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grown to its present size; from a miserable ruin, it has become one of the capitals of Europe! Nor does Pest owe its rise to the fiat of a monarch, who could raise a Potsdam or a Carlsruhe from the desert, but to the energy of the people and its own natural advantages. Situated nearly in the centre of one of the richest countries in the world, on the banks of a river which traverses more than half of Europe, surrounded by a population requiring a supply of almost every article of luxury from abroad, chosen by fashion as the metropolis, with a good climate, and capable of unlimited extent on every side, it requires but little sagacity to foresee a brilliant future for Buda-Pest. No one can wish its prosperity more sincerely than the author of these pages; for he believes that with it is closely associated the prosperity of all Hungary, and perhaps too the independence of the east of Europe."

Before quitting Buda-Pest, we must introduce our readers to one of the "noble spirits" of Hungary, Count Széchenyi.

"Count Széchenyi Istvan is the third son of the founder and benefactor of the museum of Pest, a scion of the same house which produced two of the most distinguished archbishops of Hungary. For seventeen years Széchenyi served in the Austrian army; and it was not till the peace had rendered it an idle life, and removed all chance of distinction, that he determined to quit it. Perhaps, disgusted with the system of favouritism, or the personal enmity which had kept him down to the rank of captain; perhaps moved by that spirit of regeneration which, from the mountains of Transylvania, spread over the plains of Hungary, and was felt even at the gates of Vienna itself; or, it may be, warned that the freedom with which he had dared, under the influence of this spirit, in his place as an Hungarian Magnate, to address the upper chamber, was inconsistent with the uniform he wore ;-such have been suggested as among the causes which may have driven him from the army, and which soon placed him in the foremost rank of Hungarian patriots.

"The leisure which he now enjoyed was occupied in foreign travel. England particularly fixed his notice. Our manners, our institutions, our commerce, were objects of his study, and offered him useful hints for the improvement of his native land. The causes which impeded the introduction of commerce in Hungary, and the great development of her natural resources which must result from their removal, first occupied his attention. At home, he found a government and people mutually distrustful. The Hungarians complained to him that foreign-so they called Austrian-jealousy and oppression were the sole causes of all their misfortunes; while, beyond the Carpathians, he heard his countrymen described as a tyrannical, ignorant, and turbulent nobility, the oppressors of a poor, idle, and slavish peasantry;-the one class who would not, the other who could not, effect anything for the common advantage of their country. On all sides, a reform in Hungary was declared impossible.

"Széchenyi was not to be turned from his object. His plan was cautiously laid down, and has been so far steadily followed up, -to labour incessantly at improvements, and to pursue such only as the strength of his means gave him a reasonable hope that with unwearied perseverance he might carry through. In common with others, he has always striven for the great objects of reform in the laws and institutions of the country, an extension of the rights of the lower classes, and a more equitable and just government; but his great and peculiar glory is in the path which he has marked out alone, and which, in spite of all obstacles, he still follows with the greatest success, namely, the improvement of the material condition of Hungary.

"The system so long and so ably followed up, of Germanising Hungary, had succeeded to such a degree as to destroy, to a considerable extent, the feelings of nationality among the higher nobles: most of them were ignorant of the language; few of them took any interest in the affairs of Hungary, except in the preservation of their own privileges; and some even affected to despise their countrymen, because of a little outward rudeness, of which the absenteeism pursued by the more polished and wealthy was the main cause. Fortunately the well-wishers of Hungary knew how influential a principle the spirit of nationality is in the regeneration of a country; nor did they forget how strongly the language of one's childhood, with which man's earliest and dearest associations are connected, acts in exciting that spirit.

"The restoration of the Hungarian language was therefore the first object. Széchenyi himself, from disuse, was no longer master of it: he made himself so, and became one of the most influential in its diffusion. He was the first in the chamber of Magnates who spoke in Hungarian; till then Latin was always used in the

debates, as, we have seen, it still is by the Palatine and by the court party. Few thought of reading Hungarian; still fewer, except some poets, of writing in it: Széchenyi published several political works in the language, and Hungarian authorship has become fashionable. Among men it is now the medium of conversation; at public dinners, toasts and speeches in German would not be listened to; and at Pest, whatever may be the case at Vienna, Hungarian gentlemen are now ashamed to be thought ignorant of the Hungarian language.

