LATE PASTOR OF THE SECOND CHURCH IN PORTLAND: U. s. Bene orasse est bene studuisse.-LUTHER. BODL PUBLISHED BY R. B. SEELEY AND W. BURNSIDE; TO THE SECOND CHURCH AND CONGREGATION IN PORTLAND, THIS MEMORIAL OF THEIR DECEASED PASTOR IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED ;-WITH THE FERVENT PRAYER, THAT BY IT, HE, WHOSE UNCEASING SOLICITUDE FOR THEIR SPIRITUAL WELFARE MANIFESTED ITSELF BY HIS IMPORTUNATE INTERCESSIONS, EARNEST EXPOSTULATIONS, AND HOLY EXAMPLE; IN HEALTH, IN SICKNESS, AND ON THE BED OF DEATH, MAY YET SPEAK EFFECTUALLY, AND, THROUGH THE DIVINE BLESSING, EXCITE THEM TO BE FOLLOWERS OF THOSE, WHO, THROUGH FAITH AND PATIENCE, INHERIT THE PROMISES, BY THEIR GREATLY OBLIGED, A. L. PAYSON. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following pages have been prepared under the direction, and at the expense of the underwritten, by a common friend to her family and the church of God. The fullest reliance may be placed on the general accuracy of the work, in regard to all matters of fact. Wherever opinions are expressed, they will be received, as in all other cases, for what they are worth. In giving this volume to the world, she has acted from the full persuasion, that it will aid the advancement of that cause, which absorbed the affections and commanded the best exertions of the beloved friend, whose history it records. It is her earnest wish that it may suffer no mutilation or abridgment, without her consent. She has done what she could to place it within the reach of all, by fixing the price lower, if she has been rightly informed, than that of any other original work of the same size and character. She is willing to listen to any suggestions for its improvement, if it should be so favourably received, as to create a demand for a second impression; but should feel wronged by any alteration, under any pretence, which was not authorized |