Kalph Waldo Emerson. In doing homage to that sweet nature, we do it to the highest type of our common humanity. Emerson was a splendid manifestation of reason in its most comprehensive form, and with all its most godlike aspirations. - JOHN TYNDALL. WORKS. Riverside Edition. With two Portraits. In eleven volumes. This new library edition of the works of Mr. Emerson includes two new volumes of essays, lectures, and speeches. The order of the volumes is as follows: I. NATURE, ADDRESSES, AND LECTURES. [This book has heretofore borne the name "Miscellanies.") 2. ESSAYS. First Series. 3. ESSAYS. Second Series. 4. REPRESENTATIVE MEN. 5. ENGLISH TRAITS. 6. THE CONDUCT OF LIFE. 7. SOCIETY AND SOLITUDE. 8. LETTERS AND SOCIAL AIMS. 9. POEMS. 10. LECTURES AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. A New Volume. 11. MISCELLANIES. A New Volume. Each volume 12m0, gilt top, $1.75; the set, $19.25. "Little Classic" Edition. In eleven volumes. The arrangement of the volumes is identical with that of the Riverside Edition. Each volume 18mo, $1.25; the set, in box, $13.75. POEMS. Household Edition. With Portrait. 12m0, $1.75; cr. 8vo, gilt, $2.00; half calf, $3.00; morocco or tree calf, $4.50. THE SAME. "Little Classic" Edition. Half calf, $2.25. ESSAYS. "Little Classic" Edition. $4.50. FORTUNE OF THE REPUBLIC. ers, 25 cents. PARNASSUS. A Collection of Poetry. $1.75. Library Edition. 8vo, $3.50. In two volumes, half calf, 16m0, 50 cents; paper cov Household Edition. 12mo, CULTURE, BEHAVIOR, BEAUTY, Etc. "Modern Classics" No. 2. 32m0, 75 cents. NATURE, LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, Etc. "Modern Classics" No. 3. 32mo, 75 cents. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., BOSTON. |