dee about Abergeldy. Fl. Scot. tomentosa (mollis E. B. 2459.). Banks of the Dee. Fl. Scot. EPILOBIUM alpinum. Avon Hills. H. W. CIRCEA alpina. Den of Rubislaw, near Aberdeen; occasionally on the banks of the Dee and Don; woods near Castleton; stony places by the side of Loch-Lee; Donside, at Glenkindy. North. Fl. SEDUM villosum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. and sp. RIBES petræum. Strathdon. North. Fl. SAXIFRAGA nivalis. Mountains above Loch Callater. H. W. sp. stellaris. Castleton; Avon Hills; Mountains above Loch Castleton; Braemar Moors. rivularis. Loch-na-Garr. Hooker, sp. H. W. cæspitosa. Ben Avon. M. Barry, sp. Ben-na-Buird. Anderson's Guide. - lætevirens. Moist rocks in elevated situations on the CARUM Carui. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Dickie, cat. On a green bank, nearly opposite the front of Invercauld House, by the road-side between Castleton and the bridge over the Dee, below the village. H. W. sp. HELOSCIADIUM repens. Side of the Fergus above the bridge of Ennis. Br. Fl. ANTHRISCUS Cerefolium. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. MYRRHIS odorata. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. CORIANDRUM sativum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. CORNUS suecica. Avon Hills. H. W. sp. Loch-na-Garr, in the descent towards Invercauld; Glenbucket, near the Manse, and, perhaps, not further down than this in Aberdeenshire; hills about Glen Callader. North. Fl. LINNEA borealis. First found in an old fir wood at Inglismaldie, on the borders of Mearnshire, in 1792. Eng. Fl. Kingcusie, seven miles from Aberdeen. Br. Fl. Crebston, five miles from Aberdeen; at Remney, sixteen miles north-west from Aberdeen. Fl. Scot. Within three miles of Alford, at Coreen, about twenty yards west of the footpath leading from Culhay to Dubstone, in the north opening of a deep dingle that passes through the top of the hill, amongst Calluna, Arbutus Uva-Ursi, and Vaccinium Vitis-Idæa. Bot. Misc. (Possibly some of these localities may be within Kincardineshire.) GALIUM boreale. Castleton and Braemar Moors. H. W. A little above the Bridge of Dee, at Aberdeen; and between this bridge and Craiglug; also at Charlestown and Ballater; absent or very rare upon Donside. North. Fl. SONCHUS alpinus. On Loch-na-Garr. Engl. Fl. APARGIA Taraxaci. Braemar. Hooker, sp. I believe to have seen this species on Loch-na-Garr, and the Avon Hills, but am unable, satisfactorily, to distinguish it from A. autumnalis, even with the aid of authentic specimens from Sir W. J. Hooker, and others. H. W. HIERACIUM alpinum. Avon Hills. H. W. Halleri. On rocks near Loch Callater. Eng. Fl. Corr. pulmonarium. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. aurantiacum. At Craigston, in the neighbourhood of Turriff. Fl. Scot. prænanthoides. Just below Castleton, on the banks of the stream flowing towards the Dee. H. W. sp. Banks of the GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Castleton; Braemar Moors; Avon Hills. H. W. supinum. Avon Hills; Mountains above Loch Calla ter. H. W. ASTER Tripolium. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Don. Fl. Scot. Fl. Scot. PYRETHRUM maritimum. Sea-shore about Aberdeen. Skene. North. Fl. CAMPANULA latifolia. Bank of Don, on the north side of the river, a little above Breda, in Alford, with white flowers. North. Fl. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. VACCINIUM Oxycoccos. Ben-na-Buird, at about the height of 650 yards, ascending from Castleton. H. W. Vitis-Idea. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Castleton; ARBUTUS Uva-Ursi. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Braemar Moors; Avon Hills. H. W. AZALEA procumbens. Avon Hills, in many places, from about 700 to 1150 yards; Loch na-Garr. North. Fl. PYROLA rotundifolia. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. (Is P. media intended here? It is certainly much the commoner species in the Highland districts.) media. Castleton and Braemar Moors. H. W. sp. * POLEMONIUM cæruleum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Don mouth; at the Bay of Nigg; Aberdour, in Buchan; * ANCHUSA sempervirens. At Aberdeen, near the Rubislaw Distillery; Deeside; Old Aberdeen; Hilton; Vale of Alford, in one or two places; Den of Auchmeddin; and various parts of Buchan. North. Fl. SYMPHYTUM tuberosum. At Aberdeen, near Powis' Burn, and on the Deeside road, &c.; near Manse of Alford, and in the upper part of the same valley, upon the banks of Don; various parts of Buchan. North. Fl. MYOSOTIS collina. Abundant at Aberdeen, on the bent hillocks, south of Don mouth; coast of Buchan. North. Fl. cæspitosa. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. secunda. Occasionally around Aberdeen; abundant in a marsh near Guise, Tough; various parts of the Alford district; Buchan; Methlick; Aberdour, &c. North. Fl. (Dr. Murray adds this, as another species, to an already encumbered genus, in regard to which it may safely be said, that no botanist could determine the alleged species, by the published descriptions, unless aided by figures or authenticated specimens. Is it not identical with the next?) repens. Common in the district of Alford. Eng. Bott. Supp. LINARIA repens. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Lycorus europeus. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. MENTHA piperita. Alford. Br. Fl. AJUGA alpina? Mountains of Aberdeenshire. Fl. Scot. " The Aberdeenshire plant thus named is given up as a mere variety of A. reptans." Anderson's Guide. GALEOPSIS versicolor. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. Premnay. G. Gordon, mss. LAMIUM incisum. Near Aberdeen. Dickie, cat. edge of an old lake called the Loch of Drum, and in a |