"The establishment of a society for the development of the Hungarian language was proposed by Széchenyi in the diet, and was, as usual, met by innumerable objections, of which the want of funds was the most cogent. 'I willingly contribute one year's income' (60001.), said Széchenyi; 'I second it with 4000/.,' said Count Károlyi György: the example was catching, and 30,000l. were soon subscribed.

"I have some hesitation in speaking of the writings of Count Széchenyi, for I have never been able to master the difficulties of the language, and we all know that translations, even the best, convey but indifferently the spirit of the original. Many of his works, too, have not been translated, and of these I can only give the title-page. It would be, however, too great an omission not to speak of what has produced so great an effect; and I shall there. fore give a short analysis (from the German translation) of his 'Hitel,' or 'Credit,' the work which has been most extensively read, and which has gained him the most fame.

"The Hitel' is an inquiry into the causes of the want of commercial credit in Hungary, with suggestions for their removal. In the introduction, Count Széchenyi attacks one of the great drawbacks on Hungarian progress,--the want of a common purpose, and a common opinion. 'All are anxious to build, he writes,' and every one at the same building; but unfortunately each wishes to lay his foundation stone in a different spot, and begin his work in a different style. Many would like to commence in the middle, and some seem to think the best plan of building a house is to begin with the roof. Few set themselves to work at the foundation. 'Oh! if the Ludovica road in Croatia were but toll-free!' says one.-' Give me rather a suspensionbridge between Buda and Pest!' answers another.-' First of all, let us lay out a promenade along the banks of the Danube, and plant it with trees; and while they are growing up, we shall have time to '-' No, no; I say a Magyar theatre, and the Magyar language: that will keep up our nationality!' - 'Ah!' says another, if our rich Magnates would only come and live at home, instead of spending all their money in foreign lands, and take a part in our county meetings!'-' Tut, man!' grumbles a neighbour, that's all nothing; if they would not bring those nasty foreign fashions into the country, -those shoes and stockings, instead of stout Magyar hoots, and those great hairy-how do they call them?-colliers Grecs, in which they hide their honest Magyar faces!' The paper-money is our ruin, friend!' observes one; ' if we could only get hold of Kremnitz ducats, and keep Hungarian gold and silver within the boundaries of Hungary; then-'Nay,' answers a second, but the salt-tax! if the salttax was but lower!' and so on to the end of the chapter. Every man believes his own plan so much the best and wisest, that, without it, no step can be made in the march of Hungarian improvement."

"Others again, he adds, lay all the blame on government; others lament that Hungary's glory is past, and mourn the olden time. To all he answers, Seek what is practical, depend on yourselves for your reform, and keep well in mind that the star of Hungary's glory has yet to shine.'

"In Hungary, a want of unity between the different ranks of the nobility, an absence of a common feeling, and of something like a general opinion, have been long among the most acknowledged causes of inaction. Every class discusses apart the subject of immediate interest, forms its own opinion of public events, and its own plans for public reforms: the accordance which gives strength and force to action is wanting. This deficiency was universally acknowledged; but without a free press, and with a Diet sitting but rarely, and then at a distance from the capital and centre of the country, without reports of the debates, without even a national literature, and in the midst of the bitterest jealousies of caste and class, what remedy could be proposed? Széchenyi had seen the clubs in London; and with that singular talent, which he eminently possesses, of appropriating and adapting whatever he finds good in other countries to the wants and deficiencies of Hungary, he at once perceived how useful their organisation might be made to effect a greater purpose than that of servthe selfish enjoyment of the greatest luxury at the cheapest rate. A club, or to avoid a name associated on the Continent with certain reminiscences of the French revolution-a Casino, while entirely free from any political scheme, would afford to all the upper classes an opportunity of meeting, and becoming better acquainted with each other's good qualities; it would harmonise and generalise opinions, and improve the manners and the tone of feeling, besides affording opportunities for reading all the journals of Europe-an advantage which few private individuals could command.

