POLITICS AND POLITICIANS.-Newspapers- amount of information necessary for per- using them with ease and intelligence- CHANCES OF LIVING IN LONDON.-No. 1. -Comparative view of the condition and earnings of members of the various pro- No. 2.-London the most extensive field of labour of any city in the world THE SEALED Book - The Bible written for a progressive creature, and better under- stood as men advance in knowledge-not THE PEOPLE AND THEIR OPINIONS-Means taken to ascertain the real opinions of the "People"-General disposition for the maintenance of good order-Capital punishments-Government regarded as existing solely from its rationality, not on account of its antiquity-Feeling to- wards the sovereign-Economy-Re- presentation Emigration-Changes for 6. Visit to the Fa Te Gardens, and Re- turn to Macao by the Inner Passage 7. Walks about Macao 8. Walks upon the Lapa near Macao 33 Chinese Testimonials of Gratitude 65 72 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. SAVINGS' BANKS AND ANNUITY SOCIETIES CAPITAL PUNISHMENTS-The warning given to Noah considered-No general autho- rity from God for taking away human life-Blood revenge modified by Moses -Capital punishments opposed to the spirit of the Christian religion MUTUAL INSTRUCTION SOCIETIES-Juve- nile debating clubs-evils attendant on them-Beneficial influence of mutual instruction societies-Communications relating to them from correspondents USEFUL KNOWLEDGE; with a few Hints to Members of Mutual Instruction Societies 232 Mental Exercise in relation to health Liverpool Mechanics' Institution 8 Hints for the Management of Sunday ANCIENT GREEK AGRICULTURE AND ARTS 245 ANCIENT GREEK ARTS, DIET, AND MEDI- CINE 339 PAGE 269 The City of the Plagues 218 Ascent of the Peak of Teneriffe 229 39 2. Character, Origin, Superstitions, and 129 238 299 302 23 137 158 189 246 255 259 NEW ZEALAND-No. 1. Importance of, as 27 83 1. Map of the Canton River-Landing at Macao, and Passage from thence to Can- ton; or, a Sail up the Pearl River GLANCES AT SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. 209 Study of Astronomy 225 Hot and Cold Iron Blast 228 Weather Wisdom The Signs of the Zodiac • 264 Mental Exercise in relation to healtlı 5 |