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A brief glance at the contents of these volumes will best explain the author's design.

BOOK THE FIRST. - Embraces a view of the Power and Magnificence of the British Empire, with illustrations of the spirit of the feudal and of the modern age.

BOOK THE SECOND. - The General Condition of the mass of the British People in past ages-their burdens and sufferings, during centuries of unrelieved oppression.

BOOK THE THIRD. - The injustice-the wrongs -the oppressive laws and cruel enactments under which the majority of the British People are now struggling.

BOOK THE FOURTH. - A continuation of the same subject, containing a reply to a recent publication entitled, "The Fame and Glory of England Vindicated," by an anonymous libeller of the democratic institutions of the country, writing over the signature of "Libertas."

BOOKS THE FIFTH AND SIXTH. -The sufferings and crime, the ignorance and degradation, which have been caused by these oppressive and unparalleled burdens laid upon the people.

BOOK THE SEVENTH,-Glances at the woes and the struggles of Ireland, under the tyrannical power of England, and her only hope of relief.

BOOK THE EIGHTH --The feelings of the people in view of the deep injustice they have so long suffered, and their determination to endure their slavery no longer.

BOOK THE NINTH. -The opposition of the aristocracy to the liberties of the people, and their determination still to keep them in subjection.

BOOK THE TENTH. - The progress of the Democratic Principle throughout the world, and especially in Great Britain.

BOOK THE ELEVENTH. - The final issue of this conflict-Reform or Revolution.

In illustrating and proving these separate points, I have paid no regard to the criticism which might be made that the work contains too many extracts, for it is absolutely necessary to appeal frequently to unimpeached authorities to defend the statements I have made. In my former work I entirely omitted, or only slightly referred to the subjects I have here discussed at length.

The general favour with which that work was received, I attributed to its defence of that Demo cratic Principle on which our Institutions are founded, and which recognizes man's right everywhere to freedom and self government. Works defending this great principle cannot be popular except in a nation, where the altars of freedom are thronged with true hearted worshippers.

Some may object that I have dwelt entirely on the dark portions of the picture, and hence have not rendered England justice, or given a correct view of her in her state of blended good and evil. I am not insensible to the greatness or the virtues of England, but these are now entirely overshadowed by the great and growing evils that present themselves to the eye on every side, and which are alone to be consulted by him who would know what awaits that haughty and cruel government.

England is every day becoming an object of greater interest. Morally and politically she occupies the centre of the earth. In her fate is in'volved the fate of many other nations. When she changes the world will change. Her history has been unique. From a small island she has become an empire that reaches round the world. From every storm that has swept the face of Europe and blotted out nations, she has emerged with added strength and more extended dominion.

Thus she has gone on, augmenting her power, till her Will has almost become the Law of the world. Does she want the Indies? she takes them. Would she humble China? her war ships darken her coast, carrying desolation to her cities. Would Russia add Turkey to her dominions? she enters the Bosphorus and bids her retire to her northern home. The overthrower of empires, the dispenser of crowns and thrones, she takes and chains on a lonely Isle, and "bids the world breathe free again."

Holding such power, and sustaining such relations, and more than all laying her moulding hand on the millions of half civilized men in every quarter of the globe, she must be an object of intense interest to every thoughtful man. Seeing how the fate of her countless subjects and other governments is connected with hers, he will anxiously inquire, whether the law of growth, maturity and decay, to which other nations have been subject, belongs to her, whether she be now advancing, balancing, or receding. And more than all will he seek to know whether the claims her people are now uttering so loud and piercingly in the ears of the world, are to be disregarded forever, or at length granted.

To answer these questions is all I propose in speaking of the "Fate" of England. I do not profess to be equal to the task of writing her future history. No one can do this. But what each man knows and feels he may utter. His errors others may correct; his truths they may use. I speak confidently only of the present and of the inevitable crisis England is approaching-Reform or Revolution.


New York, Aug. 16, 1842.

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