ing as mere pride-protectors for poor gentlemen, or of furnishing | country might derive advantage from one, if not from both of

"At Pest, accordingly, a Casino was established on a most magnificent scale, as we shall see hereafter; and now no less than one hundred exist in different parts of Hungary and Transylvania. "One of Széchenyi's favourite plans is the embellishment and aggrandisement of Pest. For this purpose he has laboured to have

the Casino on so handsome a scale; to build a national Magyar theatre; and, more than all, to raise a permanent bridge between Pest and Buda. At present there is only a bridge of boats between the two towns, which is taken up during six months in the year; and the whole communication during that period is carried on by means of ferry-boats, or over the ice. At certain times, particularly during the freeze and thaw, not to speak of storms and fogs, this produces much inconvenience, and is often attended with great danger.

"To remove so great a drawback to the prosperity of the two cities, Széchenyi has proposed to build a bridge across the river, either of stone or iron as may appear best; and, as the width is only a quarter of a mile, it would not appear so difficult an undertaking. Of course, it was declared impossible : one said the Danube was too wide, another found it too deep, and a third declared that if the bridge was all finished, the first winter's ice would carry it away. English as well as German engineers have thought otherwise; and it is a certain fact, that Trajan's Bridge, three hundred miles lower down, stood firm enough till Hadrian destroyed it.

"These, however, were not the greatest impediments to be overcome. Count Széchenyi had a still greater object in view than the improvement of Pest in the building of this bridge; he proposed to teach the Hungarian nobles the advantage of paying taxes. The bridge was to be built by money raised in shares; the interest on which was to be paid by tolls, to which every one, noble or ignoble, should contribute. What! an Hungarian noble pay taxes? A hornet's nest is a feeble comparison to the buzz these gentlemen raised about Széchenyi's ears. It was no matter he inveighed against them at the Diet, he wrote at them in the journals, he ridiculed them in private, and in the end he conquered them; a bill passed both chambers, by which the legal taxation of the nobles in the form of a bridge-toll was acknowledged. The Judex Curiæ shed tears on the occasion, and declared he would never pass that ill-fated bridge, from the erection of which he should date the downfall of the Hungarian nobility."

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their schemes.

"In pursuance of his own plan, Széchenyi went over again to England, studied carefully the principles of steam navigation; brought over English engineers; and, when at last certain of the practicability of the scheme, formed a company and purchased a steam boat. It was in October 1830 that the first steam-boat plied between Semlin and Pest; the communication is now complete from Vienna, and will soon be so from Ratisbon to Smyrna. Thirteen vessels are employed, and a number more building."

Here for the present we conclude; but in our next number we will draw still more upon the interesting volumes of Mr. Paget, and endeavour to complete our view of Hungary with a glimpse of Transylvania.


COUNTED thirty-nine alligators, all of which were lying close together in one extended line. Some of them were very large. It is really horrible to witness them devouring that large fish called the bagre, for which they lie in wait in the current and eddies of the river. They bring their huge jaws together upon their prey with a great noise and splashing, and then raise their heads out of the water in order to devour them, which occupies more time than would be expected in such a monster. Should they happen to seize upon the fish crosswise, they have great trouble in placing it in a straight position that they may swallow it; the blood running all the time over their hideous jaws. They sleep a great deal in the sun, with their mouths wide extended. Our boat would frequently get within an oar's length of one without waking it up; and at this short distance, once or twice I poured a whole cargo of duck-shot directly into his throat; but whether he survived or not, I could not determine, as it invariably got to the water again. When we were about half a league from Los dos Caños, we stopped for the night; the Bogas stretched their straw mats on a beautiful playa (sand-bar) of white sand. These mats, with their toldas over their heads, are the only beds they have. Moving around a large fire in the night, cooking their supper, with the white toldas raised around, they would form an excellent tableau for a painter. These fires are also essential for warding off the attacks of the tigers and other wild beasts, whose tracks are to be distinctly traced on every playa in the river. All night long the splashing of the caymans is to be heard as they pounce upon the unlucky fish; and it was with the greatest difficulty that I could pacify the women, and convince them of the impossibility of those animals reaching their heads above the gunwale and lugging them off.Steuart's Bogota.

