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" I rightly conceived your meaning ; and if, as you say, confessing a truth indeed may procure my safety, I shall with all willingness and duty, perform your command. " But let not your grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge... "
The Condition and Fate of England ... - Side 30
af Charles Edwards Lester - 1845
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Mr. Pope's Literary Correspondence for Thirty Years, from 1704 to ..., Bind 4

Alexander Pope - 1736 - 178 sider
...Truth indeed may procure my Safety, I mail with all Willingnefs and Duty perform yoiur Command. But let not your Grace ever imagine that your poor Wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a Fault, where not fo much as a Thought thereof preceded. And to fpeak a Truth , never Prince had Wife more...
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The History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey: Prime Minister to King ...

Joseph Grove - 1748 - 474 sider
...Truth indeed may procure my Safety, I (hall with all Willingnefs and Duty perform your Command. ' But let not your Grace ever imagine, that your poor Wife will ever be brought toacknowledge a Fault, where not fo 1 much as a Thought thereof pre1 ceded : And, to fpeak a Truth,...
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The History of England, Bind 6

Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1759 - 602 sider
...truth indeed may procure may fafety, I fhall with all willingnefs and duty perform your command. But let not your grace ever imagine, that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault, where not fo much as a thought ever proceeded ; and to fpeak a truth, never a prince had a wife more...
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The History of England: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the ..., Bind 4

David Hume - 1775 - 400 sider
..." indeed may procure my fafety, I fhall with all willing" nefs and duty perform your command. " BUT let not your grace ever imagine, that your " poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault, "where not fo much as a thought thereof preceded. " And to fpeakatruth, never prince had wife more...
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Bind 10

1780 - 550 sider
...truth indeed may procure my fafety, I mall with all willingneft mí duty perform your command. But let not your Grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault, where not fo much as a thought thereof preceded. And to fpeak a truth, never prince had wife more loyal...
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Elegant Epistles: Or, A Copious Collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters,

Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 912 sider
...truth, indeed, may procure my fafety, I (hall, with all willingnefs and duty, perform your comma:id. But let not your grace ever imagine, that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault, where not fo much as a thought thereof preceded. And, to fpeak a truth, never prince had wife more...
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The Beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians: Connected ..., Bind 2

Joseph Addison - 1801 - 364 sider
...truth indeed may procure my fafety, I (hall with all willingnefs and duty perform your command. " But let not your grace ever imagine, that your poor wife will' ever be brought to acknowlege a fault, where not fo much as a thought thereof preceded. And to fpeak a truth, never prince...
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Female Biography: Or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women ..., Bind 3–4

Mary Hays - 1803 - 414 sider
...truth indeed rnay procure my safety, I shall with all willingness and duty perform your command. "But let not your grace ever imagine that . your poor wife will ever be' brought to acknowledge a fault where not so much as a thought thereof preceded. And, to speak a truth, never prince had wife more...
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Select British Classics, Bind 16

1803 - 376 sider
...truth indeed may procure my safety, I shall with all willingness and duty perform your command. ' But let not your Grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault where not so much as a thought thereof preceded. And to speak a truth, never prince had wife more loyal...
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Female Biography; Or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of ..., Bind 2

Mary Hays - 1803 - 414 sider
...truth indeed may procure my safety, I shall with all willingness »nd duty perform your command. " J3ut let not your grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault where not so much as. a thought thereof preceded. And, to speak a truth, never prince had wife more...
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