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ing to this county, which may actually be within the limits of adjacent counties; for in this part of Scotland the shires are so much intersected by each other, as to render it almost impossible for a stranger to assign all the small places to their proper counties.


Gordon, cat. A Catalogue of Moray Plants; those found in the lower part of Elginshire. By the Rev. G. Gordon.

TROLLIUS europeus. Dovie, &c. G. Gordon, mss.

NUPHAR pumila. Loch Ballater, near Aviemore. G. Gordon, sp. In a loch on the south side of the road leading from Aviemore to Inverness, two miles and a half from the former. Excurs.

CORYDALIS claviculata. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. * CRAMBE orientalis. Escaped and wild, but not indigenous, at the

Bridge of Spey, near Fochabers.

G. Gordon, mss.

CAKILE maritima. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
Cochlearia anglica. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.
Gordon, cat.

danica. Lower part of Elgin.
grænlandica. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.

officinalis. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Linkwood. G. Gordon, sp. Alves, and

near Elgin. W. Stables, sp.

CARDAMINE amara. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

† ERYSIMUM cheiranthoides. Elginshire. (Mr. Fraser.) G. Gordon,


+ RESEDA lutea. Lower part of Elgin, a doubtful native. Gordon,


DROSERA anglica.

Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

SILENE anglica. Duffus, and Alves. G. Gordon, mss.
Gordon, cat.

of Elgin,


Gordon, cat.
Gordon, cat.
Gordon, cat.

perhaps introduced.
Lower part of Elgin.
SAGINA maritima. Lower part of Elgin.
SPERGULA subulata. Lower part of Elgin.
STELLARIA nemorum. Slagginnan, Lynemore,

G. Gordon, mss.

ARENARIA peploides. Lower part of Elgin. marina. Lower part of Elgin.

CERASTIUM arvense. Springfield, Elgin.

Lower part

and New Mill of Alves.

Gordon, cat.

Gordon, cat.

W. Stables, sp.

tetrandrum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. RADIOLA millegrana. Banks of the Spey, between Fochabers and Orton. Fl. Scot. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. glycyphyllos. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

VICIA lathyroides. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
PRUNUS Padus. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

SPIREA salicifolia. Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced.

Gordon, cat.

RUBUS saxatilis. Dunphail, &c. G. Gordon, mss.

POTENTILLA argentea. Near Ashgrove.
G. Gordon, sp.
COMARUM palustre. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
ALCHEMILLA alpina. Dava. G. Gordon, mss.
Rosa spinosissima. Lower part of Elgin.
CIRCEA alpina. Sluie. G. Gordon, mss.
RIBES petræum. Banks of the Spey, above

Gordon, cat.


North. Fl. North. Fl.

Gordon, cat.

Gordon, cat.

SEDUM anglicum. Lower part of Elgin.
villosum. Lower part of Elgi Elgin.
Saxifraga aizoides. Sluie. Gordon, mss.
CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
LIGUSTICUM scoticum. Covesea, Stotfield, and Cummingstown.

Gordon, mss.


LINNEA borealis. Knock of Alves, near Elgin; Gordon Castle

woods. G. Gordon, sp.

GALIUM boreale. Craigellachie. G. Gordon, mss.

† FEDIA dentata. Fields near Stotfield and Coltfield, Alves; not in

digenous in Moray. North. Fl.

HIERACIUM prenanthoides. Lower part of Elgin.

denticulatum. Sluie, on the Findhorn.

Gordon, cat.

G. Gordon, mss.

Kellas. Anderson's Guide.

paludosum. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.

Gordon, cat.

sylvaticum. Lower part of Elgin.

LAPSANA pusilla. Near Innes House; Corn-field five miles south from

Elgin. G. Gordon, sp.

HYPOCHÆRIS glabra. Near Elgin.

W. Stables, sp.

Gordon, cat.

GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
ASTER Tripolium. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
PYRETHRUM maritimum. Lower part of Elgin.
LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch Baladren; Lochindorb.
VACCINIUM Vitis-Idea. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
ARBUTUS Uva-Ursi. Pluscarden Hill and Altash; abundant on

Gordon, cat.

most of the hills of the moorland zone [median region] in the counties of Elgin, Nairn, Banff, and Inverness. G. Gordon,


PYROLA media. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. Woods near Forres, belonging to the Earl of Moray. Fl. Scot. minor. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

Brodie House. Fl. Scot.