MANCHESTER MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. THIS institution was established in the year 1824, "for the purpose," as settled at a general meeting of the honorary members, held the 28th day of July in the same year, "of enabling mechanics and artisans, of whatever trade they may be, to become


W. Tierney Clarke, Esq., and a view of it adorns Mr. Paget's acquainted with such branches of science as are of practical appli

second volume. But the exertions of this illustrious noblemen do not close their amount with the suspension-bridge.

"One of the greatest of Széchenyi's achievements is the steam navigation of the Danube. This is his own in idea and in accomplishment. It is now about six years since he first undertook the voyage from Pest to the Black Sea. A comfortable decked boat, a good cook, and a pleasant companion, with the means and appurtenances for shooting, fishing, sketching, and rowing, were not bad preparations against the fatigues and dangers to which he expected to be exposed. The comparative ease and safety of the navigation, the magnificence of the scenery, the size and importance of the tributary streams which poured their waters into the Danube, and the richness of the country on its banks, were secrets revealed to a mind which felt their full force, and happily knew how to employ them. Of course, the timid set him down as mad for undertaking such a journey; but when he returned and ventured to whisper the possibility of steam navigation, even his best friends shook their heads. Steam in Hungary! yes, indeed, in another century!' said those who never think the present the time for action. 'Steam, indeed, in the shallows and rapids of the Danube! No; if we must have steam, why not take the plains? Nature has laid them out for rail-roads,' said others, who oppose everything practicable by proposing something impracticable. Széchenyi let the first wait their time to the second he recommended a speedy commencement of the rail-road, that the

cation to the exercise of that trade; that they may possess a more thorough knowledge of their business, acquire a greater degree of skill in the practice of it, and be qualified to make improvements, and even new inventions, in the arts which they respectively profess."

At the commencement of its career of usefulness, a room was opened for the purpose of furthering its avowed objects. It was soon found, however, that it would be advisable, in order to attain the ends for which the institution was established, to provide a larger, more suitable, and convenient building. Accordingly it was determined that one should be erected; and we learn from a statement made December 24th, 1827, that it was completed at a cost of 70191. 9s. 2d. The building is divided into 11 shares of 6347. 15s. each, which sums, together with 371. 4s. 2d. interest, were the means by which the first building, built avowedly for a Mechanics' Institution in England or elsewhere, was erected. From the report of the directors of 1828, which is the first to which we have access, we learn that the number of subscribers then on the books, who had paid their subscriptions up to Midsummer in that year, was 471; that the number of books delivered to the subscribers during the year, to be read at their own houses, was 10,927; in the preceding year, 6639.

The first delivery of prizes to the most proficient members of the various classes, was on the 12th January, 1829, on which occasion Sir George Phillips, Bart., who had always been a sincere and liberal friend to the institution, delivered an address to the members, in which was contained the following piece of strong advice, although by some it may be condemned as otherwise.

"There is one recommendation which I would take the liberty of suggesting to such persons as are desirous to profit by the means of instruction held out by this institution. If the nature of their employments, and their own inclinations, or a peculiar aptitude, which is now and then shown, for any particular art or science, should lead them to cultivate it, let them give to such art or science the whole of their leisure, and concentrate upon it all the powers of their understanding. A near relation of the late Mr. Watt once told me, that his advice to him when a young man was, to make himself master of one subject, and to learn as much of others as he could. This is the proper advice to be given to all persons in every rank and station in life."

The next distribution of prizes occurred on the 14th January, 1834, on which occasion Viscount Morpeth was present, and delivered an appropriate address to the successful competitors.

