The New Botanist's Guide to the Localities of the Rarer Plants of Britain, Bind 2Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1837 - 674 sider |
Fra bogen
Side 409
... Brand , sp . ( probably received from Mr. Forbes . ) RHODIOLA rosea . Isle of Man . Macnab , cat . SAXIFRAGA aizoides . Isle of Man . Macnab , cat . * CARUM Carui , Isle of Man , but not observed by myself . Forbes , cat . verticillatum ...
... Brand , sp . ( probably received from Mr. Forbes . ) RHODIOLA rosea . Isle of Man . Macnab , cat . SAXIFRAGA aizoides . Isle of Man . Macnab , cat . * CARUM Carui , Isle of Man , but not observed by myself . Forbes , cat . verticillatum ...
Side 410
... Brand , sp . Forbes , cat . PHLEUM arenarium . Isle of Man . Forbes , sp . TRITICUM loliaceum . Isle of Man . Forbes , sp . LIV . WIGTONSHIRE . GLAUCIUM luteum . East side of the Mull of Galloway . G. Маспав , LEPIDIUM Smithii . Road ...
... Brand , sp . Forbes , cat . PHLEUM arenarium . Isle of Man . Forbes , sp . TRITICUM loliaceum . Isle of Man . Forbes , sp . LIV . WIGTONSHIRE . GLAUCIUM luteum . East side of the Mull of Galloway . G. Маспав , LEPIDIUM Smithii . Road ...
Side 414
... Brand , sp . Low moist meadows , near Dumfries . Fl . Scot . Rubus suberectus . Locher Moss . G. N. Lloyd , mss . macrophyllus . About Dumfries , and on Sir William Jardine's estates . G. N. Lloyd , mss . EPILOBIUM alsinifolium . Side ...
... Brand , sp . Low moist meadows , near Dumfries . Fl . Scot . Rubus suberectus . Locher Moss . G. N. Lloyd , mss . macrophyllus . About Dumfries , and on Sir William Jardine's estates . G. N. Lloyd , mss . EPILOBIUM alsinifolium . Side ...
Side 436
... Brands , sp . tetrandrum . Near Preston - pans . Edin . LAVATERA arborea . On the Bass Island . Edin . GERANIUM sanguineum . Sea - shore at Gosford Gate near Aberlady . Edin . ERODIUM moschatum . Near Preston - pans . Edin . ASTRAGALUS ...
... Brands , sp . tetrandrum . Near Preston - pans . Edin . LAVATERA arborea . On the Bass Island . Edin . GERANIUM sanguineum . Sea - shore at Gosford Gate near Aberlady . Edin . ERODIUM moschatum . Near Preston - pans . Edin . ASTRAGALUS ...
Side 437
... Brands , sp . ? ASPARAGUS officinalis Links near Gosford . Edin . RUPPIA maritima . Salt - water pools on Guillon Links ; Aberlady Bay . Edin . ZOSTERA marina . Aberlady Bay . G. Macnab , sp . JUNCUS obtusiflorus . On the shore , a mile ...
... Brands , sp . ? ASPARAGUS officinalis Links near Gosford . Edin . RUPPIA maritima . Salt - water pools on Guillon Links ; Aberlady Bay . Edin . ZOSTERA marina . Aberlady Bay . G. Macnab , sp . JUNCUS obtusiflorus . On the shore , a mile ...
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Aberdeen abundant alpina alpinum ARENARIA Argyle Banff Banks Ben Hope Ben Lawers Ben Nevis Berw Berwick Bloxam Brands Bridge C. C. Babington CAREX Castle Clova Mountains Clyde coast COCHLEARIA officinalis Common Comp Congerstone corn-fields Crafthole Dickie Ditton Dumbarton Dumbartonshire Edin Edinburgh Elgin Excurs field Fife Flora Forbes Forfar Glen Dole Glot Gordon H. W. sp Haddington hedge HIERACIUM Hist Hooker Howitt Inverness Isle J. C. Collins J. E. Leefe J. H. Balfour Lanark lane Lawers Lees Loch lutea Macnab maritima maritimum Marsh Meadows miles Moor N. D. Add nigrum North Nott officinalis Orkney palustris Pamplin Park Perth plant plentiful R. C. Alexander Renfrew road road-side Rocks Ross Rosshire S. P. Woodward Scot shore side species Stirling Sutherland sylvaticum Tatham TEESDALIA nudicaulis Tour W. A. Bromfield W. A. Leighton W. H. Coleman Wigton Winch Wood