Woods at

secunda. Sluie, Ardclach, and Briggs; Lossie Mouth, near the sea-level; banks of the Findhorn. G. Gordon, sp. -- uniflora. In the oak-wood, Knock of Alves, near Elgin. Br. Fl. Fir-wood near Brodie House, by Forres.



ERYTHREA littoralis. Burghead. G. Gordon, sp. Sea-coast near Brodie House. Fl. Scot. West from Burghead. North. Fl. LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Covesea, Burghead, &c. G. Gordon,


? ASPERUGO procumbens. Burghead. (Brodie Herbarium.) G. Gordon, mss.

Myosotis collina. Lady-hill, Elgin. W. Stables, sp.

↑ANCHUSA sempervirens. Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced.

Gordon, cat.

† ATROPA Belladonna. Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced. Gordon, cat. Kinloss Abbey. North. Fl.

† MENTHA rubra. Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced. Gordon,



-- Pulegium. Near the church of Birnie. W. Brands, sp.
Wild, but not native. G. Gordon, mss.

LAMIUM incisum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
ACINOS vulgaris. Coltfield; Alves. (Mr. Wilson.) W. Stables, sp.

GALEOPSIS Ladanum. Alves. G. Gordon, sp.

(Mr. Wilson.) W. Stables, sp.


UTRICULARIA intermedia. Lock of Spynie. G. Gordon, mss.

TRIENTALIS europea. Oak-wood, Knock of Alves, Logie, Dunphail,

Urquhart, &c. &c. G. Gordon, mss.

CENTUNCULUS minimus. West from Stotfield; sides of Loch Spynie.

North. Fl. Kinloss. Winch, add.

[blocks in formation]

LATTORELLA lacustris. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.

SALICORNIA herbacea. Shore below Brodie. (Brodie Herbarium.)

G. Gordon, mss. Lossie mouth. G. Gordon, sp.

SALSOLA Kali. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

ATRIPLEX laciniata. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

POLYGONUM viviparum. Dunphail, Botriphnie, &c. &c. G. Gordon,


OXYRIA reniformis. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.

Gordon, cat.

EMPETRUM nigrum. Lower part of Elgin.
PINUS sylvestris. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.

HABENARIA albida. Pluscarden, Knockando, and Birnie. G.

Gordon, mss.

GOODYERA repens. Milton-Brodie Wood; Crookit Wood; Oakwood; and Altyre. G. Gordon, mss. Gordon Castle Woods. Fl. Scot.

LISTERA cordata. Manoch-hill; Oak-wood;

Pluscarden, &c. G.

Gordon, cat.
G. Gordon, mss.

Gordon, mss.
CONVALLARIA majalis. Lower part of Elgin.
SCILLA verna. Cummingston, Elginshire coast.
SPARGANIUM natans. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
POTAMOGETON prælongus. Lochindorb. North. Fl.

lanceolatus. In the Lossie, by Elgin. Br. Fl.

North. Fl.

RUPPIA maritima. Kinloss, near the School-house.
ZOSTERA marina. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
JUNCUS maritimus. Near Findhorn. W. Stables, sp. Near Kinloss

Abbey. (Mr. Wilson.) G. Gordon, sp.
balticus. In great abundance along the shore of the Moray
Firth, from the Nairn to the Spey, and inland along the

[blocks in formation]

banks of the Lossie, extending seven or eight miles from the sea. G. Gordon, sp. Stotfield, six miles from Elgin. Br.


ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat. ELEOCHARIS pauciflora. Culben sands; near Findhorn. G. Gordon, sp. RHYNCOSPORA alba. At Dyke Moss, north of Brodie House. North.

Fl. and W. Stables, sp.


BLYSMUS rufus. Loch of Spynie. G. Gordon, mss. Common along the sands on the Moray coast, and in moorish bogs for some hundred feet of altitude. North. Fl.

CAREX pauciflora. Aviemore. G. Gordon, mss.

G. Gordon, mss.

incurva. At Speyslaw; Burghead; Culben; near Innes
House, Urquhart. G. Gordon, sp.
teretiuscula. Loch of Spynie. G. Gordon, sp.
Pseudo-Cyperus. Elginshire. (Mr. Innes.)
fulva. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
stricta. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
filiformis. In a bog near Aviemore. Eng. Fl.

