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pofitory in which they may be conveniently preferved.


No Man can modeftly promife what he cannot afcertain we hope for the Praise of Knowledge and Discernment, but we claim only that of Diligence and Candour.





Proceedings of the Committee appointed to manage the Contributions begun at London, Dec. 18, 1758, for Cloathing French Pri foners of War.


HE Committee intrusted with the Money contributed to the Relief of the Subjects of France, now Prifoners in the British Dominions, here lay before the Public an exact Account of all the Sums received and expended, that the Donors may judge how properly their Benefactions have been applied.

Charity would lofe its Name, were it influenced by fo mean a Motive as human Praise: It is therefore not intended to celebrate by any particular Memorial, the Liberality of fingle Perfons, or diftinct Societies; it is fufficient that their Works praise them.

Yet he who is far from feeking Honour, may very justly obviate Cenfure. If a good Example has been fet, it may lofe its Influence by Mifreprefentation; and to free Charity from Reproach, is itfelf a charitable Action.

Against the Relief of the French only one Argument has been brought; but that one is fo popular and fpecious, that if it were to remain unexamined, it would by many be thought irrefragable. It has been urged that Charity, like other Virtues, may be improperly and unfeafonably exerted; that while we are relieving Frenchmen, there remain many Englishmen unrelieved; that while we lavish Pity on our Enemies, we forget the Mifery of our Friends."


Grant this Argument all it can prove, and what is the Conclufion? That to relieve the French is a good Action, but that a better may be conceived: This is all the Refult, and this All is very little. To do the beft can feldom be the Lot of Man; it is fufficient if, when Opportunities are prefented, he is ready to do Good. How little Virtue could be practifed, if Beneficence were to wait always for the moft proper Objects, and the nobleft Occafions; Occafions that may never happen, and Objects that may never be found?

It is far from certain, that a fingle Englishman will fuffer by the Charity to the French, New Scenes of Mifery make new Impreffions; and much of the Charity which produced thefe Donations, may be fuppofed to have been generated by a Species of Calamity never known among us before. Some imagine that the Laws have provided all neceffary Relief in common Cases, and remit the Poor to the Care of the Public; fome have been deceived by fictitious Mifery, and are afraid of encouraging pofture; many have obferved Want to be the Effect of Vice, and confider cafual Almfgivers as Patrons of Idlenefs. But all these Difficulties vanish in the prefent Cafe: We know that for the Prisoners of War there is no legal Provifion; we fee their Diftrefs, and are certain of its Caufe; we know that they are poor and naked, and poor and naked without a Crime.


But it is not neceffary to make any Conceffions. The Opponents of this Charity muft allow it to be good, and will not eafily prove it not to be the beft. That Charity is beft, of which the Confequences are moft extenfive: The Relief of Enemies has a Tendency to unite Mankind in fraternal Affection; to foften the Acrimony of adverfe Nations, and difpofe them to Peace and Amity: In the mean Time, it alleviates Captivity, and takes away fomething from


the Miseries of War. The Rage of War, however mitigated, will always fill the World with Calamity and Horror: Let it not then be unneceffarily extended; let Animofity and Hoftility cease together; and no Man be longer deemed an Enemy, than while his Sword is drawn against us.

The Effects of thefe Contributions may, perhaps, reach still further. Truth is beft fupported by Virtue: We may hope from those who feel or who fee our Charity, that they fhall no longer deteft as Herefy that Religion, which makes its Profeffors the Followers of Him, who has commanded us to do good to them that hate us.'


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With an Account of the Honour that is due to an ENGLISH FARMER.


GRICULTURE, in the primeval Ages, was the common Parent of Traffick; for the Opulence of Mankind then confifted in Cattle, and the Product of Tillage, which are now very effential for the Promotion of Trade in general, but more particularly fo to fuch Nations as are most abundant in Cattle, Corn, and Fruits. The Labour of the Farmer gives Employment to the Manufacturer, and yields a Support for the other Parts of a Community: It is now the Spring which fets the whole grand Machine of Commerce in Motion; and the Sail could not be fpread without the Affiftance of the Plough. But, though the Farmers are of fuch Utility in a State, we find them in general too much difregarded among the politer Kind of People in the present Age: While we cannot help obferving the Honour that Antiquity has always paid to the Profeffion of the Hufbandman: Which naVOL. II. turally


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