It is to be regretted that distributions of prizes are not of more frequent occurrence; why such should not be the case every year, it is difficult to assign a reason. The expense of so doing, some twelve or fifteen guineas, would be but a small amount, if weighed in the scale with the ultimate good which would accrue to the classes, the members of those classes, and consequently to the institution itself. By making it a rule to have annual distributions of prizes to the most proficient members of the various classes, the directors would instil in the breasts of the members of the institution generally a spirit of emulation for excellence, which, whilst it would exalt their characters in the eyes of their neighbours, teach them the benefit and advantage, to say nothing of the pleasure, in excelling in some particular art or science, and raise their moral and intellectual endowments, would also prepare them to fill the various offices of trust in the institution, when the present officers shall have retired, either from the infirmities of old age, or any other of the many causes by which they may be removed. We do not say that these are the only benefits likely to arise, but we contend that they are advantages which alone would justify the adoption of the custom. The state of literature at the present day, it cannot be denied, is such, as will do anything but stamp, in future times, the taste of the present generation as refined or intellectual. It is then the duty of directors of all institutions, having for their objects the advancement and diffusion of knowledge, by every means in their power to infuse into the breasts of the rising generation, whose rights they, for the time being, are elected to protect, such a spirit of emulation and desire for the obtaining and advancing of knowledge as will raise them, in point of moral and intellectual culture, above the general class of men at the present day. In the distribution of prizes, this institution has led the way, at least in Manchester, and we sincerely hope, ere long, to see the plan followed up by every institution of a like nature in the kingdom. We have been led into this expression of our opinion, from the very strong feelings which we have of the good which the adoption of the custom may be the means of effecting.

On the 21st July, 1835, the institution was honoured by a visit from Lord Brougham, who addressed the members in a most friendly yet earnest manner. His Lordship, after his address, accompanied by the directors and several of the earliest friends of the institution, visited the several class and apparatus rooms, in which he appeared to take great interest; and, before departing, expressed himself highly gratified with the general arrangements of the institution, and with the kind reception the directors had given him.

The debt on the building had long been felt as a great drawback on the objects for which the institution was established; accordingly strenuous endeavours have been made to liquidate it. The first step to that desirable end was the opening of an exhibition of works of art, &c., in the Christmas of 1837; a second was held in the Christmas of 1838; and a third is about to be held in the ensuing Easter week. The success of the first exhibition (for it was the first ever held for such a purpose), has been the means of encouraging directors of other institutions to have them; and with what success is known to every one who is at all conversant with the passing events of the present day. A second step to the liquidation of the debt was converting the honorary subscriptions of 11. 1s. per annum to life subscriptions of 107. 10s.;-a number of gentle. men, honorary members, immediately acceded to this proposal. A third step for the like end was holding a bazaar for the sale of fancy, useful, and ornamental articles: it was held in the course of last autumn, and was most successful. The debt at present

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The evenings set apart for lectures are Monday and Friday. It is the opinion of several of the older members of the institution that in this department there is room for extensive improvement; they complain that the nature of the lectures has not been of a sufficiently popular character to hold any inducement to the members for regular attendance; be this as it may, great credit is due to the directors in catering for the taste of the members to the best of their judgment and means.

The library is a great attraction to the members. At the close of 1838 it contained 5036 volumes, classified as below. The works are of the most approved authors in the various departments of literature.

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The deliveries of books for reading for the 12 months ending February, 1839, were 42,451 volumes; and judging from the condition in which a great number appear, we may justly infer that they are well read.

The reading-room is opened daily from half-past nine a.m., to half-past nine p.m. During the evenings there is a large attendance of members. There are a great number of the most popular and instructing periodicals of the present day placed on the tables, to enumerate which would occupy too much room; as a specimen of the whole, we may mention-Edinburgh Review; London and Westminster Review; Quarterly Review; Jameson's Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal; Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ; Bentley's Miscellany; Fraser's Magazine; Tait's Magazine; London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine; Monthly Chronicle; London Saturday Journal; Athenæum; Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, and the Mirror. There are, in the whole, 51 magazines. The various classes are in general well attended, commencing at half-past seven, and concluding at ten o'clock. The reports of the masters each contain gratifying accounts of the pupils. Occasionally the members meet (more especially those classes carried on by mutual instruction) and take coffee together in the institution, at which meetings much information and instruction is conveyed by the conversation which takes place in the course of the evening; some popular question on a science, or branch of a science, being introduced in a short paper by a member of the class. The adoption of this custom, so well adapted for binding the members in one harmonious mass, is attributable, we believe, to the suggestion of the right worthy and generous president of the institution, Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart. The following is a list of the classes :

Grammar; architectural drawing; arithmetic; elocution and composition; mechanical drawing; chemistry (mutual instruction); landscape and figure drawing; vocal music; mutual improvement society; natural history (mutual instruction); writing; algebra, geometry, and mensuration: French; instrumental

music. There is also a select class for the study of logic and mental philosophy on the plan of mutual instruction.

