547 SUPPLEMENT. I. CORNWALL. RANUNCULUS parviflorus. Between Millbrook and Crafthole; in the Flammula (reptans). On Goonhilly Downs. Tour. GLAUCIUM luteum. Shore near Crafthole. Tour. Tour. Between Crafthole and Love; at Swan Pool. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Near Castle Treryn. Tour. simum præcox growing on the Killas rocks: this was the RAPHANUS maritimus. About the Lizard. Tour. RESEDA lutea. Between Fowey and St. Austle, near Tregony. Tour. DROSERA anglica. Marazion Marsh. Tour. (This is probably the Marsh between Penzance and Marazion, called Gulval marsh, in the former volume. I observed D. longifolia in that marsh, but not D. anglica. H. W.) longifolia. Near Castle Treryn; between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor. Tour. SILENE maritima. Shore near Crafthole. Tour. anglica. Between Mullion and Helstone; near Pengerswick Castle, near Breoch. Tour. Tour. ARENARIA tenuifolia. Between Fowey and St. Austle. at Marazion; between Zennar and Mawgan; Gorse Moor LINUM augustifolium. Near Fowey. Tour. RADIOLA millegrana. Between Fowey and St. Austle; near the Land's HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Between Crafthole and Looe; in the Tour GERANEUM striatum. "Dr. Penneck informed us that he had observed Acanthus mollis, and Geranium striatum completely wild near Penzance." Tour. (In 1831, I observed the latter growing vigorously in two places, by road-sides, near Penzance; but they were quite near to gardens. H. W.) ULEX nanus. Goonhilly Downs. Tour. Kedgeworth; near the Land's End; between Zennar and TRIFOLIUM suffocatum. Shore near Crafthole. Tour. COMARUM palustre. In a bog near Phillack; at Swan Pool. Tour. Mawgan. Tour. SANGUISORBA officinalis. At Kedgeworth. between St. Michael's and Gorse Moor. PYRUS torminalis. Hare Down, near Bodmin. Tour. Tour. Rosa villosa. Between Millbrook and Crafthole; near Tregony; spinosissima. At Kedgeworth; downs near Mullion. Tour. Tour. domestica. Mr. Lees suggests that the preceding species has ILLECEBRUM verticillatum. Gorse Moor and Roche. Tour. DAUCUS maritimus. Cliffs near Crafthole; Kedgeworth; sea-cliffs near Zennar. Tour. PHYSOSPERMUM cornubiense. Two miles north-west of Bodmin, on Hare Down, half a mile above Dunmere River. Tour. ERYNGIUM campestre. Said to have been found on the shore of Mount's Bay, near Penzance. Tour. (I saw only the other British species in 1832. H. W.) RUBIA peregrina. Near Crafthole. Tour. FEDIA dentata. Corn-fields near Crafthole. Tour. Auricula. Lindulph. Br. Fl. VALERIANA rubra. Fowey; Kedgeworth; Marazion. Tour. ANTHEMIS nobilis. Between Fowey and St. Austle. Tour. ASTER Tripolium. About the Lizard. Tour. On Asparagus Island, and neighbouring rocks. H. W. CAMPANULA hederacea. Between Fowey and St. Austle; Carnbreh Hill, near Camborne; between Callington and Tavistock, in the road leading to the bridge over the Tamar. Tour. ERICA vagans. Between Zennar and Mawgan, on the north coast, very sparingly. Tour. In Mylor. Br. Fl. ciliaris. In dry elevated ground, among fir trees, in Sir C. Lemon's Park, at Carclew, near Truro. W. A. Bromfield, sp. ERYTHREA pulchella. Shore near Crafthole. Tour. EXACUM filiforme. In a ditch near the road leading to Bodmin, four miles from St. Michael's; Gorse Moor and Roche. Tour. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Shore near Crafthole. Tour. |