He told of the Magnolia, spread High as a cloud, high over head! The cypress and her spire; —Of flowers that with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To set the hills on fire. The youth of green savannahs spake, And many an endless,... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Side 2621819Fuld visning - Om denne bog
 | John Stoddart - 1801 - 388 sider
...indeed, but presents a more beautiful view southward, including " All the fairy crowds Of islands, which together lie, As quietly, as spots of sky, Among the evening clouds." * Gaelic dubh^ black. t Gaelic, cailleach, an old woman, a nun. These islands are in number about thirty,... | |
 | William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray (IV), Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle) - 1832 - 626 sider
...flowers, that with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To set the hills on fire. And he of green Savannahs spake, And many an endless, endless...quietly as spots of sky, Among the evening clouds.' No wonder, then, that the love of nature and of nature's works .should, in after years, have haunted... | |
 | 1819 - 782 sider
...spire, —Of flowers that with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To let the hills on fire. " The Youth of green savannahs spake, And...islands, that together lie • As quietly as spots of iky Among the evening clouds. " And then he said, ' How sweet it were A fisher or a hunter there, A... | |
 | 1820 - 696 sider
...still, and bright With something of an angel light." I produce then my third proof from " Ruth :" — " The Youth of green savannahs spake, And many an endless,...quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds. * * * ' What days and what sweet years ! Ah me ! Oar life were life indeed, with thce So pass'd in... | |
 | 1821 - 410 sider
...still, and bright With something of an angel light." I produce then my third proof from " Ruth :"— " The Youth of green savannahs spake, And many an endless,...quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds. * * * ' What days and what sweet years ! Ah me ! Our life were life indeed, with thee So pass'd in... | |
 | Winthrop Mackworth Praed, Walter Blunt - 1824 - 446 sider
...still, and bright With something of an angel light." I produce then my third proof from " Ruth :" — " The youth of green savannahs spake, And many an endless,...quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds. * * » ' ' What days and what sweet years ! Ah me ! Our life were life indeed, with thee So pass'd... | |
 | Winthrop Mackworth Praed, Walter Blunt - 1824 - 446 sider
...still, and bright With something of an angel light." I produce then my third proof from " Ruth :" — " The youth of green savannahs spake, And many an endless,...quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds. * * * * What days and what sweet years ! Ah me \ Our life were life indeed, witk thee So pass'd in... | |
 | British poets - 1828 - 838 sider
...flowers that with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To set the hills on fire. The Yonth nal sphere shall shine A star of day ! The SUN is but a spark of fire, A transient meteor inlands, that together lie As quietly as spots of sky Among ill.- evening-clouds. And then he said... | |
 | William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray (IV), Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle) - 1832 - 618 sider
...flowers, that with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To set the hills on fire. And he of green Savannahs spake, And many an endless, endless...quietly as spots of sky, Among the evening clouds.' No wonder, then, that the love of nature and of nature's works should, in after years, have haunted... | |
 | Robert Walsh, Eliakim Littell, John Jay Smith - 1832 - 648 sider
...with one scarlet gleam Cover a hundred leagues, and seem To set the hills on fire. And he of gteen Savannahs spake, And many an endless, endless lake,...quietly as spots of sky, Among the evening clouds.' \ i wonder, then, that the love of nature and of nature's works should in after years, have haunt,... | |
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