Gillies, cat. Rare. Clouston, cat. "Abundant on the shores of Sutherland, Caithness, and Orkney." Fl. Scot. Stachys ambigua. Edie Manse. Gillies, cat. Hoy, Stronsa, and other Orkney Islands. Fl. Scot. GALEOPSIS Ladanum. Orkney. Gillies, cat. AJUGA pyramidalis. Orkney. Excurs. PINGUICULA lusitanica? Hills of Waes and Hoy. (Barry.) Tour. (Barry mentions Pinguicula alpina, and omits the P. lusitanica; but the latter appears more likely to be the species.) PRIMULA scotica. Orkney. Hooker, sp. Between the House of Clet and the New Church, in Westra. Tour. Sanda. Gillies, cat. (The localities are given for P. farinosa, but doubtless P. seotica is intended.) -- elatior. Rare in Orkney. Clouston, cat. STATICE Armeria. Shore. Gillies, cat. PLANTAGO maritima (minor). By the house of Skail, Pomona. Br. Tour. Graux maritima. Meeting of the salt and fresh water at the Bridge of Weath; Woodwick, &c. Gillies, cat. ATRIPLEX laciniata. Rare. Tour. BETA maritima. On some of the shores. Tour. arbuscula. Rowsa and Hoy. Tour. (I am unable to say arenaria. Wart Hill, Shapinsha. Tour. fusca (argentea). Downs of Sanda. Tour. TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Deerness. Tour. Rowsa. Gillies, cat. Wart Hills of Hoy, not far from the rock called the Old SPARGANIUM natans. Pond between Berrydale and Rackwick. Gillies, cat. (Other localities for it are mentioned by Dr. Gillies, but I am unable to read the manuscript names of the places.) POTAMOGETON gramineus. Orkney. Gillies, cat. ? ELIOCHARIS acicularis. Orkney. (Barry.) Gillies, cat. CAREX arenaria. Orkney. Tour. binervis. Among heath in Hoy. Gillies, cat. fulva. Orkney. Tour. extensa. Orkney. Tour. stricta. Kirkwell. Gillies, cat. POA maritima. Common. Tour. FESTUCA rubra. Orkney. Gillies, cat. ? BROMUS racemosus. Near Kirkwall. Gillies, cat. † AVENA fatua. In fields, along with A. strigosa, which is cultivated. Tour. pubescens. Guills of Scalpa. Tour. AMMOPHILA arundinacea. Common in Orkney. Tour. (It is sug gested, by Neill, that this is the plant called Elymus arenarius in Barry's History.) Elymus arenarius. Shore at Scalpa. Gillies, cat. TRITICUM loliaceum. Orkney. (Barry.) Gillies, cat. LXXXIII. SHETLAND ISLES. * Cochlearia danica. Western shore of Brassay Island. Neill's Tour. DIANTHUS deltoides. Island of Vailey, observed by Mr. G. White. Neill's Tour. AZALEA procumbens. Shetland. (Mr. Hewitson.) R. B. Bowman, sp. TRIENTALIS europea. Shetland. (Mr. Hewitson.) R. B. Bowman, sp. BETA maritima. In great plenty on the western shore of Brassay Is land. Neill's Tour. SCILLA verna. Near Lerwick, and in Brassay Island; in profusion on the Knab, a projecting eminence at the entrance of Brassay Sound. Neill's Tour. BLYSMUS rufus. Brassay. Fl. Scot. CAREX incurva. Discovered by the late Dr. Hope, at the mouth of the water of Naver, and near Skelherry, in Durrsness, Shetland. Fl. Scot. * I should feel much indebted to any botanist who would favour me with an ac curate list of the plants of Shetland. H. W. 521 LIST OF SCOTTISH SPECIES, AND REFERENCE TO THE COUNTIES UNDER WHICH THEY ARE MENTIONED. * CLEMATIS Vitalba. Edinburgh. THALICTRUM alpinum. Stirling, Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Banff, Inverness, Ross, Sutherland, Orkney. minus. Kirkcudbright, Berwick, Edinburgh, Fife, Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Ross, Sutherland, Caithness. majus. Kirkcudbright, Ayr, Roxburgh, Berwick, Fife, Aberdeen. * ANEMONE apennina. Banff. * ADONIS autumnalis. Lanark, Edinburgh. RANUNCULUS alpestris. Forfar. Flammula (reptans). Dumfries, Fife. TROLLIUS europeus. Renfrew, Lanark, Roxburgh, Berwick, Edin burgh, Dumbarton, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Banff, Elgin, Inverness, Ross, Sutherland. † HELLEBORUS viridis. Ayr, Berwick, Haddington, Edinburgh. DELPHINIUM Consolida. Edinburgh. * ACONITUM Napellus. Lanark. ACTEA spicata. Fife.