Gordon, cat.

AMMOPHILA arundinacea. Lower part of Elgin.
MELICA nutans. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
POA aquatica. In a burn east of Findhorn; and in ditches east of

Birkenhill. North. Fl.

- maritima. In Moray, not rare. North. Fl. Lower part of

Elgin. Gordon, cat.
FESTUCA bromoides. Lower part of Elgin.

Gordon, cat.
Calamaria. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
rubra. Lower part of Elgin. Gordon, cat.
Bromus secalinus. Lower part of Elgin, perhaps introduced. Gor-
Corn-fields in Drainy, and at Spynie. North. Fl.
AVENA pubescens. Knock of Alves; Logie. G. Gordon, mss.
LOLIUM temulentum. Springfield, near Elgin. W. Stables, sp. Corn-
field, a mile and half south from Elgin. W. Brands, sp.
Birnie. North. Fl.

don, cat.

Elymus arenarius. Stotfield, west of Burghead; but rare in Moray.
North. Fl.
TRITICUM junceum. Lower part of Moray. Gordon, cat.


CORYDALIS claviculata. Cawdor Wood. W. Stables, sp.
STELLARIA nemorum. Ardclach and Cawdor. G. Gordon, mss.
CERASTIUM arvense. Viewfield. W. Stables, sp.
RUBUS saxatilis. Cawdor Wood. W. Stables, sp.
SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Dulsie Bridge. G. Gordon, mss.
HYPOCHERIS glabra. Cawdor. W. Stables, sp.

LOBELIA Dortmanna. Lochlee. G. Gordon, mss.
ARBUTUS Uva-ursi. Nairnshire. G. Gordon, mss.
PYROLA media. Moor near Cawdor. W. Stables, sp.

minor. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp.
secunda. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp.

RHINANTHUS major. Near Boath (Mr. Brichan); farm of M **, parish of Auldearn; Howford. W. Stables, sp.

LYCOPUS europaus. Bog-side of Boath. W. Stables, sp. Near

Cawdor. W. Brands, sp.

MENTHA sylvestris. Nairnshire. (Mr. Brichan.) W. Stables, sp. † LEONURUS Cardiaca. Ruins of Pennick Castle. (Mr. Brichan.)

W. Stables, sp.

UTRICULARIA intermedia. Moss of Inshoch. (Mr. Brichan.) W. Stables, sp.

TRIENTALIS europea. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp. Frequent in Nairnshire and all the Northern counties. G. Gordon, mss.

CENTUNCULUS minimus. Sea-coast near Lochlee. W. Stables, sp. POLYGONUM viviparum. Auchindown. G. Gordon, mss. SALICORNIA herbacea. On the Moray coast, east of Nairn Harbour.

North. Fl.

GOODYERA repens. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp.
GAGEA lutea. Near Black-hills. W. Stables, sp.
Convallaria majalis. Cawdor Woods. W. Stables, sp.
POTAMOGETON prælongus. Lochlee; Moss of Litie (Mr. Brichan),

W. Stables, sp.

Juncus maritimus. Lochlee. (Mr. Brichan.) W. Stables, sp.

balticus. In great abundance along the shore of the Moray Firth, from the Nairn to the Spey. G. Gordon, sp. ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. Near Auldearn; Lochlee. W. Stables, sp. Wet moors, west of Inshoch Castle; Moss of Litie. North. Fl. BLYSMUS rufus. South shore of the Moray Firth, frequent. G.

Gordon, mss.

W. Stables, sp.
North. Fl.

Carex incurva. Coast east of Nairn.
FESTUCA calamaria. Cawdor Woods.
AVENA pubescens. Boath. North. Fl.
LOLIUM temulentum. East of Nairn. North. Fl.


THALICTRUM alpinum. Craigue. G. Gordon, mss. On the Red Cairn, and the north and west sides of Ben Nevis, in several places. H. W.

* The Red Cairn is the rough granitic (or sienitic) ridge, northward of the snowrocks on Ben Nevis. I ascended it on the declivity fronting Neptune's Staircase, and descended it by the precipitous slope, on the contrary side to Ben Nevis. By "west" is meant the side ascended, and by "north" is to be understood the side descended, though not exact to the points of the compass.

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