NOTES ON THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS, DESIGNED, PARTICULARLY, TO SHOW THE NATURE OF THE ARGUMENT. FOR THE USE OF Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY PERKINS, MARVIN, & CO. 1835. 2 Oct. 1899. (782) Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1835, BY PERKINS, MARVIN, & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. NOTES ON PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. [SOME of the Epistles of Paul are framed in a regular and connected manner. Their full meaning cannot be perceived, unless they are studied as a whole. It is true that the course of argument is occasionally interrupted by digressions and practical remarks. These, however, increase the importance of a careful examination; otherwise, we shall be unable to perceive the object of the writer, the pertinence of his thoughts, or the reasons for his illustrations and digressions. In the following notes, it will be a main object to point out the force and bearing of particular facts and statements upon the general argument of the apostle. Much light may thus be thrown on passages, which have been doubtful or obscure. The loose and disconnected mode in which the Bible is frequently perused, is one reason why some portions of it, Paul's Epistles, particularly, are so much neglected. There is a strong disrelish for these Epistles in the minds of many professing Christians. Of course, there remain in them "many things hard to be understood." |