Hyperion: A Romance

G. Slater, 1849 - 267 sider

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Side 158 - O, thou art fairer than the evening air Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars...
Side 234 - They are all gone into the world of light ! And I alone sit lingering here ; Their very memory is fair and bright, And my sad thoughts doth clear. It glows and glitters in my cloudy breast, Like stars upon some gloomy grove, Or those faint beams in which this hill is drest, After the sun's remove.
Side 234 - He that hath found some fledged bird's nest may know At first sight if the bird be flown ; But what fair well or grove he sings in now, That is to him unknown. And yet, as angels in some brighter dreams Call to the soul when man doth sleep, So some strange thoughts transcend our wonted themes. And into glory peep.
Side 177 - O Land ! For all the broken-hearted The mildest herald by our fate allotted, Beckons, and with inverted torch doth stand To lead us with a gentle hand Into the land of the great Departed, Into the Silent Land ;
Side 101 - Whoe'er she be, That not impossible she That shall command my heart and me; Where'er she lie, Locked up from mortal eye In shady leaves of destiny: Till that ripe birth Of studied Fate stand forth...
Side 174 - One with all the fire of youth. " One on earth in silence wrought, And his grave in silence sought ; But the younger, brighter form Passed in battle and in storm. " So, whene'er I turn my eye Back upon the days gone by, Saddening thoughts of friends come o'er me, Friends who closed their course before me.
Side 43 - Chinese proverb is true ; a single conversation across the table with a wise man, is better than ten years
Side 63 - Already the grass shoots forth. The waters leap with thrilling pulse through the veins of the earth ; the sap through the veins of the plants and trees ; and the blood through the veins of man. What a thrill of delight in Spring-time ! What a joy in being and moving ! Men are at work in gardens ; and in the air there is an odor of the fresh earth.
Side 176 - INTO the Silent Land ! Ah ! who shall lead us thither ? Clouds in the evening sky more darkly gather, And shattered wrecks lie thicker on the strand. Who leads us with a gentle hand Thither, oh, thither, Into the Silent Land...

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