The subscription is 11. per annum, payable yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly. Ladies are admitted as members on the same terms. Such is a short and condensed account of an institution which

has already conferred lasting and innumerable benefits on the working classes; it has taken its stand as one of the foremost in point of regular and disciplined government, and as containing advantages rarely to be met with in any institution of a similar nature, and on the like terms. It is inferior we believe to none save those at Glasgow and London*, and we fervently hope it may long keep its place, and still continue to afford that knowledge to the working classes of Manchester, which will enable them to pass through life, with credit to themselves, their kinsmen, and their country.


THERE is a certain atmosphere of gloom and sunshine, of hope and fear, of meek expectancy and impatience, of curiosity and abstraction, of calm and restlessness, which pervades the antechamber of a skilful physician, and which never fails to have its effect on the spirits of a visitor.

Some years ago, circumstances brought me, among many others who were in search of health, into an apartment such as I have alluded to. On entering the room, the stillness which prevailed was almost death-like. I seated myself on the first vacant chair, and as, happily, the cause of my visit to Dr. D. was not one of absorbing interest, I suffered my mind and my eyes to rove as they listed, and endeavoured to while away the time by translating, as it were, the characters and feelings of my companions. Sometimes a whisper of slight impatience met my ear; sometimes a sigh from a solitary individual, who appeared ashamed of the weakness, and whose short cough betrayed his nervous sensations. Opposite to me sat an interesting girl, of about eighteen, attended by a lady, who watched her young charge with an anxiety truly maternal. The hectic flush which mantled on the fair cheek of the youthful invalid bespoke that cruel disease, consumption. When the summons came for them to go to the physician's private room, the face of the elder lady became pale, and her voice trembled as the words "Come, my love," passed from her lips.

I was musing on the early doom that seemed to await this gentle maiden, when she and her companion returned. The bright smile of hope illumined both their countenances, and they appeared unconscious of any witnesses of their feelings. " Dr. D. considers me much better, dearest aunt; so now you must not be uneasy any longer," said the younger lady. Her aunt looked at her fondly, and replied that her mind was greatly relieved that she felt quite happy. "God grant thou mayest be spared, since thou art so much loved!" ejaculated I mentally, as the fair girl quitted the


My attention was now directed to the solitary person whose stifled sighs had told me that his sufferings were real, and patiently borne. He was scarcely in the prime of life, but his cheeks were sunk and wan. His eyes were too bright and sparkling for one whose visage was so mournful; his apparel hung loosely on his attenuated limbs. He sat there, waiting his turn, without speaking to any one, absorbed apparently in his own thoughts. "Has he no mother, no sister, no wife?" said I to myself; for with the idea of illness, that of a female comforter seems always associated. But the door opened the invalid slowly tottered towards it, and before it closed again, an aged man, whose garb, though extremely clean, bespoke penury, walked meekly into the room, and sinking down into a chair close to the door, he held his worn hat between

* For an account of the London Mechanics' Institution, see the 26th Number of the "London Saturday Journal."

his knees, casting his eyes down to the ground. A few white locks strayed over his broad, high forehead, and the expression of his face was full of intelligence. It was evident that he was not an invalid himself, but was anxious about some one who was. I saw him put his hand into his waistcoat pocket, and take from it a very small paper parcel; he looked at it, pressed it between his fingers, as if to ascertain that its contents were safe, and then replaced it in his pocket. "It is the physician's fee," thought I; "but Dr. D. will not take it from one so poor as thou."

Near to this venerable man sat a young mother and her infant child. How tenderly she pressed the little sufferer to her heart, and how sadly she seemed to gaze on its fair countenance! Ever and anon she parted the sunny locks that waved with natural grace over its snowy forehead, and frequently her lips moved, as she raised her tear-filled eyes to Heaven. She was praying for her child.

