GENERAL CONTENTS. The Review of Evidence respecting the authenticity and Divine Inspiration of the Apocalypse 1. Of the external Evidence relating to the In what degree the external Evidence is affected by the - 2. Of the internal Evidence. A criterion proposed for settling this Evidence, which is 28 The concessions of Michaelis, and observations thereon 29 to 32 Of the doctrines contained in the Apocalypse Of the objections which arose in the third century, and A particular evidence in favour of the question, collected The pretensions of the book to divine inspiration, exa- 48 49 Contains, in ten Sections-d eior that is, the then present state of the Christian Churches in Asia, as known by their omni- 55 SECT. II. CHAP. i. 4-8.-The address or salutation, and the SECT. III. CHAP. i. 9-20.-The appearance of the Lord Jesus, with the symbols of his power, and the commis- SECT. IX. CHAP. iii. 7—13.-Address to the Church in Phil- SECT. I. CHAP. iv.-The representation of the divine Glory SECT. VIII and. IX CHAP. vi. 12—17; and CHAP. vii.- 'PART III. Contains, in seven Sections-The opening of the seventh SECT. I. CHAP. viii. 1-5.-The opening of the seventh Seal, SECT. II and III. CHAP. viii. 6—13.—The four first trum- pets, and the denunciation of the three woes Page 167 172 187 208 216 223 PART IV. Contains, in four Sections-The sounding of the seventh SECT. I. CHAP. xi. 15-19.-The sounding of the seventh SECT. II. CHAP. xii. 1-17.-The Woman and the Dragon. SECT. IV. CHAP. xiii. 11-18.-The Beast from the earth or 239 242 257 |