SERMONS ON SELECT SUBJECTS, BY THOMAS SCOTT, CHAPLAIN TO THE LOCK HOSPITAL. He that abideth in me, and 1 in him, the same bringeth forth much JOHN XV. 5. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. -xvii. 17. LONDON: PRINTED BY D. JAQUES. SOLD BY J. S. JORDAN, 166, FLEET STREET; J. WOODHOUSE, LOWER BROOK STREET; BUTTON, PATERNOSTER ROW; N. MEREDITH, MOUNT STREET, NEAR THE ASYLUM, ST. GEORGE'S FIELDS: M. DCC.XCVI. THE PREFACE THE sacred scriptures speak of dead works, and of a dead faith; of a form of godliness, and a form of knowledge and in whatever way these may be combined together; the whole, as well as each of its constituent parts, must be widely different from living faith, the power of godliness, and a new creation to good works. So that there is often far more coincidence in this respect, between men of discordant sentiments on speculative points, than is generally supposed. To shew the absolute necessity of evangelical principles in order to holy practice; and their never-failing efficacy in sanctifying the heart, when cordially received; and to exhibit, according to the best of the author's ability, the nature and effects of genuine christianity, as distinguished from every species of false religion, without going far out of his way to combat any of them; is the especial design of this publication. But he has, at the same time endeavoured to explain, establish, and enforce his views of the gospel in that manner, which was deemed most likely to inform the mind and affect the heart of the attentive and teachable reader. The doctrinal part of the apostolical epistles is always stamped practically; and the holy tendency of every divine truth is clearly shewn on the other hand the practical exhortations are constantly enforced by This may evangelical motives and encouragements. therefore be considered as a good test of sterling divinity, by which it may be know from all that is counterfeit, or greatly debased with alloy. The texts selected for these sermons are generally very plain and comprehensive; and the evident meaning of them, as they stand in the scriptures, has been carefully investigated and adhered to: so that the reader, who hesitates concerning the doctrine, or the conclusions deduced from it, may, by diligently examining the context, perceive how far these are warranted by the authority of the sacred writers. The author, since he first circulated his proposals, has been determined by the advice and reasons of his friends, to omit the short prayers, which he intended to add at the end of each sermon; and only to subjoin some forms of family worship at the conclusion of the work. But he hopes, that, as in other respects he has exceeded the proposals, he shall escape censure in this particular; and be credited in saying, that he had no motive in the alteration, but to avoid every obstacle to the usefulness of the publication. To the special blessing and providential disposal of the only wise God our Saviour, he would commend this feeble endeavour to glorify him and promote the cause of the gospel: and whatever reception it may meet with from the publick in general; he shall deem himself abundantly recompensed, if any persons should, by means of it, be brought to the saving knowledge of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, into whose name all Christians are baptized, May 12, 1796. THE NAMES OF THE SUBSCRIBERS. A Lady Austen, Grosvenor-place. Lady Jane Beeches. T.Babington, Esq.Rothly Temple Rev. G. Bugg, Dewsbury. Rev. Mr. Benamor, Orlingbury. Rev. Wal. Buchanan, Canongate, Edingb. 6 cop. Miss Bird, Clapham. Mr. Batman. Queen-st.Brompton. Mr. Blaunchard, York. Mr. Boston, Brentwood. Mr. Boggis, Goodman's fields. C Creuzè, Esq. Beddington 3 cop. Thomas Cornwall, Esq. F.Cobb, Jun.Esq.Margate,6 cop. Capt. Cooper, Great Russel st. Bloomsbury. Rev. Mr. Brooksbank, Newing-Rev. Jos. Crowder, Wrestling ton Green, worth, Bedfordshire, |