There was little to be remarked in the remaining individuals who were waiting the doctor's summons. Some carelessly turned over the leaves of the books that were lying on the table; some examined the paintings that decorated the apartment; and all seemed impressed with a solemn consciousness that they were surrounded by suffering humanity.

By degrees the room became cleared, and I found myself alone with the old man whom I have before described. When the summons came for me, I perceived a flush pass across his venerable face; he half-rose from his seat, pressed his hand to the corner of his waistcoat pocket, then sat down again, and his features resumed their former patient expression. I could not resist the impulse I felt to speak to him. "You are, perhaps, more pressed for time than I am," said I; "pray go now to Dr. D., and say that I can wait. Give him this card, and he will attend to you first."

"Heaven reward you, sir!" replied he. "My only child, the sole joy of my old age, lies dangerously ill, and I am told that Dr. D. is very skilful; so I am come to consult him. It is a long distance to my home, and my poor boy will have no rest while his father is absent." The old man's voice faltered, and I felt an uneasy sensation in my throat, which made me afraid to risk saying more than "Well, lose no time, go at once."

As soon as he was gone, I began to hum a tune-and yet I was in no merry mood; but often, when my spirit has been sad, some old air has pertinaciously rung in my " mind's" ear, and to get rid of it, as a humorous friend of mine would say, I have sung it. My melodious powers, however, soon received a check, for a double rap at the street-door announced a fresh visitor. I heard the servant say, "It is past twelve, sir; Dr. D. cannot receive any more patients to-day." " I will not detain him five minutes," replied a deep, clear, manly voice. "Pray tell your master that this is a case of great importance."

The servant was evidently reluctant to go, but I concluded the speaker had prevailed upon him to do so, as I heard his retreating steps in the hall; and presently the parlour door opened, and a trio entered which immediately attracted my attention. The party consisted of a lady in a widow's dress, and her son and daughter, who were in deep mourning. The lady was apparently about fiveand-forty years of age, and seemed very ill. Her duteous and anxious children were so completely engrossed by their attentions to their suffering parent, that they did not appear to perceive me. They carefully supported her to the sofa, and then in a voice whose silvery tones I shall never forget, the young lady said, "Well, sweet mother, you have borne this fatigue bravely; and surely that is an earnest of future good."

"Bless thee, my child!" faintly answered the invalid; and as she raised her head, I had an opportunity of seeing her beautiful

eyes, which were of the deepest blue, and shaded by long, dark, silken lashes. Her complexion was fair and transparent; her nose and mouth most delicately formed; and there was an angelic sweetness of expression in her countenance, which I have never seen surpassed-seldom equalled. Disease had indeed weakened the fragile frame, but it had not marred the lovely visage, nor destroyed the graceful form. The young man strongly resembled his mother in features and expression; but his complexion and hair were dark, his forehead lofty and finely formed. His sister had the softest dark eyes imaginable; and her hair was of that beautiful glossy black that is so seldom seen, and which requires no art to give it lustre; her figure was fairy-like and graceful, and her small foot and hand were the very perfection of beauty. And there they sat-the brother and sister-one on either side of their patient mother, watching, with all the touching earnestness of filial affection, for the slightest intimation of her wishes. They did love her, they did revere her; she was their joy, their treasure, their idol, and they thought not that she could die.

I was now again summoned to attend my good friend Dr. D.; and as my visit was merely one of dismissal, I soon put an end to the subject of my own health, and told the physician how deeply interested I felt in the party who had just arrived. Dr. D. smiled in his usual benevolent way. He had known me from a child, and was aware that I was somewhat of an enthusiast and a castlebuilder. How delighted I used to be when I was permitted to listen to that excellent man's discourse!---his language was so flowing and elegant, so illustrative of his superior tone of thought. Often have his patients forgotten their complaints whilst he dilated on Nature's beauties, or on the Creator's goodness. Never did he prescribe for their suffering bodies without directing their hearts and minds to Him who alone could bless the means used for their recovery. If all physicians resembled Dr. D., how many a dying pillow would be rendered smooth! how many a mourner would be comforted!

