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" My constant reflections on the inconvenient, or rather injurious rites, introduced by the peculiar practice of Hindoo idolatry, which, more than any other pagan worship, destroys the texture of society, together with compassion for my countrymen, have... "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Side 144
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Unitarianism the Essence of Vital Christianity: A Sermon, Preached at George ...

John Kenrick - 1817 - 650 sider
...idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society ; together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...dream of error ; and by making them acquainted with the Scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true devotion, the unity and omnipresence of nature's...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Bind 4

1819 - 782 sider
...the Vedas will prepare men for the reception of the Bible. A considerable sensation has been Voi. IV. compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...them to contemplate, with true devotion, the unity anil omnipresence of nature's God. By taking the path which conscience and sincerity direct, I, bom...
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The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, Bind 14

1819 - 808 sider
...Idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society ; together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...Scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true dcTotion, the unity and omnipresence of nature's God. " By taking the path, which conscience nad sincerity...
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The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, Bind 14

1819 - 796 sider
...other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society ; together with compassion for my ceuntrymen, have compelled me to use every possible effort to awaken them from their dream of enor : and by making them acquainted with their Scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true deTOtion,...
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The Precepts of Jesus: The Guide to Peace and Happiness, Extracted from the ...

Rammohun Roy (Raja) - 1823 - 358 sider
...idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society ; together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...them from their dream of error ; and by making them ac<}[Ciainted with the scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true devotion, the unity and omnipresence...
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The Precepts of Jesus: The Guide to Peace and Happiness, Extracted from the ...

Raja Rammohun Roy - 1824 - 824 sider
...idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society ; together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...dream of error ; and by making them acquainted with the scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true devotion, the unity and omnipresence of nature's...
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The Unitarian Advocate, Bind 1–2

1828 - 666 sider
...idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society, together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...dream of error; and, by making them acquainted with the scriptures, enable them to contemplate, with true devotion, the unity and omnipresence of nature's...
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The Christian Pioneer, Bind 5

1831 - 442 sider
...of society, together with contemplate, with true devotion, the unity and omnipresence of natuffc*! God. By taking the path which conscience and sincerity direct, I, born j_ Brahmin, have exposed myself to the complainings and reproaches even of some of my relations, whose...
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Translation of Several Principal Books, Passages and Texts of the Veds, and ...

Rammohun Roy (Raja) - 1832 - 306 sider
...idolatry, which, more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society, together with compassion for my countrymen, have compelled me to...path which conscience and sincerity direct, I, born a Brahmun, have exposed myself to the complainings and reproaches, even of some of my relations, whose...
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A Review of the Labours, Opinions, and Character of Rajah Rammohun Roy: In a ...

Lant Carpenter - 1833 - 152 sider
...idolatry, which more than any other Pagan worship, destroys the texture of society — together with compassion for my countrymen — have compelled me...dream of error ; and by making them acquainted with the [their] scriptures, * See Trunshilions, p. 4. 104 enable them to contemplate, with true devotion,...
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