CUBBERLEY LIBRARY NATURE STUDY AND THE CHILD BY CHARLES B. SCOTT, A.M. RECENTLY INSTRUCTOR IN NATURE STUDY AT THE STATE NORMAL LIBRARY OF THE LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITY. A53185 COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY D. C. HEATH & CO. AUG 2 1901 Plimpton Press H. M. PLIMPTON & CO., PRINTERS & BINDERS, NORWOOD, MASS., U.S.A. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. AIM AND METHOD IN NATURE STUDY. - I. ADVANTAGE OF BEGINNING DISCUSSION OF NATURE STUDY II. STUDY OF STRUCTURE OF DANDELION AS AN ISOLATED THING A. Investigation and description of parts B. Educational aim and value of such study. 2. Cultivates interest in wayside weed. 3. Develops power of observation. 4. Develops power of expression. a. Broadens knowledge. b. May increase and broaden interest in plants. e. Develops power to compare, discriminate, and 15 III. STUDY OF DANDELION (Continued) — B. Functional relations, or relations of dependence on and adaptation to physical environment 3. Educational aim and value of such study of life and a. Interest is intensified and sympathy developed. b. Appreciation of beauty-beauty of function d. Gives a broader knowledge, a better insight IV. STUDY OF HIGHER RELATIONS OF DANDELION 2. By its life and symbolism appeals to ethical nature. 3. Is one of the pages of the "manuscript.of God." 3. Conditions, such as age and capacity of pupils. |