When I took my leave of the doctor, I did not quit the house, It was not an impertinent curiosity that influenced my stay, but an undefinable anxiety to know more of the group I had left in the parlour: so I re-entered the room as they quitted it, and tried to persuade myself that I had forgotten something which I ought to have said to my physician.

The young man assisted his mother to the private apartment, and then returned. We conversed together for half an hour, and were beginning to forget-at least I was that our acquaintance was so recent, when the son was called to attend his parent. I watched them from the window;-how gently he assisted the poor sufferer into the carriage! then handed his sister in, and shutting the door, he bade the coachman drive slowly on; then returning into the house, he went to the doctor's room, and remained with

him some time.

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speak-sympathy is often silent: I held out my hand to him; he grasped it with the frankness of an old friend. Sorrow frequently prepares the way for friendship; it did in this instance. Three months after this our first meeting, the brother and sister and I were assembled in a small, tastefully fitted-up drawing-room; but she for whom it had been decorated was no more! We were all three mourners, but we did not "sorrow as those who have no hope; " -we loved to talk of the departed, and we looked for a reunion with them in a " better land."


As the method of preparing a very wholesome and delicious variety of scone with sago and flour is not generally known, we give it to our readers :

Put into a bason two heaped teacupfuls of pearl sago; pour upon it about as much boiling water as its own bulk: stir them together smartly, during the space of about a minute; add another cupful of dry sago, which must be kept stirring during half a minute more; then cover the bason closely, and allow it to stand till the contents will have become cold enough not to scald the hand; then proceed actively with the hand to work wheaten flour into the mixture, and continue to do so till it becomes a very stiff dough, which may then be formed into scones, about a quarter of an inch thick, dusted over with flour, and baked on a plate of cast-iron (Scottice, a girdle), over a kitchen fire. In this batch the flour will be equal in weight to about two-thirds of the sago. Another method is to keep out the dry sago, and add flour enough to form the dough; but this kind of scone, though more smooth, tough, and fine-looking, is neither more agreeable nor more nutritious than the other. Either of these forms the most delicious of all bread; and while it is greatly preferable to common flour-bread for those who have but little out-door exercise, its cheapness cannot fail to recommend it to those who still believe economy to add a small teaspoonful of salt, which should be put into the water be a virtue. To each teacupful of scalded sago, it is necessary to before it quite boils; and the scones should be pricked with a table-fork, or small pointed wooden pin. To some it may be proper to say, that the cast-iron plate for baking the scones should not be laid on a fire stronger than that generally kept in a room; and that the scone should be allowed to lie about two or three minutes and a half on each side upon the plate, the plate being previously heated.


HAVING in our last Number briefly described the soil, climate, and natural productions of New Zealand, and the condition of the native population, we now proceed to the consideration of the progress made towards its colonisation by Europeans, and the objects aimed at by the New Zealand Company.

We have already mentioned that the missionaries were the earliest colonists, and, since their first settlement, they have gone on steadily extending the sphere of their influence with the natives, on whom their labours and example have wrought very beneficial the Northern Island, the chief establishment being at the Bay effects. The Church Missionary Society has now ten stations in of Islands; thirty-five persons being employed as missionaries, catechists, &c.; there are fifty-four schools of the same Society, containing 1431 scholars; and the total number of persons form

ing the ten congregations are stated to be 2476, of whom 178 are communicants. There are five Wesleyan missionaries, besides teachers of the same denomination; and the establishments of that sect are represented as growing in importance. The missionaries possess very considerable landed property, as public bodies; and extensive purchases, for which a very triffing remuneration has been many of them individually, as private persons, have made most given. Among other transactions of this sort, we may instance one effected by Mr. Wm. Fairburn, a catechist, who owns several of Paihia; and, in 1836, purchased a very extensive tract, supsmall tracts at the Bay of Islands, adjoining the mission station posed to extend for thirty miles in its greatest length, at Tamaka in the Frith of the Thames. Its extent is such that it has been quantity of goods, chiefly blankets and working-tools, worth not described as a whole county. The consideration given was a more than 1501.

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