* * EPIMEDIUM alpinum. Edinburgh? Fife, Stirling, Dumbarton. NUPHAR pumila. Lanark, Stirling, Argyle, Elgin, Inverness. * PAPAVER Somniferum. Forfar. + MECONOPSIS cambrica. Edinburgh, Fife. CHELIDONIUM majus (laciniatum). Dumbarton. GLAUCIUM luteum. Wigton, Roxburgh? Berwick, Haddington, Edinburgh, Fife, Dumbarton, Argyle. * The reference is to Fifeshire, although the station of this plant is within Kinross-shire, which is joined to Fifeshire, in the county lists. The same occurs with a few other species. CORYDALIS claviculata. Dumfries, Renfrew, Berwick, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, Perth, Aberdeen, Elgin, Nairn, Ross. FUMARIA parviflora. Edinburgh. NASTURTIUM sylvestre. Dumfries, Berwick, Edinburgh, Aberdeen. Barbarea præcox. Berwick, Edinburgh. TURRITIS glabra. Dumbarton. ARABIS petræa. Argyle, Perth, Aberdeen, Inverness, Ross, Suther land. deen, Elgin. impatiens. Ayr, Lanark. DENTARIA bulbifera. Ayr, Edinburgh? Perth. + ALYSSUM calycinum. Haddington, Forfar. * KONIGA maritima. Aberdeen. ? Draba muralis. Edinburgh? Forfar? incana. Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Inverness, Ross, Suther land, Orkney. rupestris. Perth, Aberdeen, Sutherland. verna (var.). Perth. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Man, Renfrew, Lanark, Roxburgh, Berwick, Edinburgh, Fife, Dumbarton, Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Elgin, Inverness, Sutherland, Orkney. grænlandica. Man, Forfar, Aberdeen, Elgin, Orkney. danica. Berwick, Edinburgh, Argyle, Aberdeen, Elgin, Orkney, Shetland. anglica. Argyle, Forfar, Elgin. THLASPI alpestre. Forfar. TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Ayr, Lanark, Roxburgh, Berwick, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Elgin. * IBERIS amara. Lanark, Roxburgh, Fife. CAKILE maritima. Man, Ayr, Berwick, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Elgin, Sutherland, Orkney. † HESPERIS matronalis. Lanark, Berwick, Edinburgh, Forfar. SISYMBRIUM Irio. Berwick. + ERYSIMUM cheiranthoides. Man, Linlithgow, Argyle, Elgin. + CAMELINA sativa. Ayr, Lanark, Edinburgh, Fife, Argyle, Forfar, Ross, Orkney. LEPIDIUM Smithii. Man, Wigton, Lanark, Berwick, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen. latifolium. Lanark? Fife. ISATIS tinctoria. Argyle. + BRASSICA oleracea. Edinburgh, Fife, Stirling. campestris. Edinburgh, Fife, Argyle, Forfar. monensis. Man, Wigton, Dumfries, Ayr, Argyle, Forfar. muralis. Fife. † SINAPIS tenuifolia. Berwick, Fife. * CRAMBE maritima. Man, Wigton, Kirkcudbright, Berwick, Linlith gow, Argyle. - orientalis. Elgin. RAPHANUS maritimus. Wigton, Ayr, Argyle. SUBULARIA aquatica. Fife? Stirling, Argyle, Perth, Aberdeen, Sutherland. RESEDA lutea. Edinburgh, Fife, Perth, Forfar, Elgin. + fruticulosa. Man. VIOLA lutea. Man, Lanark, Roxburgh, Berwick, Edinburgh, Fife, Stirling, Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Inverness. --lactea? Peebles. - flavicornis. Edinburgh. DROSERA longifolia. Renfrew, Dumbarton, Orkney. * anglica. Kirkcudbright, Dumfries, Berwick, Dumbarton, deltoides. Roxburgh, Berwick, Edinburgh, Fife, Forfar, Argyle, Aberdeen, Elgin, Ross, Sutherland, Orkney. DIANTHUS Armeria. Perth, Forfar. Inverness, Ross, Shetland. barbatus. Edinburgh. Inverness, Ross, Sutherland, Orkney. maritima. Renfrew, Lanark, Berwick, Edinburgh, Linlith gow, Fife, Dumbarton, Argyle, Aberdeen, Elgin, Inverness, Ross, Sutherland, Orkney. anglica. Haddington, Fife, Perth, Forfar, Elgin, Inverness. SILENE acaulis. Stirling, Argyle, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Banff, conica. Haddington, Forfar. nutans. Fife, Forfar, Aberdeen. noctiflora. Haddington, Fife, Forfar. LYCHNIS Viscaria. Edinburgh, Fife, Perth, Forfar. alpina. Forfar. SAGINA maritima. Man, Ayr, Berwick, Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Fife, Forfar, Aberdeen, Banff, Elgin, Inverness, Ross, Sutherland. ELATINE hexandra. Perth. STELLARIA nemorum. Renfrew, Lanark, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, SPERGULA subulata. Man, Berwick, Edinburgh, Fife, Perth, Forfar Aberdeen, Elgin, Sutherland. saginoides. Perth, Forfar, Sutherland. Forfar, Elgin, Nairn. scapigera. Perth, Inverness. cerastoides. Perth, Aberdeen, Inverness. Elgin, Ross, Sutherland, Orkney. Dumbarton, Forfar, Elgin, Orkney. ARENARIA peploides. Man, Berwick, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, Forfar, marina. Man, Renfrew, Berwick, Haddington, Fife, verna. Lanark, Berwick, Edinburgh, Perth. rubella. Perth, Sutherland. ? tenuifolia. Edinburgh? Fife? fastigiata. Fife, Forfar. CERASTIUM arvense. Man, Roxburgh, Berwick, Haddington, Forfar, Aberdeen, Elgin, Nairn, Orkney? - tetrandrum. Man, Berwick, Haddington, Edinburgh, Fife, Forfar, Aberdeen, Elgin, Orkney. |